I believe in order to truly redefine leadership one must invest in professional development. In order for us as leaders to be truly transformational, we must engage in educational practices that boots our leadership techniques. Nevertheless, in order to successfully redefine leadership we must invest in a coach. I believe that as we invest in a coach to redefine our leadership techniques we learn how to relinquish control. Moreover, this allows us to distribute roles within our team which leads to organizational cohesiveness. Taylor (2010) opined that coaching skills for leaders is essential in the workplace to develop, motivate and inspire your staff. As our society continuously changes we as leaders must understand the importance of leadership mentoring and counselling. In order to be truly content as leader, we must understand that as leaders we must continuously work on ourselves in order to maintain a competitive edge. Leadership is not easy and now that society has changed drastically we must find ways to reinvent ourselves to keep our teams and staff involved. One important skill that we need to stay on top of is technology. Understanding technology is extremely important as a leader because I need to understand how to adapt to the concept that eventually, our roles as leaders will become virtual. It is important to keep abreast of new technology and software to enhance my technological skills. I think that it is fundamental I incorporate multiple media techniques to enhance my leadership techniques. The implementation of technology as a leader enhances my overall performance. Global migration is occurring rapidly and domestic and international markets have become more connected. Therefore, as an emerging leader my knowledge and skills of new technology is essential to my leadership potential. Being able to quickly learn new technology will assist me when necessary to manage a virtually diverse team. Research has shown that individuals who invest in technology are advanced in their careers. Söllner, Hoffman & Leimeister (2016) opined that the importance and acceptance of technology as leaders in this technological age has proven to have many positive outcomes in organizations. As society becomes more digitalized and interconnected, it should be top priority to ensure that I engage in new technology and software to keep abreast of the changes to come. In this digital age, it is fundamental to stress the importance of technology and its benefits. Moreover, because society has become so technologically inclined, there has been an increase in consumer and worker satisfaction as well as internal growth and development. Attaran, Attaran & Kirkland (2019) stated that as technology is advancing, the workplace must be equipped with smart devices to accommodate changes in the workplace. Furthermore, the benefits of digital leadership has proven to be significant especially if the necessary steps are taken to adapt to new strategic processes. In order to successfully advance and adapt to new and current technology, as a leader I must be adaptable to change. Enhancing adaptive capabilities is essential to my career development as a leader. Ye (2015) mentioned that frequent changes in workforce patterns has increased the awareness of information technology within the workplace resulting in employees to quickly adjust and adapt to changes. Moreover, technology has increased causing there to be gap between technology and person job fit within the organization. Another important characteristic that I possess is the ability to understand and quickly process new software such as Zoom, Webex and Skype. Due to COVID-19 pandemic, my workforce dynamic has completely changed. My entire job duties are now strictly virtual causing me to learn new technology to stay connected with my team. Due to the virus, my organization did not have the proper infrastructure to rapidly allow people to work remotely. More than 500 laptops were ordered to guarantee that each employee had access to the remote VPN to work from home. Due to widespread of COVID-19 social distancing has been implemented which has caused a strain on vendor partner relationships.
Attaran, M., Attaran, S., & Kirkland, D. (2019). The need for digital workplace: Increasing workforce productivity in the information age. International Journal of Enterprise Information Systems, 15(1), 1. doi:http://dx.doi.org.ezproxylocal.library.nova.edu/10.4018/IJEIS.2019010101
Söllner, M., Hoffmann, A., & Leimeister, J. M. (2016). Why different trust relationships matter for information systems users. European Journal of Information Systems, 25(3), 274-287. doi:http://dx.doi.org.ezproxylocal.library.nova.edu/10.1057/ejis.2015.17
Taylor, P., F.InstA.M. (2010). COACHING SKILLS FOR LEADERS IN THE WORKPLACE: How to develop, motivate and get the best from your staff. Manager, , 29. Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com.ezproxylocal.library.nova.edu/docview/1348884414?accountid=6579 (Links to an external site.)
Ye, L. (2015). WORK VALUES AND CAREER ADAPTABILITY OF CHINESE UNIVERSITY STUDENTS. Social Behavior and Personality, 43(3), 411-421. doi:http://dx.doi.org.ezproxylocal.library.nova.edu/10.2224/sbp.2015.43.3.411