Summary Guide of Crime and Punishment

Lesson 1:
1. Raskolnikov lives under the roof directly above his landlady in a small, tight garret surrounded by dusty yellow wallpaper and with nothing but a “clumsy” couch, an unlevel table with three unpainted chairs, and a few books covered in dust from abandonment. The area where he resides in could be described as the lower end of the socio-economic spectrum. The inhabitants include drunkards, prostitutes, and tradesman.
2. Environmental factors such as these breed a despondent outlook on life and a reticent behavior that only sink one’s mind.

3.Raskolnikov possesses two opposing sides of his personality; the compassionate and the selfish. His compassionate side led him to leave money for Marmeladov’s family and lead him to care about the young drunk woman that he tried to save from a rapist. However, his more selfish side caused him to reprimand himself for “wasting” money on the Marmeladovs and on the drunken stranger. Both aspects of himself create an inner struggle that will most likely continue throughout the story.
4. Marmeladov can be described as in his early fifties, average height, solid build and sparsely balding.
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His wife Katherine Ivanovna possesses a delicate, proportionate, slim, tall body at the age of thirty, she still retains brown color in her hair, and her cheeks have red stains from the disease she has. From her previous marriage she gave birth to three children a little boy and two girls. Her oldest child has the age of nine and appears tall and thin. The little boy, the middle child, has just the description of a year older than the youngest child who is six. Marmeladov‘s only child Sonia has the description of in her teenage years.
5.I believe others should take pity on Marmeladov instead of despising him because he has shown regret and condemns himself. His character proved weak when he could not keep himself from his drinking problem. He feels remorse from taking his family’s only money to spend it on himself for a selfish reason but his action in returning home to face reproach from his wife gives a feeling of pity.
6. Although I understand Katerina Ivanovna’s anxiety I do not sympathize with her. I do not think I would react the way she has. My reaction would focus on finding a job or another means of income. Her actions benefit no one and for that I cannot sympathize.
7. Yes, Katerina’s background makes her present situation much more tragic because she had never experienced such hardships before. If she had grown in a humble environment she would have felt a lesser loss and she would have accepted her life a lot more easily.
8. In Dostoyevsky’s novel the pawnbroker falls under unsympathetic terms.
9. Raskolnikov appears as physically attractive with his dark eyes, blond hair, above average height and well built body though with the exception of his garb.
10.Raskolnikov and the pawnbroker have ironic descriptions because the two contradict each other; the pawnbroker has richness while Raskolnikov needs money. Even their descriptions oppose each other one being young and attractive and the other aged though both dress similarly.
11. The character’s actions determine whether they become likeable or not.
12. From her actions Sonia can be described as likeable because she sacrificed her virginity for persons she was not related to by blood. Moreover, she continues to give them money aside from leaving her home to keep them safe. Her altruism shows only her benevolent character.
13. Mr.Luzhin appears to be likeable from his visits to Dounia. And based on the mother’s letter he seems a sensible man by the way he has handled the situation. His accepting of the possibility in giving Raskolnikov a job and helping Duonia and her mother with their luggage shipping. But nevertheless not enough events have occurred to categorize Mr. Luzhin definitely. 14. Raskolnikov opposes Dounia’s proposed marriage because he believes his sister will marry to save him from his economical situation. 15. Raskolnikov loves his family so much that he will not allow his sister to marry a man in order to improve his living conditions.
He, instead, would continue living the way he has to protect his sister. And his writing to his mother also serves to prove his affection. 16. He juxtaposes his sister’s marriage to Sonia’s prostitution because in return for themselves they receive monetary support. 17. I believe the comparison accurate but other even if one will live respectfully and the other will face derision. 18. Marfa Petrovna, in response to Dounia’s rejection letter to her husband Svidrigailov, proceeds to clear Duonia’s name of all infamy as well as personally apologizing. 9. Raskolnikov occupied himself as a law student and a tutor. 20. Because Raskolnikov found no means to support himself he discontinued his studies. 21. The most outstanding character trait is weakness. Raskolnikov does not posse the ability to fight any and every obstacle in order to carry on. 22. After having drank some vodka at a pub Raskolnikov walks to Petrovsky Island where he begins to feel the effects of the liquor and so he travels a little further to bushes and goes into a stupor. During his stupor Raskolnikov dreams of his childhood.
In the dream he pictured his father and himself walking from a cemetery where his grandmother and younger brother rested just outside of their town near an old tavern. While passing by the old tavern a ruckus called Raskolnikov’s attention the commotion was due to a group of drunkards who coming out of the tavern proceeded to climb onto a wagon attached to an old mare to pull. The man named Mikolka wanted to prove to everyone that his mare could pull them and he began to whip the mare for encouragement but when it became clear that the horse could not he inconsiderately beat the animal all the more harshly.
Two other men took up the beat as well. At the sight of everything young Raskolnikov attempts to do something for the mare by running to it and it the action receives a blow to his face but does not give in not even when a woman tries to lead him away. Meanwhile the owner Mikolka takes out a shaft and strikes four times unable to kill the miserable animal until he finally brings out a crowbar to finish the animals suffering with two more blows. Raskolnikov feels for the defenseless animal so much that he kisses its bloody face and then turns to attack the man that dealt it so much pain but just before he can his father carries him away. 3. The dream symbolizes the act that Raskolnikov has had in mind to commit murder. It foreshadows both the murder and his reaction after he commits the crime. The vivid description of the horrible beating of the mare implies the same fate of the pawnbroker. And the way he acted as a child illustrates the unimaginable grief he will both feel and have to deal with after the act. 24. Raskolnikov overhears Lizaveta and the peddler’s wife talking about their plans for the following day where they will be away at seven leaving the pawnbroker alone at home.
Lesson 2 1. Coincidence plays the role of justification to Raskolnikov’s murders. He believes that because so many coincidences come about that fate wants him to murder the pawnbroker; he sees fate as a motivator. 2. The first ironic remarks in chapter six are said by the student Raskolnikov overhears talking to the police officer. He speaks of a better world without the pawnbroker by reasoning that she does more harm than good and yet what he suggests (to have someone kill her) completely contradicts to a “better world. As he continues his conversation with the officer he states, “I am for justice,” however, no fairness exists when he decides from his own judgment that someone should kill the pawnbroker. Within this same conversation the officer, who holds the job to protect the people, agrees with the student when he says the pawnbroker should die. And towards the end of chapter six Raskolnikov expresses his strong conviction in his acts when he says, “if judgment fails, the devil takes a hand. Dostoyevsky inputs situational irony having his character believe that he still possesses common sense in committing a murder meanwhile the reader of a lucid mind knows otherwise. In the first chapter of the second part Nastasia refers to the torn, blood-stained rags Raskolnikov holds as “treasures” when she find him sleeping while holding them, little does Nastasia know that the rags hold a heavy burden. 3. From the very moment Raskolnikov began to think of his crime he said he would take great care and use logic throughout his actions but as he commits the crime he finds himself losing his mind.
He misses large details like assuming he would take the ax without any problems and leaving the door open. Not only that but Raskolnikov believed that he was predestined to kill Aliona with good reason but to the contrary he had to plan things (the pledge, the needle, the sling, etc. ) and in the end he killed Lizaveta without any justification. 4. Raskolnikov acts irrational. 5. Raskolnikov loses his ability to conform to time’s movement after the murders of the two women. 6. If one feels guilty sleep provides an outlet. During sleep the body uses the time to recover and to repair itself.
Dreams manifest themselves when the mind becomes afflicted so that one can find a way mend the situation. 7. Guilt has the effect of causing irritability, feelings of remorse, depression, anxiety, dejection, and lack of peace. 8. Most people need to unload themselves from their guilt whether by confession, retribution, or punishment. 9. Raskolnikov demonstrates his need for confession and punishment. After he went back into the anteroom while Koch and the heavier man stood outside the door trying to enter Raskolnikov had thoughts to yell from behind the door so that the men would come in and find him.
And while at the police station Raskolnikov remains in his seat after he resolved the I. O. U. issue to admit the crime he committed the day before to Nikodim Fomich the police chief. 10. He takes them and at first places them in the wall of his living quarters behind wallpaper but later decides against it and takes his spoils to a courtyard near Voznesensky Prospect to hide under a large stone. 11. Raskolnikov murdered the old pawnbroker with wishes to do well to others and dedicate the money from the crime to the less fortunate.
He did want to rob the woman but for a better cause. 12. Raskolnikov suffers as a result of his action because his mind clutters with insecurity and inability to deal with his crime. Dissimilar to the way he had predicted the outcome Raskolnikov cannot live with the guilt of taking two lives and his subconscious begins to haunt him. 13. Guilt can be both constructive and destructive. Guilt can serve as a motive for someone to help others as a way of dealing with the remorse but it can also eat away at a person and in the long term damage a person psychologically. 14.
Guilt can be healthy when it teaches right from wrong but it escalates to unhealthy once it begins to harm in such a way that the feelings become uncontrollable. 15. Raskolnikov cannot regain control of his thoughts and his behavior at Razumihin’s apartment shows his self-punishment by refusing work and company to alleviate his situation. 16. Raskolnikov goes to Razumihin’s apartment because he had settled on going after he committed the murders and also in search of work. Lesson 3 1. Raskolnikov’s foil Razumihin possesses characteristics like optimism and determination which Raskolnikov lacks when he falls to hard economic pressure.
But even though not perfect compared to Luzhin the snobbish proposed brother-in-law Raskolnikov seems a better person the murder put aside. 2. Raskolnikov only shows interest in the murder case of the pawnbroker and her sister. 3. If Raskolnikov had the opportunity to narrate the story then the majority of the story would lack certainty. Though the first person point of view does include further sensory for the reader the storyline would lose an unbiased view of all the other characters. 4. Razumihin’s character possesses qualities such as selfless, friendly, kind, and above all cheerful. 5.
Razumihin shows his amity and concern for Raskolnikov by searching for his friend after a fight, by taking care of Raskolnikov when he took ill, by buying his friend new clothes when he needed them, by talking to the landlady about the money due, and by trying to enliven his friend after his illness. 6. Raskolnikov’s delirious ravings reveal his deep repentance and constant suffering for his crime. 7. Razumihin believes that Nikolay did not commit the murders because he thinks the murderer while trying to escape dropped the box of earring inside the room Nikolay and Dmitry painted during the time they left. . Razumihin’s thought process shows his ability to piece information together and proves he does not follow the crowd. 9. Luzhin acts rather pretentious and displays excessive self-importance. 10. Raskolnikov detests Luzhin from the moment he speaks and treats him briskly so as to make him leave. 11. Dostoevsky portrays Raskolnikov with more sympathy as opposed to Luzhin. 12. Dostoevsky seems to value sincere, sympathetic and benevolent persons. 13. From his book Dostoevsky describes conceited and condescending characters in unflattering lighting. 14.
While at the bar with Zametov Raskolnikov fights an inner battle between confessing to his crime and not letting anyone know. He hints at the crime after Zametov sat at his table because the part of himself that wants to tell the truth cannot keep from suffering until then. However, at the conclusion of their conversation Raskolnikov has played with Zametov’s thoughts that he throws away all possibility of accusing Raskolnikov as the murder. 15. Raskolnikov provokes the murder conversation as soon as Zametov approaches him. 16. Based upon his behavior at the bar, Raskolnikov acts like a coward.
Often times through his discussion he leads up to a point but never clearly states his thoughts, he tends to play around the topic leading Zametov to a conclusion but in the end changing his goal. He is too afraid to directly confess and instead tries to allow other s to see the reality but at the last moment chooses to run away from the issue. He also likes to seclude him to reflect. He sequesters himself to think out his plans, judgments, and uncertainty. 17. Raskolnikov following the tavern incident with Zametov goes to the pawnbroker’s old apartment. 8. An example of situational irony becomes evident when the doctor comes to aid the injured Marmeladov and instead of helping speeds up his death by having him bled out. And an example of verbal irony presents itself when Raskolnikov hints at murdering the two women to Zometov in order to free himself of all suspicion. Lesson 4: 1. The way Katerina Ivanovna reacts to her husband’s death enlightens her persona; she cares deeply for him or at the very least holds a caring heart when she does not refuse him in her home.
Although she alleged she was glad he died her actions betray her because she forces everyone to leave her husband alone so that his death may be respected. Moreover Katerina sends Polia to search for Sonia so that her husband can see her one last time. She cares about her husband but also cannot forget that he has hurt her and her family. 2. Luzhin’s letter reveals his spiteful character. I think he lied and sent his lackey because of the way Raskolnikov treated him. He not only tries to force the family to break from each other but also allows himself an easy escape from the proposal.
Also, his report on the scene at Marmeladov’s home seems purposely dishonest probably with the intention of hurting Raskolnikov character in his mother and sister’s eyes. 3. Marmeladov’s attempted suicide incites feelings inside Raskolnikov that lead him to help the man and his family. Helping the family causes Raskolnikov to feel like he has a purpose and also allows him to amend for his crime. I believe that when Raskolnikov gave Katerina the kopecks for the funeral in his mind he recalled the purpose of killing the pawnbroker. 4. Due to her lifestyle Sonia dresses in an irregular manner.
When she appeared at Marmeladov’s home she wore a long gaudy silk dress with a train alongside her bright colored shoes and her ridiculous parasol in addition to her straw hat with a red feather. She has blonde hair and blue eyes and her thin, pale physique describe her as very pretty despite her garb. 5. Dounia and her brother posses like character qualities; they are very proud, intelligent, and headstrong. Lesson 5 1. Sonia’s reaction to the polite behavior of Raskolnikov’s family reveals that she does not value herself as a person because of her lifestyle. 2. The fifty-year-old newcomer to St.
Petersburg lives in a room next to Sonia’s; in Madame Gertrude Karlovna Resslich’s. 3. From a strategic point, the playful manner that Raskolnikov and Razumikhin entered Porfiry’s room proves effective because the atmosphere inside the room lightens to Raskolnikov’s favor so that his nerves do not give him away, the scene also serves to distract Porfiry from interrogating Raskolnikov and strengthen the feelings of Razumikhin toward his friend. 4. Because Porfiry acts in a happy, sociable manner but yet his facial expressions and the manner in which he looks at persons shows a clear contradiction. 5.
When Porfiry repeated the words “ordinary” and “extraordinary” Raskolnikov became aware that Porfiry wanted to challenge his views and investigate whether he thought he qualified as part of the “extraordinary” persons exempt from law. 6. Raskolnikov’s main points From his article in the Periodical Review are: “extraordinary” and “ordinary” persons exist, the “extraordinary” can take lives for a worthy cause, and the “masses” will always punish those who commit murder no matter the reason. 7. The fact that Porfiry read and studied Raskolnikov’s article reveals that he not only suspects Raskolnikov but that he also has a clever mind. . No, Porfiry does not question Raskolnikov in a traditional police manner. 9. Yes, Porfiry acted sarcastically in his discussion about Raskolnikov’s theory. 10. Porfiry does not appear as a formidable opponent at first. 11. Porfiry’s friendly disposition can very likely cause a criminal to mistrust him and act all the more fearful. 12. Porfiry’s lighthearted manner gives way when he asks Raskolnikov whether he thinks himself as an “extraordinary” man who could take the lives of others for enlightenment. 13. I believe Porfiry categorized Raskolnikov as a suspect. 14.
Razumikhin’s reaction to Porfiry’s question about the painters further describes his character as loyal. 15. Porfiry asks Raskolnikov if he believed in Lazarus rising from the dead to test his beliefs. 16. As he walks home Raskolnikov encounters a stranger who calls him a murder. 17. Raskolnikov begins to believe that his actions were not worthy of his theory because he questions his motives and whether he falls under the “extraordinary” category. 18. The dream about the old woman reveals his fears of being an average person and not the “extraordinary” man when the old woman laughs at his inability to kill her. 9. Svidrigailov visits Raskolnikov after his dream. 20. Svidrigailov has treated Marfa Petrovna and others with some form of civility. Although he showed no compassion for Fil’ka he did not act completely uncivil. As for Marfa he stayed with her throughout their marriage even after she gave him his freedom. His treatment of Dounia presented itself as disrespectful but his present actions to save her from Luzhin shows that he is sympathetic. 21. Svidrigailov’s dreams (the apparitions) reveal his grieving for his late wife. 22.
Raskolnikov and Svidrigailov seem alike in that they both sick. Raskolnikov from his crime suffers delirium, fainting, and mental anguish and likewise Svidrigailov suffers from ghost visits from his wife and his servant. 23. Svidrigailov and Raskolnikov have differing personalities. Svidrigailov seems calmer and can control his feelings and actions while Raskolnikov cannot and loses his temper often. 24. Svidrigailov offers Raskolnikov ten thousand rubles as a compensation for the unpleasantness he out her though and to lessen the impact of having to break off the engagement with Luzhin.
As a skeptic Raskolnikov does not trust this offer. 25. Marfa Petrovna showed her respect for Dounia by leaving three thousand rubles in her will. Lesson 6 1. Luzhin acts polite in his meeting with Raskolnikov and his family. 2. Svidrigailov has caused the suicide of the young deaf girl and of the serf Phillip. 3. I do agree with Luzhin when he says that certain insults cause irreparable harm to relationships. Although not always respected I believe that every relationship has a boundary for protection and not crossing. 4. I agree, Sonia before Luzhin if morality measured.
Society would not subordinate Luzhin to Sonia because society would view their class status only. The society would think such an idea outrageous. 5. When rejected by Dounia, Luzhin reminds her of the scandals that tarnished her reputation when Marfa Petrovna threw her out of her home. This action of his behalf discloses him as resentful. 6. Because Luzhin refuses to believe that his relationship with Dounia had come to an end, his character appears not only stubborn but obsessive. 7. Razumihkin proposes a publishing business venture to Raskolnikov. 8.
Raskolnikov entrusts Razumihkin with his family before he goes off. 9. Raskolnikov acts rather cruel to Sonia initially during their interview. 10. Sonia’s religious believes add irony to her character because even though a prostitute she lives with virtues and purity in her soul. 11. Raskolnikov commands Sonia to read the story of Lazarus’ rising from the dead. Sonia shares this story with Raskolnikov as if she shared an epiphany. She adds feeling to the story by her form of reading it. 12. Raskolnikov sees himself and Sonia as parallels because they have both “transgressed” and ended the life of omeone. 13. The reason why Raskolnikov will ultimately confess his crime to Sonia is because she will not judge him as harshly as the others because she has shame in her actions and the way she lives. 14. Svidrigailov listens to Sonia and Raskolnikov’s conversation on the other side of the wall. 15. Svidrigailov’s knowledge of the crime would give him leverage against Raskolnikov and with the upper hand he can ultimately extortion Raskolnikov. 16. Porfiry’s engagement in meaningless small talk before talking about the crime appears intentional.
This technique raises Raskolnikov’s suspicion. 17. (From Lesson 7)The repetition of the word capital is ironic because the true meaning of capital refers to an object of monetary value while Sonia though a prostitute is a person and not an object. 18. Porfiry suspect Raskolnikov as the murderer but lacks substantial evidence. Raskolnikov does not know the degree Porfiry considers him as the murderer. 19. Porfiry does not arrest Raskolnikov because he lacks palpable evidence and Nikolay’s confession has surprised him.
Also, he chooses to wait for Raskolnikov to make a blunder and cause himself to allow his guilt to manifest. 20. Raskolnikov’s emotional state during the interview is anxious and temperamental. He struggles to understand how much Porfiry knows about him and due to his anxiety makes mistakes by having outbursts that only increase Porfiry’s suspicion. 21. Porfiry possesses control over Raskolnikov. He presses Raskolnikov to his anxious state and only by luck does Raskolnikov manage to dodge his confession. 22. Porfiry knows that Raskolnikov visited the crime scene. 23.
Because of Nikolay’s sudden burst into the room and confession to the murder Porfiry’s plans for Raskolnikov’s confession do not succeed. 24. The man hiding behind the door at Porfiry’s office presented himself as the same man that called Raskolnikov a murderer on the street the day before. Ironically the man apologizes when Raskolnikov truly committed the crime and he deserved his plight. Lesson 7 1. Luzhin regrets his lack of generosity toward Dounia and her mother because if he had then the two would consider breaking off the engagement with more difficulty. 2.
Dostoevsky mocks Lebeziatnikov by describing the disparity between his physique (scrawny, little, etc) and his arrogant character. He also makes Lebeziatnikov look like a mindless follower to any idea that becomes fashionable. 3. Luzhin gave Sonia a ten ruble note to help Katerina Ivanovna. 4. Katerina Ivanovna had the funeral brunch in spite of her financial circumstance because of her pride. She wanted to boast that she lived well-off and not like the rest of them. Katerina did not want anyone to pity her or her circumstance and instead have them think that she rose above them. 5.
When Katerina’s landlady helps with the funeral brunch Katerina resents her because she blames her landlady for the miserable guests that appear at the brunch. Also, because Katerina holds her in contempt due to the manner she dressed for the festivities that she expected to center around herself. 6. Some ironic circumstance during the funeral brunch 7. Luzhin attempted to incriminate Sonia for stealing his 100 rubles. He did this because he wanted to appear correct about his judgment on Sonia and cause Raskolnikov to have a falling out with his family. 8. Raskolnikov figures out Luzhin’s motives. . Lebeziatnikov shows his integrity by going to Sonia’s aid when accused of theft. Not to mention he spoke well of her and did not judge her despite her prostitution. 10. Marmeladov’s brunch is both pathetic and humorous because his family tried to honor him but instead only ruin fell onto them and humorous because Katerina acts comical throughout the brunch. She argues with her landlady and the tenants cause her to fuss all the more. 11. Raskolnikov approaches Sonia by asking her to choose between Luzhin and her stepmother to remain alive as a way to compel her to understand his acts of murder. 2. Raskolnikov goes through two main emotions before confessing to Sonia; he at first becomes excited to tell her and share his guilt to feel better but then becomes frightened and turned pale right before his confession. 13. Raskolnikov saw that Sonia and Lizaveta both had childlike characteristics in their fear. 14. Sonia reacts with sympathy toward Raskolnikov after he confesses. 15. Sonia eagerly holds Raskolnikov’s living situation and needs responsible for his crime in order to make the murders more comprehensible. 6. Raskolnikov’s theory sounds base when he tries to explain it to Sonia. 17. Raskolnikov attributes the crimes to his own vanity. 18. Sonia advises Raskolnikov to confess his crimes and suffer through punishment for redemption. 19. Egbrde 20. Sonia attempts to give Raskolnikov the cross to help him confess and work toward inner peace. 21. Raskolnikov is not ready to receive his “cross” yet because he still feels like the circumstance situated themselves in his favor because he does not fall in with the “ordinary” people.
Lesson 8: 1. Out on the street Katerina acted out of exasperation. By dressing up the children and forcing them to sing and dance on the streets she tries to find a way of providing from them without relying on Sonia. Katerina Ivanovna behavior resembled a madwoman but can be justified due to her tragic situation. 2. While on the street many of the spectators followed Katerina, very few gave her money and most laughed at her performance. People from this time would react without neglect.
In viewing a homeless seemingly insane woman out on the street with her children begging they might offer her help or money but her actions would not be seen as a joke. In today’s world such circumstances would provoke favorable reaction. 3. Dounia does not judge and goes as far as offering her life to Raskolnikov. Instead of scolding him she tries to justify his actions with the information she now knows about the underlying investigation. 4. Katerina feels she has suffered through so much in her life that she has no need for a priest because she has no sins for the priest to absolve.
Her attitude suggests her loss of faith in God. 5. Churches do not have the obligation to help those in their congregation. 6. Katerina does not act too exaggerated to arouse the reader’s sympathy. Her sickness and the inability to conform to her life cause some form of pity if not for her then for her children. 7. Svidrigailov places Katerina’s children in a respectable orphanage and leaves them all money for their bringing up. 8. Svidrigailov reveals to Raskolnikov that he lives next to her apartment and overheard his confession. 9.
Raskolnikov thinks Luzhin has sent the letter to Dounia. 10. Because Svidrigailov has overheard Raskolnikov’s confession to Sonia he becomes worried that Svidrigailov will use the information to further his designs for Dounia. 11. Razumihin did once believe Raskolnikov the true murderer of the pawnbroker but now after Nikolay’s confession he thinks Raskolnikov could not have been the murderer. 12. Raskolnikov does not believe that Porfiry suspects Nikolay because of their last encounter. 13. Porfiry comes to see Raskolnikov for an explanation and to accuse Raskolnikov of murder. 14.
Porfiry reveals his reasons why he began to suspect Raskolnikov as the murder, why he believes Nikolay takes on the burden of another, and why Raskolnikov should confess before his arrest. 15. Nikolay confessed because he believed in accepting suffering. 16. Porfiry openly calls Raskolnikov a murderer. 17. Porfiry proposes to speak to the judge in his favor if Raskolnikov confesses himself. 18. Raskolnikov does not care about lessening the sentence. 19. Porfiry warns Raskolnikov of committing suicide. He asks Raskolnikov to leave a letter disclosing the location of the objects he stole. 20. Svidrigailov wanted to 21.
Marfa Petrovna and Svidrigailov orally agreed that: he would never leave her, he would always ask for her permission to travel anywhere, he would never take a permanent mistress, he could choose his maids if he asked her directly, he would not fall in love with someone of their class, and he would tell her openly of his feelings. 22. We find out from Svidrigailov that Dounia was compassionate, chaste, and susceptible by flattery. 23. Svidrigailov has engaged himself to a fifteen year old girl with a family of terrible circumstance. He is very fond of the child-like appearance and has brought money as well as jewelry to his new fiance. 4. Svidrigailov attributes his ability to seduce women with principles to flattery. 25. The new engagement between the fifteen-year-old girl and Svidrigailov would, to say the least, disgust the reader. The new engagement is a surprise but the depravity of the act serves to expose the true character of Svidrigailov. Lesson 9: 1. Svidrigailov traps Dounia by sending her a letter about Raskolnikov’s murders and then by placing her brother’s fate in her hands. Dounia prepared herself by taking the late Marfa Petrovna’s revolver and using it for self-defense.
However, after discharging it twice and only grazing Svidrigailov slightly she cannot kill the man and instead pleads for her freedom. 2. According to Svidrigailov Raskolnikov suffers because jbhiugbuibi; 3. Svidrigailov offers to take Dounia, her brother, and mother away with him away to help Raskolnikov. 4. Dounia accuses Svidrigailov of poisoning his late wife and this suggestion only emboldens Luzhin’s earlier implications about Marfa Petrovna’s death. 5. Svidrigailov also wants Dounia to love him or at the very least accept him aside from a physical relationship. . Raskolnikov and Svidrigailov both hallucinate because of the persons they harmed, suffer because of their ideology, and act however they please whether for positive or negative. 7. Because Raskolnikov confesses his crime and begins to reject his theory he moves closer to becoming a better person unlike Svidrigailov who lacks remorse. And though they both perform acts of random kindness Svidrigailov more often than not has an underlying reason. Also, Svidrigailov does not isolate himself the way Raskolnikov has done despite their similar ideology. 8. Bgsjbgfvkdeb 9.
Bgrde 10. Svidrigailov commits suicide because of Dounia’s rejection, he can no longer be happy pleasing himself because he has found something he desperately wants but cannot have. Because of Dounia’s rejection his “happy” world crashes and he realizes the mistake in his life has been. 11. When Svidrigailov shoots himself Raskolnikov contemplates confessing himself and going to see his mother. 12. While visiting his mother the two have an intimate moment alone. Pulcheria tries to justify Raskolnikov’s behavior throughout her visit after reading his article “On Crime. Raskolnikov tries to make amends to his mother for causing her so much grief before he confesses to his crime but even then continues to worry his mother. 13. At the crossroads Rodia kisses the ground in an attempt to publically declare himself as a murderer. 14. Svidrigailov’s suicide causes Raskolnikov to such a shock that he walks out of the Police Station without admitting to his crime. 15. After hearing about Svidrigailov’s suicide from Ilia Petrovich Sonia’s presence waiting outside prevents Raskolnikov from leaving without confessing to murder. 16.
In my opinion, the Epilogue stands as an enlightening piece needed to complete the book. Without the Epilogue the reader would question whether or not Raskolnikov redeemed himself and ask about the situation within the family. 17. Raskolnikov must fulfill a sentence of hard labor in the second degree for eight years. 18. Considering all the testimony in favor of Raskolnikov the sentence was severe enough in my opinion. Even without the insanity plea Raskolnikov’s character did not mean to cause horrible harm, his intentions though not justified can allow for some mitigating effect in his case. 9. Razumihin manages to bring into light the good deeds Raskolnikov did during the trial. He testified that Raskolnikov helped a student until his death and even continued to aid the student’s father, placing him in a hospital until his death. The widowed landlady, too, testified that Raskolnikov had gone into a burning building to save two children and received marks from such an event. 20. Dounia and Razumihin ended up married. 21. I do believe Pulcheria knew about her son’s crimes but refused to believe it because the corruption overwhelmed her.
Not only from the article but also from the rumors that had been around when they had first came to St. Petersburg were more than enough to show Pulcheria some form of distortion in her son’s character. 22. Rodia acted indifferent inside prison. 23. The rest of the prisoners despised Raskolnikov because of his atheistic believes. 24. Raskolnikov’s attitude for Sonia changed after she became ill and no longer visited him. 25. Pride made Raskolnikov ill in prison. 26. Raskolnikov does not seize believing in his theory because he dreams of a world with similar beliefs that some are chosen to live and others must not.
He also believes that he did nothing wrong and does not feel guilty. 27. While ill Raskolnikov dreams of a world-wide plague affecting everyone. The “chosen” and the “pure” escape death but those affected suffer from an illness much like egoism, the persons cannot find a way to live with each other and in short term conclude to killing one another. 28. According to Raskolnikov he fails as a successful criminal because he failed to complete his act without being caught. 29. His love, affection, and newly acquired senses of renewal manage to save Raskolnikov and in a way redeem his character.

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