
Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is for you to develop a Relationship Building Action Plan. Outcome Met by Completing This Assignment use leadership theories, assessment tools, and an understanding of the role of ethics, values, and attitudes to evaluate and enhance personal leadership skillsdevelop and implement methods for establishing a constructive organizational structure and culture that fosters positive employee and employer relationshipsassess the interactions between the external environment and the organization to foster responsible and effective leadership and organizational practicesBackground:After a relaxing weekend, you come to work, sit down at your desk and open your email.  The following is an email to you from Andrew Rockfish:I am sending this email to you because of the personal nature of the material contained within your next assignment.  It is incumbent upon all good leaders to assess continuously their personal leadership skills, style, and approach. You will be developing a personal relationship building assessment plan.  Much like an annual doctor’s check-up, the goal of the assessment plan is to develop a procedure for evaluating the status of your personal skills, style, and attitude in your work with others.  Included in the assessment plan is a review of your leadership strengths, weaknesses, results of leadership assessments, feedback methodology, attitude, and leadership style.Relationship building is a dynamic process just as situations change so too can the people skills needed to address the situation. Periodic review of those skills will benefit you by noting weaknesses and areas of change or improvement needed in your behavior.So, what exactly am I asking you to do that needs confidentiality?  Well, your plan is going to be the result of the following hypothetical evaluation you received after your first year with GDD.  Although the hypothetical evaluation could be much better, we have found that the results provide trainees the opportunity to reflect upon one’s actual results and to prepare for personal growth moving forward. The hypothetical scenario is one in which you were promoted a year ago into a leadership position.  However, the past year has proved to show several issues and the results are not at all what we were hoping for when we promoted you.  Still, experience has taught us that help starts with an employee taking stock of their personal skills.   Since we believe that you have the potential for being an excellent department head, we would like to take measures toward your development.  Please follow the instructions below: Instructions:NOTE:  All submitted work is to be your original work (only created and prepared by you). You may not use any work from another student, the Internet or an online clearinghouse.  You are expected to understand the Academic Dishonesty and Plagiarism Policy, and know that it is your responsibility to learn about instructor and general academic expectations with regard to proper citation of sources as specified in the APA Publication Manual, 6th Ed. (Students are held accountable for in-text citations and an associated reference list only).   Step 1:  Preparation for the Assignment Before you begin writing the report, you will read the following requirements that will help you meet the writing and APA requirements.  Not reading this information will lead to a lower grade:Review “How to Analyze a Case Study” under Week 6 Content.  You are expected to use the facts from the case scenario focusing on using this information to determine opportunities and solve problems.Read the grading rubric for the assignment.  Use the grading rubric while writing the report to ensure all requirements are met that will lead to the highest possible grade.In writing this assignment, you will read and following these tasks: Third person writing is required.  Third person means that there are no words such as “I, me, my, we, or us” (first person writing), nor is there use of “you or your” (second person writing).  If uncertain how to write in the third person, view this link:  http://www.quickanddirtytips.com/education/grammar/first-second-and-third-person.Contractions are not used in business writing, so you are NOT to use contraction in writing this assignment. You are expected to paraphrase and are NOT to use direct quotes.  You are expected to paraphrase, which can be learned by reviewing this link:   https://writing.wisc.edu/Handbook/QPA_paraphrase2.html.You are responsible for APA only for in-text citations and a reference list.  Cite the page or paragraph number.You are expected to use the facts from the case scenario paired with the weekly courses readings to develop the analysis and support the reasoning.  No more than three (3) external resources can be used in completing the assignment.  The expectation is that you provide a robust use of the course readings.  If any material is used from a source document, it must be cited and referenced with a page or paragraph number.  No books can be used as resource documents.  A reference within a reference list cannot exist without an associated in-text citation and vice versa.    Step 2:  How to Set Up the Plan Create a Word or Rich Text Format (RTF) document that is double-spaced, 12-point font.  The final product will be between 6-8 pages in length excluding the title page and reference page and appendix.  Write clearly and concisely. Follow a Report Format.   Create a title page with title, your name, the course, the instructor’s name and date;IntroductionLeadership Table (make sure the tables are formatted to fit within the report and are easy to read and interpret)Leadership AssessmentRelationship Building Action Plan
Step 3:  Leadership Table 
In this hypothetical scenario, your review has been completed and the results of the evaluation as well as feedback from your peers and direct reports are in your hands.  The key to success in this project is to accept that the content in the  “GDD Evaluation Form” as a real assessment of your performance at GDD for the first year’s work in this position.  Although the information within the form is obviously hypothetical, you must place yourself in the position and address the situation as if it were truly you. Carefully review the Evaluation Form and Peer/Direct Report Comments:    Examine the comments and information from the two documents:  Evaluation Form and Peer/Direct Report Comments.  Identify those statements/comments that relate to the following concepts: your strengths as a leader, your weaknesses as a leader, communication skills, personality, emotional IQ, with respect to others – trust, leadership attitude, leadership style, and vision/strategic goal implementation. Complete the Leadership Table with the statements/comments you have identified. TopicComment Phrase (s)Strengths as a Leader Weaknesses as a Leader Communication Skills Personality Emotional IQ Trust Leadership Approach Demonstrated Leadership Style Vision/Strategic Goal Implementation     Using the main topics listed in the table above, write one paragraph for each topic, relating the identified statements/comments to conclusions that you draw about your effectiveness as a relationship builder over the past year.  Use the course readings (weeks 1 – 6) to support your conclusions/reasoning.  Be brutally honest with the conclusions that you draw.  This is personal and means your future with GDD is on the line. Step 4:  Leadership AssessmentTo ensure you have a complete picture of your leadership skills, you will need to take the leadership assessments listed below.  If you took any of these assessments back in week 5, you may use the results but you must complete all assessments.  Copy the actual results in the appendix of the plan.  Note:  your results are confidential. Then, write a short summary of the results of each quiz or test.  The summary is your explanation of the results and not a copy/paste of the results.  Jung Personality Typology TestEmotional Intelligence QuizCommunication SkillsSelf Esteem QuizAre you a Leader TestLeadership SkillsLeadership Style Quizzes  Step 5:  Relationship Building Action PlanNow that you have completed the Leadership Assessments, it is time to develop a plan of action for improvement. Think of the leadership action plan as a way to improve the relationship-building skills with others and influence the people within the department to accomplish the work in an efficient manner that meets organizational standards and satisfies customers.  In completing the Action Plan, you will identify the gaps between the statements/comments from the table and the leadership assessment results.  Focus on the process of how to bring about improvement rather than what you should do.  Consider the steps you will take to resolve the weaknesses you have?To accomplish the action plan, you will complete the tasks listed below.  Be thoughtful in your responses reflecting upon the input documents (Evaluation Form and Peer/Direct Report Comments and Leadership Table). In completing each task, you will formulate a thesis statement and support the reasoning with rigorous, focused thinking that demonstrates the analytical skills GDD is looking from you.  Read all of the reports and information closely.Provide a paragraph that explains why people skills are important for a leader to possess.Identify and discuss the people skills that are lacking in your relationship with others as demonstrated in the assessments and feedback received in Step 3.Explain how the missing or weak people skills are hindering your success at building relationships with followers.Explain the significance of the leader-follower relationship to fulfilling the strategic plan of the leader.Identify the one critical factor from the facts provided (aside from the weaknesses in personal skills), that will specifically affect your leader-follower relationship more than any other factor.  Explain how and why this fact will affect your future if not corrected now.Provide at least three practical recommendations as to how you can improve the weak skills that you identified.Step 6:  Appendix – comes after the Reference ListUse the appendix to provide the results of each of the leadership assessments.  Make sure to label each leadership assessment.  Step 7:  Review the Paper Read the paper to ensure all required elements are present.  Use the grading rubric to ensure that you gain the most points possible for this assignment.  Proofread the paper for spelling and grammatical issues, and third person writing. Read the paper aloud as a first measure;Use the spell and grammar check in Word as a second measure;Have someone who has excellent English skills to proof the paper;Consider submitting the paper to the Effective Writing Center (EWC).  The EWC will provide 4-6 areas that may need improvement.
Step 8:  Submit the paper in the Assignment Folder. 
Due Date 
Dec 3, 2017 11:59 PM

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Rubric Name: Assignment #2

CriteriaOutstandingSuperiorGoodSubstandardFailureLeadership Table: Examine the comments and identify those statements that relate to concepts1.4 points

Table created and all relevant comments from both evaluations are identified and placed in the correct categories.(1.26 – 1.40)1.19 points

Table created and most relevant comments with the exception of one from both evaluations are identified and placed in the correct categories; or one may be incorrectly placed in a category.(1.12 – 1.25)1.05 points

Table created and most relevant comments with the exception of two from both evaluations are identified and placed in the correct categories.(0.98 – 1.11)0.91 points

Table created but some relevant comments with the exception of three to five from both evaluations are identified; and/or some are incorrectly placed in the categories.(0.84 – 0.97)0 points

Table was not completed at all; table was completed with more than five errors or missing comments; or extensive placement of comments in the wrong categories.(0 – 0.83)Create paragraph for each topic relating the conclusions drawn as to your effectiveness as a relationship builder1.4 points

Excellent conclusions drawn as to the effectiveness as a relationship builder.(1.26 – 1.40)1.19 points

Reasoning for the conclusions drawn as to the effectiveness as a relationship builder is sound but needs more clarification in at least one area of the categories.(1.12 – 1.25)1.05 points

.Reasoning for the conclusions drawn as to the effectiveness as a relationship builder is satisfactory but needs more clarification in at least two areas of the categories.(0.98 – 1.11) 0.91 points

Reasoning for the conclusions drawn as to the effectiveness as a relationship builder is weak and needs more clarification in three or four areas of the categories.(0.84 – 0.97)0 points

Conclusions drawn as to the effectiveness as a relationship builder is not presented or the majority of what is presented is not thorough or accurate.(0 – 0.83)Content: Take Leadership Assessments0.4 points

Takes leadership assessments.  Clearly and correctly discusses and summarizes each leadership quiz.(0.36 – 0.4)0.34 points

Takes leadership assessments.  Briefly discusses and or briefly summarizes each leadership quiz but could be more thorough.(0.32 – 0.35)0.3 points

Takes leadership assessments.  There is some discussion or summarization but is missing information or interpretation is incorrect.(0.28 – 0.31)0.26 points

Takes leadership assessments but fails to discuss or provide summary; fails to take some of the leadership quizzes.(0.24 – 0.27)0 points

Fails to takes leadership assessments or provide discussion/summarization.(0)Action Plan: Provide an introduction that explains why people skills are important for a leader to possess.0.8 points

Excellent introduction  that explains why people skills are important skills for a leader to possess – thorough, and complete.(0.72 – 0.8)0.68 points

Above average introduction  that explains why people skills are important skills for a leader to possess – covers most of the impact skills but needs elaboration or clarification.(0.64 – 0.71)0.6 points

Satisfactory introduction  that provides some explanation of why people skills are important skills for a leader to possess – details are missing or presented superficially.(0.58 – 0.63)0.52 points

Unsatisfactory introduction  that fails to provides sound explanation of why people skills are important skills for a leader to possess; identification of impact skills may be implied but fails to demonstrate concept.(0.48 – 0.57)0 points

Failed to provide an introduction  (0)Identify and discuss the people skills that are lacking in your relationship with others1 point

All major weaknesses are Identified and discussion as to why they affect  relationship building is thoroughly discussed.(0.9 – 1.0)0.85 points

All but two major weaknesses are Identified and discussion as to why they affect  relationship building is discussed but additional detail is needed.(0.8 – 0.89)0.75 points

All except three to five major weaknesses are Identified; discussion as to why they affect relationship building needs  significant elaboration or clarification.(0.7 – 0.79)0.65 points

Most major weaknesses are not identified; discussion as to why they affect  relationship building is minimalistic or left to a sentence or two.(0.6 – 0.69)0 points

People skills were not discussed.(0)Action Plan: Explain how the missing or weak people skills are hindering your success at building relationships with followers1 point

Excellent explanation- thorough, and complete as to how missing people skills hinder building a leader-follower relationship.(0.9 – 1.0)0.85 points

Above average explanation – good coverage as to how missing people skills hinder building a leader-follower relationship but could be more thorough.(0.8 – 0.89)0.75 points

Satisfactory explanation – covers how missing people skills hinder building a leader-follower relationship but is missing specific detail and lacks depth.(0.7 – 0.79)0.65 points

Attempts to explain how missing people skills hinder building a leader-follower relationship but is vague or incorrect.(0.6 – 0.69)0 points

Fails to explain how missing people skills hinder building a leader-follower relationship.(0)Action Plan: Explain the significance of the leader-follower relationship to fulfilling the strategic plan of the leader0.8 points

Excellent explanation, thorough, and complete as to the impact people skills have on the creation and maintenance of a leader-follower relationship.(0.72 – 0.80)0.68 points

Above average explanation, identifies the impact people skills have on the creation and maintenance of a leader-follower relationship but needs more detail.(0.64 – 0.71)0.6 points

Explanation identifies the impact people skills have on the creation and maintenance of a leader-follower relationship but needs depth and detail.(0.56 – 0.63)0.52 points

Explanation attempts to identify the impact people skills have on the creation and maintenance of a leader-follower relationship but is vague or incorrect.(0.48 – 0.55)0 points

No explanation attempted; a short answer is implied but not developed or directly stated. (0 – 0.47)Action Plan: Identify the one critical factor from the facts provided0.8 points

The correct critical factor was chosen and the explanation as to why it affects the future of the trainee and their leader-follower relationship was thorough and reflected a high depth of understanding of the leader-follower relationship.(0.72 – 0.8)0.68 points

The correct critical factor was chosen; the explanation as to why it most affects the future of the trainee and their leader-follower relationship  reflected an understanding of the leader-follower relationship but elaboration or clarification was needed.(0.64 – 0.71)0.6 points

The correct critical factor was chosen and the explanation as to why it most affects the future of the trainee and their leader-follower relationship was reflected with some understanding of the leader-follower relationship; depth was not shown.(0.56 – 0.63)0.52 points

The correct critical factor was chosen but the explanation as to why it most affects the future of the trainee and their leader-follower relationship was minimal or incorrect; the incorrect critical factor was chosen.(0.48 – 0.55)0 points

No attempt was made to choose a critical factor or to explain.  (0)Action Plan: Create at least three practical recommendations as to how to improve and discuss why they were chosen0.8 points

More than three excellent and practical recommendations were made; reasons for selection and why they would work was thorough.(0.72 – 0.8)0.68 points

Three practical recommendations were made; Presented more than three practical recommendations but the reasons given for selection needed further clarification as to why they would work.(0.64 – 0.71)0.6 points

Three practical recommendations were made; reasons given for selection were satisfactory but did not explain why they would work.(0.56 – 0.63)0.52 points

Less than three practical recommendations were made; or three recommendations were provided but reasons given were weak and did not explain why they would work.(0.48 – 0.55)0 points

No recommendations made or failed to give reasons to support recommendations made.(0 – 0.47)Preparation of the Writing Assignment2 points

Demonstrates exceptional understanding of requirements responding completely to each aspect of assignment including minor aspects of the assignment such as using third person writing, required use of course readings, and assignment format.(1.8 – 2.0)1.7 points

Demonstrates excellent understanding of requirements; missed one minor aspect of assignment.(1.6 – 1.79)1.5 points

Demonstrates satisfactory understanding of requirements; missed a key element or two minor aspects of assignment.(1.4 – 1.59)1.3 points

Fails to show a firm understanding of requirements; missed two key elements or several minor aspects of assignment.(1.2 – 1.39)0 points

Fails to demonstrate understanding of assignment requirements.(0 – 1.19)Critical Thinking/Reasoning3.6 points

Comments reflect a highly accomplished level of analysis, synthesis, evaluation and reasoning of the case material and case study facts resulting in accurate, thorough, and soundly reasoned conclusions.(3.24 – 3.6)3.4 points

Comments reflect an excellent level of analysis, synthesis, evaluation and reasoning of the case material and case study facts resulting in accurately reasoned conclusions.(2.88 – 3.23 )3.06 points

Comments reflect a satisfactory level of analysis, synthesis, evaluation and reasoning of the case material and case study facts resulting in partially correct conclusions that lack development or detail that demonstrates insight into reasoning.(2.52 – 2.87)2.7 points

Comments reflect an unsatisfactory level of analysis, synthesis, evaluation and reasoning of the case material and case study facts, resulting in conclusions that  are underdeveloped or lack soundly reasoned conclusions.  (2.16 – 2.51)0 points

Comments reflect an unsatisfactory level of analysis, synthesis, evaluation and reasoning of the case material and case study facts, resulting in failure to draw little to no conclusions. (0 – 2.15)Application of Resources3 points

Presents exceptionally well-supported arguments or positions with evidence from the readings/experience; ideas go beyond the course material and recognize implications and extensions of the material and concepts.(2.7 3.0)2.55 points

Presents excellent arguments or positions that are mostly supported by evidence from the readings and course content; ideas presented demonstrate understanding of the material and concepts.(2.4 – 2.69)2.25 points

Satisfactory arguments or positions are presented but there is a mix of opinion or unclear view with supported arguments using course readings.  Case study facts are occasionally used but arguments would be much stronger with use of facts.(2.1 – 2.39)1.95 points

Arguments are frequently illogical and unsubstantiated; Limited use of facts in case study and essential information presented in course readings.(1.8 – 2.0)0 points

Arguments lack meaningful explanation or support of ideas.  Does not provide facts presented in case study.(0 – 1.79)Writing Mechanics2 points

Strictly adheres to standard usage rules of written English, including but not limited to capitalization, punctuation, run-on sentences, missing or extra words, stylistic errors,  spelling and grammatical errors.  No errors found.  No contractions or jargon used.  (1.8 – 2.0)1.7 points

Excellently adheres to standard usage of mechanics:  conventions of written English, including capitalization, punctuation, and spelling.  One to three errors found.(1.6 – 1.79)1.5 points

Satisfactorily adheres to standard usage rules of mechanics:  conventions of English, including capitalization, punctuation, and spelling.  Four to 10 errors found.(1.4 – 1.59)1.3 points

Minimally adheres to standard usage rules of mechanics:  conventions of written English, including capitalization, punctuation, and spelling.  More than 10 errors found.(1.2 – 1.39)0 points

Does not adhere to standard usage rules of mechanics:  conventions of written English largely incomprehensible; or errors are too plentiful to count.(0 – 1.19)APA Style (6th ed.)1 point

No APA style or usage errors; Proper citation of source material is used throughout paper;  Reference titles follow APA with only the first word, the first word after a colon and proper nouns capitalized.(0.9 – 1.0)0.85 points

Attempts in-text citations and reference list but one or two APA style errors noted or fails to use APA citations when appropriate 1-2 times.(0.8 – 0.89)0.75 points

Attempts in-text citations and reference lists; APA style errors are noted throughout document; Fails to use APA citations when appropriate 3 times in document.(0.7 – 0.79)0.65 points

Attempts in-text citations and reference lists; Fails to use APA citation when appropriate 4-5 times; or presents only 1-2 in-text citations and reference list in a paper that requires APA citations throughout the document.(0.6 – 0.69)0 points

No attempt at APA style; or attempts either in-text citations or reference list but omits the other.(0 – 0.59)Overall ScoreOutstanding
18 or moreSuperior
16 or moreGood
14 or moreSubstandard
12 or moreFailure
0 or more

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