Organizational Behaviour Analysis

According Bauer and Erdogan (2012) administrator in any organization agrees that Organizational Behavior Analysis remains a fundamental component of administration. Thriving managers take up their management roles by understanding how different aspects of an organization help in successful management. The aspects that help management to be successful understand modes of communication, types of culture, emotional intelligence, techniques of motivation virtual elements, and authority that influence the psychological characteristic of the workers. Triumphant managing uses Organizational Behavior analysis to get knowledgeable conclusions about staff interactions with other colleagues in others departments of the companies.

Fisher, Piazza and Roane (2011) illustrated that analysis helps managers to make and effectively implement goals that are in line with the organization’s vision. Also, organizational Behavior Analysis helps Managers to review the progress as they update organization’s vision based on how employees behave in the workplace. The managers should be keen to sight the major aspects in organizational behavior analysis. With this perceptive, managers make conclusions and learned decisions on how to advocate the organization’s vision. This study is often conducted on both individuals and groups of employees. When an analysis is done on an individual, it seeks to show the individual’s perceptive, creativeness and output, motivation levels, joint effort, cognitive capability and character of the individual.

Individuals seeks to disclose their management traits, networking, communication with colleagues, group unity, effects of power and conflict among others(Miner 2001). Through understanding an individual employee, the manager will set goals in the way that improves effectiveness and productivity of the employees. This analysis assists the human resource department in selecting, hiring and training employees as per the set goals and visions of the organization.

1.    Influence of Culture on Organizational Behavior

According to Rollinson (2008) in all organizations, there are a set of rules and principles which are adopted by the organization to help in achieving goals and visions. These set of rules are the culture of an organization. These cultures are divided into pluralism, dualism or salad bowl.  Pluralism is where an organization is set in a way that the organization tolerates religious, racial and national diversity of the employees. Successful management will set and advocate for organizational culture favoring any employee. Conducting organizational behavior analysis by the management will help in comprehending how cultural relations among staff affect the business. When a manager embraces cultural multiplicity, they conduct enrollment processes which sought to maintain the organization’s goal. Through embracing cultural diversity, there are positive benefits of people being organized and responsible.

A factor that shapes one’s identity is considered as influence to one’s culture. Every culture has its set of social behavioral patterns and tends to become more aware of an organization’s culture in comparison to other organizations. Maybe the first organization one works in had employees dressing formally (Rollinson, 2008).

Help Sciences (2016) illustrates that in some organizations, it is considered inappropriate to question one’s boss in a meeting. It is usually considered important to check your e-mail before facing questions on Monday about where you were and cause of your illness. Contrast such an organization, one may find employees dressing more casually. During meetings, you get encouraged to raise issues even asking questions to one’s boss or peers, even in front of clients. The important issue is solving problems not to maintain impressions. Additionally, in some organizations no one is likely work at night or on the weekends except if they have a deadline to meet  yet there are other organizations that do so. These two hypothetical examples of organizations shows there are different cultures in organizations thus culture dictates an organization’s right or acceptable behavior and wrong and unacceptable behavior.

2.    Modes of communication

According to Help Sciences (2016) communication facilitates harmonization, broadcast of information, and sharing feelings and emotions in an organization. The synchronization of efforts in a company ensures the staff toils toward parallel goals. Information transmission is a crucial part of communication. In the workplace employees bond through sharing emotions and feelings and this unites them during celebration and crisis. Effective communication helps in understanding issues as one builds rapport with coworkers to achieve consensus. Communication is effectively achieved through understanding the communication process. Communication at an organization is used to inform employees about the vision of the organization so that they undertake it effectively. Through ensuring that there are no barriers to communication an organization has no hurdles to halt communication. A company makes the working environment conducive to communicate even though there must be some formal limits on the workforce concerning any message for work purposes or even for leisure.

According Research Matic (2016) this kind of restriction ensures that command is not abused and employees are contented with one other. The main form of communication is oral communication, which is passing information by word of mouth. There is also written communication, which is crucial because all information of the organization is shared via intranet connection in the organization. Both communication forms get used depending on the circumstances and effectiveness to work in the organization.  The shorter the chain of command the more effective communication becomes with both, bottom-up and top-down communication being done as per the situation’s need and demand.

 Miner (2006). illustrates that where there is a shorter chain of command the CEO and an intern might be seated together which will fosters working together. This nature of authority allows for a higher learning quotient and floatation of ideas in the organization. Employees are provided with potential ways to improve performance and through achieving the required goal one is appreciated which boosts their morale. Verbal communication is facilitated when it is easy to talk to a colleague about work related issues. Communication technology is considered an important element that helps an organization to know the strategy it should use to market their goods and services. Delivering quality to the customers for customer satisfaction has aided the advancements in communication technologies. Use of this technology ensures that you get to your clientele wherever as you help solve their tribulations in real-time.

3.    Nature of Authority

 Miner (2006) also shows that formal authority is most important in an organization. The formal authority has communication channels control and is segregated at the different level used in ranking. In moving up the authority rank, one needs time although exceptions are there when employees move very fast up the managerial success ladder. At the highest authority levels, one makes decisions beyond a higher level after one has earned the trust of the management. One is granted this authority as an expert authority, not a formal authority because they know a lot about a subject hence becoming leaders and expertise in the organization.

Ashkanasy, N. (2002) demonstrated that in some cases, there is an even organizational composition whereby the character of power in an organization is also associated with an even business. The staff get empowered to have the real power of doing work the way they want thus ensuring one becomes responsible and accountable for their work. Decision making is allowed and taking up challenges does not get monotonous for them as they get rewarded for their good perform. In so doing one explores new horizons for knowledge and wisdom as they polish their skills. Some authority natures advocate the building of trust within the employees and make them confident towards experiencing their worth and value.

According Cherniss (2010) when employees feel important in an organization, they automatically get motivated to work towards achieving company’s objectives. Employees end up being more and more decisive, confident and ready to accept challenges. Workers at such levels gain humility and are loyalty to the organization. The power specified to them helps in realizing their importance in the business thus adding a sense of headship amongst the workforce. The workers get to be familiar with how to deal with rivalry in the most competent conduct as they make the company’s worth. By dealing with adversities one also gains an explanation for better communication amongst employees. They are trained to work individually and in teams towards the improvement of the corporation. For example, workers from dissimilar sectors of the company get allocated a job on a precise assignment so that they may correspond and share their ideas and know-how in the midst of themselves to form improved outputs.

4.    Motivational techniques

According to Burnes ,et al (2004) most organizations are geared towards their employees being motivated and loyal. Where an employee feels appreciated, they rarely leave the company and are happy working for the company or organization. The loyalty to a company comes about when an employee appreciates the company for creating a conducive environment for its employees to work. All companies use several motivational techniques that are at the core of the system. An organization may use the extrinsic type of motivation which involves the concrete services and financial items to give physical advantage to staff. Using such a motivational type of structure is a very strong constituent because staff gets several benefits from the company. However, the extrinsic motivation is not always enough, and this is where the intrinsic system is used. It is evenly significant to give intrinsic motivation as a motivating force for the corporation’s success and excellent feat of the workers. This intrinsic way that a corporation uses to motivate its workforce on the inside may consist of giving challenges to employees, delegating work, giving employees responsibilities and recognizing their work. This system of motivation correctly shows of an organization where employees are empowered enough to take the decision themselves.

Basic motivation theories get developed to explain motivated behavior in an attempt to satisfy needs of employees. Based on this approach, managers benefit from understanding needs of employees through the employees’ actions and thus get to know how to manage the employees. Additional theories clarify motivated manners as via the cognitive processes to know workforce in an organization. Employees respond differently to grievances in a workplace, they gain knowledge of their actions and then use the positive behaviors that pilot to required results. Motivation helps employees to exert effort for them to works towards the desired outcomes and rewards. These entire hypotheses are never absolute by their own, for each theory provides a structure to interpret, analyze, and run behavior of employees in the place of work. Stress of employees in the workplace is a major concern to organizations. Being exhausted is an outcome of prolonged stress. To lessen negative health and work outcomes associated with stress, individuals and organizations work towards understanding one’s emotions for them to help individuals manage them with ease. Emotional intelligence helps in coping with the job’s emotional demands (Burnes ,et al 2004).

5.    Influence of emotional quotient on organizational behavior

General Knowledge Today (2016) illustrates that in many organizations, emotional quotient does dictate organizational behavior. Emotional quotient or intelligence is the ability to control one’s emotions. Managers usually monitor the employees’ emotions for them to know if they have lost motivation to work. This objective is achieved through encouraging staff to make use of motivational phrases that are related to the job principles. Some organizations persuade their employees to study motional books so as to motivate themselves. There are also some organizations that go to the extent of providing motivation material to the employees thus making an employee feel appreciated .By providing such kind of motivation, an organization analyzes the emotional quotient of employees as this helps the organization gets to know the productive capacity of their employees. The company also understands the right motivational technique to use in solving problems.

According Cherniss (2001) sometimes an organization will hire new employees to take over responsibilities so as to maintain progress. This kind of strategy involves executive chain of command playing a chief task in organizational behavior; the workforce from low to high level is related. Top-rank administration ought to at all times guarantees a worker ought to perceive that the managing director are determined to have  better expectations for clients as well as for them. For this, workplace behaviors are enhanced continuously by using self-examination and other information-gathering tools to help an organization in knowing more about how work is done by employees. This method is distinguished by discrete decision- making which lets people directly get involved with the job to make up their mind.

Hambley, O’Neill, and  Kline (2007)  demonstrated that the characteristics of a bendable power include establishing an unofficial association, positive disapproval of thoughts among members with very few printed set of laws and regulations to avoid pessimistic disturbing disagreement and reactions towards others. This performance in organizational behavior tends to form additional emotional stability. No work setting exists alone for it is a component of extremely huge series system. It influences the mood of people, affects running circumstances, and provides rivalry for capital and command. Efficiently supervising these situations requires exceedingly steady mind, close vigilance and continuous, adaptability to changes, and managing difficult situations through excellent judgment making. Those corporations which have emotional astuteness as a part of their preparation program can supervise their outside setting more successfully than those that are materialistic.

It helps staff develop self-discipline and accountability that creates a setting in which all staff may put in the limits of their enhanced capabilities. Emotional intelligence works in organizations and managerial units if workforce can comprehend the emotions and feelings of their own. It is a individual skill of self understanding which an organization and administrative units use to recognize the culture within which those emotions function. Emotional Quotient is the skill through which one gets to know about the emotions of others, and how the organization affects them. Emotional astuteness offers understanding of others, means to interrelate with others that assist the advance in productivity and improve relationships in life (Hambley, O’Neill, and  Kline 2007) .

6.    Influence of virtual elements on organizational behavior

Due to technology innovation, many organizations are shifting the way they embark on commerce activities. Organizations are embracing new technological methods as they go about their organizational activities. For instance, embracing technology has led to workers without required skills to lose their jobs or forced to fit in the ever altering surroundings. The broad use of technology has led to productivity equally improving with time.

            Hambley, O’Neill, and Kline (2007) illustrated that thanks to technology, several companies put on autopilot their invention method which in turn positively impacts organization’s growth. Communication has very much facilitated the use of teleconferencing and other technologies. Through introducing a new technology into the invention process organizations outsource making activities save on capital and time. The optimistic consequence becomes continuous expansion towards the productive power of the organization thus leading to contented customers and high-quality profits to investors. Companies make the most of social benefits through telecommuting thus enabling telecommuters to work together with employees in teams. From different office interactions employees derive many social benefits. The social conversations facilitate team-based work projects through communication of co-workers during the duration of a project. A work-related social relation offers employees a chance to monitor a wide variety of expert styles as they make associates in advancing their careers. Bonding with co-workers over a shared qualified experience and wellbeing helps keep the workplace friendly for work. These job-related social interactions are essential aspect of the social know-how of working.

Arvenpaa and Leidner (1998) demonstrated behaviors such as squad harmonization and preparation are a good description and division of accountability.   Headship should also find ways to encourage and sustain active management of socialization behavior thus providing adequate levels of face to face interaction. Managers also need to find and put into use technology which is tailored to the needs of their projects of the organization so as to facilitate collaboration in the workplace. Additionally, technology must be effectively integrated for it to help in information sharing through the best infrastructure of communication. Many large organizations have decentralized control thus allowing too much independence in the choice of technology. Web-based software to be used requires centralization to prevent different groups from making independent decisions. At the identical time, these decisions need to be incorporated with other knowledgeable decisions to ensure the apparatus that are selected will run correctly through regionally strong-minded applications.


Bauer, T. & Erdogan, B. (2012). An Introduction to Organizational Behavior (1st ed.).

Fisher, W. W., Piazza, C. C., & Roane, H. S. (2011)… Handbook of applied behavior analysis. New York: Guilford Press

Miner, J. (2001) Organizational Behavior 1: Essential Theories of Motivation and Leadership (1st ed.). New York: Oxford University Press.

Rollinson, D. (2008) Organisational behaviour and analysis: An integrated approach  (1st ed., pp. 200- 230). New Jersery: FT Prentice Hall.

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Arvenpaa, S.L. & Leidner, D.E. (1998). Communication and trust in global virtual teams. Organization Science. 10(6), 791–815. .

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