Aim of assessment
Standard 1 of the NMBA Registered Nurse Standards for Practice outlines the requirement for nurses to use best available evidence for safe, quality practice and to develop practice through reflection on experiences, knowledge, actions,feelingsandbeliefs(NMBA,2016).
The aim of this essay is for students to describe, and reflect on, a nursing related event reported in the media and using the National Safety and Quality Health Service (NSQHS) standards developed by ACSQHC (Australian CommissionforSafetyandQualityinHealthcare)identifywhatnursesmightdotoimprovetheirpracticeandreduce theriskofasimilarerror.
AcopyofthearticleofthenursingrelatedincidentandNSQHSstandardthatyoumustbaseyouressayonisavailable onvUWSintheassessment1folderlocatedintheassessmentstab.
Studentswillwriteanappropriatelystructuredessaythatincludesand/oraddressesthefollowingpoints. Aguideto thenumberofwordsyoumaywishtouseforeachsectionisprovidedinbracketsaftereachpoint.
– Aconciseintroductionthatidentifiestheincidenttobediscussedwithbackgroundinformation,athesisstatement(astatementthattellsthereaderwhatyoubelieveaboutthetopic),andoutlineofthemainideastobe discussedintheessay(Approximately150words)
– Acomprehensivedescriptionofthenursingincidentincludinganexplanationofthenurse’sroleintheincident
– Identifyandexplaintheconsequencesofthisincidentforthenurseandthehealthconsumer(patientandtheir family)(Approximately150words)
– Throughthedevelopmentofanursingactionplan,identifyanddescribethenursingactionsthatdemonstrates howthenursescanimprovetheirpracticeinawaythatpreventstheincidentreoccurring(Approximately250 words)
– A brief reflection of the incident using the points below from Rolfe et al’s (2001) reflective model (1 or 2 sentencesoneachpointbelow). (Approximately150words)
– What? Whatfeelingsdidthiseventevoke(suggest)foryou?
– So What? So what does this tell you about the nurse’s actions in this incident (were they appropriate, were theycorrect,wasitbestpractice?). Whatdoyouthinkthenursemighthavebeenthinkingwhenthemistake occurred?
– Now What? Nowwhatknowledgecouldthenursehaverememberedandappliedtoensuretheincidentdidn’t occur. Isthereadditionalinformationthenurseneedsinordertobesafe?
– UsethelinkbelowtoviewRolfe’setal.’s(2001)reflectivemodelandseeanexampleofhowthiscanbeapplied
– A conclusion that concisely summarises the main ideas raised in the essay, restates the thesis statement and concludeswithafinalstatement(Approximately150words)
– Appropriateuseoflanguageandconventions,andappropriatesupportofrelevantacademicresources,including appropriateNMBAandACSQHCstandardsthroughouttheessay
– Your introduction, main body and conclusion paragraphs in this essay must use 3rd person. However, your reflectionparagraphmayuse1stor3rdperson
– Applies appropriate, academic resources and uses correct APA 7th style referencing both in text and on a completereferencelist
There is a word limit of 1000 words. Use your computer to total the number of words used in your assignment. However,donotincludethereferencelistattheendofyourassignmentinthewordcount.In-textcitationswillbe included in the additional 10% word count. If you exceed the word limit by more than 10% the marker will stop markingat1000wordsplus10%.
Important Note: The marking criteria add up to a mark of 60. The assessment is weighted at 30%. Therefore, yourmarkoutof60willbeconvertedtoamarkoutof30%foryourfinalgrade
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