Course Outline

ENTR 3140 – Entrepreneurial Marketing Course Presentation CRN 31778 Section S10 Fall 2012 Classroom: Fir 118 Time: Mondays 4:00pm – 6:50pm Contents: Instructor Information:! Course Description! Prerequisites:! Co-requisites:! Course Objectives! Learning Activities! Requirements! Transferability ! Required Text & Materials! Class Preparation/Attendance/Participation! Assignment Standards & Professionalism! Examinations – Mid-Term & Quizzes! Use of email! Use of phones/tablets/Recording Devices! Evaluation! Grading! Instructor’s Schedule ! Online Learning Community ! Class Schedule (subject to minor revisions)!
University Policies! 1 1 1 1 2 3 3 3 3 3 6 7 8 9 9 11 12 12 13 15 Instructor Information: M. Amanda Bickell Of? ces: Surrey, Cedar 2016, Richmond, 2200, Langley, 1601 Email – amanda. [email protected] ca, Twitter – @AmandaBickell, Skype -bickella 1. Course Description Students will learn to address complex marketing problems that need to be addressed with limited resources and recognition of the ? nancial, operational, and HR consequences of the chosen strategy. Students will develop their problem solving, decision-making and planning skills through case analyses and applied exercises.
They will also complete a marketing project for a local small business or community organization. Students will be required to undertake both individual and group work, drawing from the full range of business courses taken thus far. 2. Prerequisites: None 3. Co-requisites: None NOTE: This syllabus is by way of announcement only and the instructor and KPU reserve the right to make changes, additions or deletions. ENTR3140 – Entrepreneurial Marketing – Course Presentation 4. Course Objectives LEARNING OBJECTIVES/OUTCOMES

A student who successfully completes the course will have reliably demonstrated the ability to: • address a real marketing issue with solutions that address ? nancial, operational, and HR consequences • employ qualitative and quantitative marketing and ? nancial analysis • determine relevant information, information prioritization, critical issue identi? cation with respective analysis, decision-making, alternative analysis, and recommendation generation • develop, support and defend their position and recommendations • manage major marketing projects using effective teamwork, time- and project-management skills solve marketing problems using marketing skills and techniques from the perspective of smalland medium-sized businesses • use current marketing technology ef? ciently and effectively • make effective and persuasive marketing presentations in both the written and oral forms • employ business networking skills CONTENT Content will include, but is not restricted to, the following: • Students will: • cover topics including: • target market identi? cation and segmentation • situational analysis • market research • competitive analysis • macro and micro marketing environmental analysis • marketing problem solving and decision making budgeting • ? nancial and cash ? ow analysis • pricing strategy • logistics and channel development • product development • advertising and promotional development • selling strategy and international marketing • employ analysis tools including: SWOT, Porter’s analytical models, PEST. • build upon their understanding of marketing principles using cases • complete a major term-long project working with an outside client/operating business, concluding with an oral presentation and written report. A. Bickell ENTR3140! Page 2 of 16 ENTR3140 – Entrepreneurial Marketing – Course Presentation 5.
Learning Activities Activities may include, but are not restricted to, the following: • • • • • • attending lectures and taking notes participating in class discussions analyzing case studies individually, and in small and large group settings researching essays and case studies completing weekly assignments completing business networking assignments There will be a combination of in-class exercises and self-directed projects each week that will be focused on case analysis and the major project as well as other projects. The Class Schedule, outlines each class and provides the schedule for team casework.
Supplementary activities and information may also be introduced as appropriate and as time permits. You will receive instruction on the case to prepare for the following class. You are required to participate in class discussions as class participation forms a major component of your composite mark for the course. You are also encouraged to share personal job-related experience, additional research, and other information that would bene? t the class discussion and add to the knowledge of the class. 6. Requirements Required for the following credentials: Bachelor of Business Administration Accounting
Bachelor of Business Administration Entrepreneurial Leadership Bachelor of Business Administration Marketing Management 7. Transferability Not Transferrable 8. Required Text & Materials 1. Strategic Marketing by Todd A. Mooradian, Kurt Matzler, Lawrence J. Ring (2012) Prentice Hall/Pearson ISBN-13: 978-0-13-602804-8, ISBN-10: 0-13-602804-7 2. Note package: ENTR3140 Entrepreneurial Marketing Key Concepts Course Manual (2012 Version, Instructor: Amanda Bickell) 3. Cases (Price is prepaid at the bookstore in conjunction with the Note package. Price of cases is non refundable. ) 4.
Calculator (not a cell phone or PDA calculator) must be brought to all classes. Recommended Reference Texts 1. Leenders and Associates Inc. and Erskine Associates Inc. Learning with Cases. IVEY publishing, Richard Ivey School of Business. ( Fourth Edition) 9. Class Preparation/Attendance/Participation Our ENTR3140 class is driven by case discussion and so your attendance and participation in class are critical. You are expected to complete the assigned reading and any relevant assignments prior to each class in order to participate in class discussion and contribute to your own learning rocess as well as that of the class as a whole. Discussion of appropriate practical A. Bickell ENTR3140! Page 3 of 16 ENTR3140 – Entrepreneurial Marketing – Course Presentation experiences and job-related issues is encouraged and appreciated since the major emphasis of learning in this course is on application to the workplace. Class Preparation The text contains many important ideas that will not be covered directly in the class, but will be relevant on assignments and exams. Your course notes, Key Concepts, also contain information that you will require for the course.
There is also important and current material that is covered in class and case discussions that does not appear in the readings. Every text is somewhat out of date and limited in scope, therefore, you can expect to cover material in class that the course and reference texts cannot or do not include. You will generally ? nd that if you have done the reading prior to class, the material covered in class will be comprehensible and more easily retained. If you put off reading course materials until just before the exam, your marks will re? ect your lack of planning. Participation
This course requires discussion and teamwork. Non-attendance or lateness will impact your ability to participate and affect that mark as well as your marks in other aspects of the course. You will be required to add to class discussions through insightful comments based on case analysis and/or by asking relevant questions based on and supported through case analysis and study of assigned readings. Your participation will be graded on the basis of the quality of your comments, not the quantity. Keep a copy of your written report or short cycle notes for reference in the discussion.
Remember, participation means having a dialogue that is meaningful, not one individual subjecting the rest of the class to a monologue. It is also important to respect the ideas of others. You may disagree, however, your comments must always be in the nature of promoting discussion, never in a manner that would show disrespect for the ideas of another student. See the “Participation” section of the Key Concepts guide for further information regarding expectations and assessment of participation. Attendance & Lateness
Attendance is not participation, however a student who is not present in class will receive a zero for that day’s participation mark. You will be graded on both the absolute quality and relative quantity of participation during class activities. Punctuality at start of class is essential. A class will be cancelled only if the instructor or university designate does not arrive 15 minutes after class is scheduled to start. In the unlikely event of a class cancellation I will post an announcement through the Moodle News forum. A copy of this will be sent to your Kwantlen email. 0. Assignments/Reports: A) Case Analysis – Individual and Team Case analysis is the primary learning focus of this course. You will be expected to understand the case method and participate individually and with a team in the analysis, written assignments, and presentation of cases. You have received detailed instructions as to the way to proceed with case analysis in your Key Concepts guide. A. Bickell ENTR3140! Page 4 of 16 ENTR3140 – Entrepreneurial Marketing – Course Presentation Individual You will be required to write two case analyses as outlined in the course chedule. These cases will be handed out as the semester progresses. You will be expected to prepare one practice case at the beginning of the course prior to the analysis of the assigned cases. On the case where you are not submitting a written report you may be asked to submit your short cycle worksheet/notes in order to be recognized for participation marks. Teams You will form small teams to analyze, write up, challenge and orally present speci? cally assigned cases. The team assignments will assist you to understand the strategy process in a marketing department.
The team members will be expected to organize and work together professionally complete assignments. The schedule for your group activities is outlined on the course schedule. You will submit a written team case report on the weeks that you present and challenge. Details for case analysis and presentation expectations are outlined in the Key Concepts Guide. You are encouraged to work with your team members on every case. However, individual case reports must be entirely your own work. Common material will be considered plagiarism. If you have any doubts as to the expectations in this regard, please ask for clari? ation before submitting your work. B) Team Project – Marketing Plan Your team for case analysis and presentation will also be responsible for development, write up and presentation of a marketing plan. Details of this assignment are in the Key Concepts guide. There is a peer evaluation element in the teamwork. Teams must ensure that all individual team members contribute evenly to any teamwork. While it is understood that there may be a modest difference in the performance of group members, it is not acceptable for a team member to get a “free ride”.
Under-performing team members can expect to receive less than the assigned mark on team components. Any individual(s) not carrying out their assigned responsibilities or contributing to the team effort as determined by agreement/consensus of all team members will be assigned a reduced mark. In such cases, these individuals could lose up to 100% of the total course value allocated to the project. It will be the responsibility of each team to set out in writing the guidelines for its organization, performance and function. See the Key Concepts Guide “Team” section for important information and instructions.
The guidelines will require that any problems with team member(s) be noted in writing, dated and signed by all the team members as to what discussion took place and the resolution that was agreed upon. C) Networking Assignment You are required to complete a networking assignment, which will mean making contacts in the business sector. This assignment is covered in the Key Concepts notes and will be discussed in class. A. Bickell ENTR3140! Page 5 of 16 ENTR3140 – Entrepreneurial Marketing – Course Presentation D) Oral Presentations
During this course you will make two case presentations as part of your team work, one is a presentation of your case analysis and ? ndings and the other is a challenge of the presentation of another group. As the “Presenting” or “Challenge” group you will also submit a team prepared written report of your case. Like the preceding assignments, you can ? nd the details for this assignment in the Key Concepts notes. 11. Assignment Standards & Professionalism Assignments will be evaluated as if you are in a work situation and have been given the responsibility by senior management. This applies to both case analysis and the major project.
Generally, assignments will be graded on the following criteria: • Quality of analysis • Application of marketing and business terminology/theory • Adherence to the requirements ENTR 3140 is a third year course, therefore, a highly competent standard of presentation, grammar, spelling, and syntax is expected in all work. If a submission is inadequate in this regard, you will have your mark for that assignment reduced by up to 30%. In the event that an assignment is extremely poorly written, or inadequately edited, the instructor may simply reject the assignment, and no marks will be awarded.
Note: Many students assume a simple restatement of case facts constitutes an analysis. If this is the substantial basis of a report, you will generally receive a mark of zero. See the “Learning with Case Studies” section of your Key Concepts guide for instructions on case analysis. Assignments that exhibit a very low quality of analysis, regardless of how well they may be formulated in English, will also receive a zero grade. All assignments, projects and presentations are due on the dates indicated in the Class Schedule and must be submitted digitally according to the directions provided by the instructor.
Given the digital nature of submissions, deadlines are ? rm. Assignments received after the deadline will not be considered for grading. Exceptions to expectations will conform to those of the School of Business. • Death in the family supported by a copy of the death certi? cate • Medical reason supported by a formal letter from doctor (not simply a note on a prescription pad) Report Standards All assignments must be submitted as a single pdf ? le through the appropriate link in Moodle. Assignments submitted in any other format will NOT be accepted for grading.
Please review the assignment instructions very carefully before you begin working and before you submit your work. Expectations are detailed in the Key Concepts guide. Your name and other identifying information should appear on the title page and not anywhere in the body of the assignment. Assignments that do not follow these instructions will automatically lose 10% of the possible grade. The cover page should be formatted as illustrated below: A. Bickell ENTR3140! Page 6 of 16 ENTR3140 – Entrepreneurial Marketing – Course Presentation Cover Page Other Pages Team Number! ! ! Page #
Assignment Title This submission meets the conditions of my signed Academic Honesty Statement on ? le with the instructor. Name(s) (Team Members or Individuals) Course Number & Section Due Date Assigned Team Number Late Assignments All assignments, projects and presentations are due on the dates indicated in the Class Schedule. All reports are to be submitted via the links in Moodle before the beginning of class on the speci? ed due date. ASSIGNMENTS FOR THAT SPECIFIC DATE WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED AFTER THE CLASS HAS BEGUN. The instructor may make exceptions in cases of emergency.
Please note that having your assignments completed on time will require you to arrange your time, use of computer facilities, etc. to complete your work and compensate for possible mishaps. Computer problems, hard drive crashes, pets eating homework, etc. are all unfortunate, however, late is late. If you have entrusted your group assignments to be submitted by a group member, and he/she fails to submit it, or submits late, it is late and will be subject to late penalties. In real life, bids close on multi-million dollar contracts every day.
Even one second after the stipulated time is late—and the bid will not be accepted. All excuses are equal—and irrelevant. Successful business people are organized and do not miss deadlines. You are expected to keep back-up copies of all individual and team work. Managing your team records is an important responsibility. Expectations are outlined in the Key Concepts guide. The instructor may request to see back-up copies and team records at any time and will provide a minimum of 1 day’s notice. 12. Examinations – Mid-Term & Quizzes Quizzes may happen at any time throughout the course so be prepared.
There will be no advance notice. In the workplace, you must be prepared to answer questions and solve A. Bickell ENTR3140! Page 7 of 16 ENTR3140 – Entrepreneurial Marketing – Course Presentation problems which require a base level of knowledge and analytical skills at any time and on command. It is your ability to use your critical thinking skills, not your ability to memorize speci? c answers or your cramming ability that will assist you in becoming a success. You may use ONLY A REGULAR OR BUSINESS calculator on an exam/quiz. NO CELL PHONE, PDA, OR OTHER WIRELESS HANDHELD CALCULATOR CAPABLE DEVICE PERMITTED.
A dictionary may be permissible, depending on the format of the exam. A signi? cant portion of your ? nal grade will be based on the mid-term exam. It is critical that you arrive to the exam on time. Latecomers disrupt those already writing the assessment, and interfere with the invigilator’s responsibilities. Therefore, once the exam has begun, latecomers will be expected to ? nish the exam within the original time scheduled. You will not be granted additional exam writing time because you arrived late. There are no make-up quizzes or exams in this course. If you miss an exam or a quiz, you miss the marks assigned.
Your grade will be computed as if that particular entry is a zero. The only exceptions to the above regarding absences/lateness are veri? able validated medical excuses. If you will be missing a graded evaluation due to medical reasons, you are required to produce a letter from a physician. The letter must clearly state that in the professional opinion of the physician you were unable to perform reasonably on the dates that you were unable to satisfy course requirements. The University reserves the right to contact the physician’s of? ce, not to discuss con? dential speci? s, but to verify that the note is legitimate. Accommodation may require the student to write an exam in the Testing Centre and the invigilation fee (currently $30) is the student’s responsibility. If you should have a personal or psychological trauma, which is of such magnitude that you would be forced to miss an examination, a written letter of explanation from your psychiatrist, psychologist, or counselor must accompany such an excuse. A letter from the attending physician or clergyman must validate absence due to a death in the family. In the absence of such written veri? cation you will not be excused.
All medical excuses must be personally presented to the instructor as soon as you are able to return to class for a make up to be scheduled. 13. Use of email The email address for your instructor is amanda. [email protected] ca. You may contact the instructor by email to clarify unique details of your assignments and projects, or convey personal circumstances that are impacting your performance in the course. This method of communication is not to be used to obtain information that is already in the course outline, course presentation, Key Concepts guide, posted on the course website or has been discussed in class.
To clarify assignments, ask questions regarding the readings or details of projects, please use the “ENTR3140 Wants To Know” forum in Moodle. A certain professional courtesy is required when using email or posting to class forums. Be aware of the language and tone of the message you are sending. This courtesy is to apply to the instructor and your fellow class members. Included in this courtesy is proper use of your subject line. Use the following format in your Email subject heading: “ENTR 3140 – S10” then put short subject information thereafter. Be sure to sign your email with your full name. A. Bickell ENTR3140!
Page 8 of 16 ENTR3140 – Entrepreneurial Marketing – Course Presentation All students must have an email address. (If you prefer to use your own email address rather than the Kwantlen email address assigned to you, please forward your Kwantlen email to your primary email address to ensure you receive any and all emails the instructor may send out to the entire class. ) From time to time, the instructor may contact the class through email when this is necessary prior to a class or to make changes to an assignment or make announcements. It is your responsibility to check your Kwantlen email frequently for such correspondence.
Assignments may not be handed in by email. All assignments, cases, reports etc. that will be submitted electronically will be done via the links provided in the course website. 14. Use of phones/tablets/Recording Devices Phones, laptops, tablets, etc. , are very convenient communication devices. You are encouraged to bring them to class as they can be useful during some in-class activities. Unfortunately far too many people who choose to use such technology do not demonstrate adequate respect for others or sensitivity to the appropriateness of use in public settings.
It is expected that you will manage your electronic devices to ensure that they do not disrupt or interrupt class activities. If you inadvertently leave your device on and it should ring, play a tune, buzz or vibrate, please turn it off immediately. (If you answer the phone or it goes off a second time in class you have elected to forfeit all marks for that day. ) You will not require your phone during any testing. Having a cell phone or similar device turned on during an exam or quiz will be considered cheating and will result in an immediate grade of zero. Use of recording devices of any kind are not permitted in class.
This INCLUDES digital PHONE / VIDEO CAMERAS recording classes or downloading classes to such web sites as “YouTube”, etc. Doing so may subject the student to legal action by the instructor or KPU or both. This rule may be waived for special needs students when appropriate and prior arrangements have been made through Kwantlen’s counseling department. 15. Evaluation This course has two academic components which generate credit, one is individual and the other is group work. In order to receive a passing grade in this course, all students must receive a passing grade for the aggregate of the individual components.
A grade for a group project cannot compensate for failure to pass the individual components. In other words, the group work will only be counted for your ? nal grade if you receive an average of 50% for the individual components. The ? nal grade for students meeting the above standard for passing will be all individual work plus the group work. For students who do not meet the standard for passing, their ? nal grade will be the average of the individual components. No group work will be counted. For clari? cation, the standard is a minimum of 60%; grades will NOT be rounded off to meet the standard.
A grade of 59. 9 is not passing. The above standard applies to all students enrolled in this course, regardless of major area of academic concentration. Details regarding grading follow: A. Bickell ENTR3140! Page 9 of 16 ENTR3140 – Entrepreneurial Marketing – Course Presentation Item Marks Comments INDIVIDUAL Individual Work Participation 40 Graded on the basis of quality of contribution and meaningful demonstration of course concepts, critical analysis and insightful comment. See the participation section of this document and the Key Concepts manual for further detail. Case analysis reports (2) 5 First Individual Report (10) Second Individual Report (15) Quizzes (4) 20 5 marks each Mid-Term Exam 25 Based upon assigned readings Networking Assignment 10 See course manual Key Concepts for details Individual Total 120 Students must earn 60/120 to be eligible for team marks. TEAM Team Case Assignments: • Report & Presentation • Report & Challenge Team Major Project 15 15 50 Team Total 80 Total A. Bickell ENTR3140! See course manual Key Concepts for details of both case analysis and major team project 200 Page 10 of 16 ENTR3140 – Entrepreneurial Marketing – Course Presentation 16. Grading
All letter grades assigned to projects and activities in this course correspond to the of? cial Kwantlen Polytechnic University Percent Conversion Scale, (see below). The Kwantlen Polytechnic University Percent Conversion Scale Grade % Scale De? nition A+ 90-100 Exceptional achievement A 85-89 Outstanding achievement A- 80-84 Excellent achievement B+ 76-79 Very good achievement B 72-75 Good achievement B- 68-71 Good achievement C+ 64-67 Satisfactory achievement C 60-63 Satisfactory achievement C- 56-59 Marginal achievement D 50-55 Minimal achievement F 0-49 Unsatisfactory achievement Work that meets expectations earns a C.
Performance beyond basic expectations is recognized with grades that re? ect this good, excellent, outstanding or exceptional achievement. It is extremely important, therefore, that you carefully review all course materials, and pay diligent attention to all in class instruction to ensure that you fully appreciate what is expected. Make use of class time, of? ce hours, and the electronic means of communication available to you to clarify any uncertainties you may have. Grades will be posted regularly in the grade book in Moodle. Even more valuable than the grades, is the feedback that will accompany each item.
You are expected to review this information frequently to monitor your progress in the course. It is also expected that you will demonstrate acknowledgement of feedback by using these suggestions, insights and queries to improve upon subsequent submissions. Should you have any questions or concerns about grades or feedback, please see me during of? ce hours as soon as is possible after the grade posting. You can also email me to make an appointment. Include in your email a brief outline of the issues you’d like to review so that I may set aside an appropriate amount of time to meet with you.
The end of the semester is an inappropriate time to review grades as you have no opportunity to apply the coaching and feedback that accompanies the assessment. Given the very important nature of these conversations, it is inappropriate to discuss grades via email. Take advantage of my of? ce hours and meet with me. A. Bickell ENTR3140! Page 11 of 16 ENTR3140 – Entrepreneurial Marketing – Course Presentation From time to time a student’s ? nal calculated grade is just shy of the next letter grade. For example, 79. 6, a B+, which is 0. 4 away from 80, an A-.
Just as is outlined above regarding the expectations for passing, this grade will not be rounded up. Please be advised that it is not appropriate, under any circumstances, to request that your grade be “bumped” up arbitrarily. This course presentation sets the expectations for grading in the class. These will be applied to all students in the course, in the same manner, throughout the term. To expect that just because you are “just shy” of your grade letter goal that I should, or even could, simply “give” grades to you that you have not earned is simply wrong.
It is not only incredibly unfair to the students in the class who have honoured the expectations of the course and performed accordingly, but is also a direct violation of the equitable principles upon which our University stands. Do not make such requests or propositions. 17. Instructor’s Schedule I encourage all students to meet with me throughout the course to discuss course topics and/or get extra guidance on assignments. From an instructor’s standpoint this one on one discussion is most rewarding and I encourage everyone to take advantage of my open of? ce policy. Please see me during my of? e hours or email me and make an appointment for another other time. You can also direct course questions to our “ENTR3140 Wants to Know” forum on Moodle. If it is more convenient, or if your concern is of a personal nature, you are welcome e-mail me – I will respond to your e-mails promptly. This usually means, given my teaching schedule a response within 1 or 2 days, not including weekends. Of? ce Hours: Campus Day Time Surrey, Cedar 2016 Mondays Wednesdays 3:00-4:00 pm 7:00-8:00 pm Langley, 1601 Wednesdays Thursdays 1:00-2:00 pm noon-1:00pm 18. Online Learning Community
Our class website is hosted on Moodle and can be accessed through https:// courses. kwantlen. ca. Here you will ? nd links to important resources, examples from class, assignment instructions, activities, tools to facilitate group work etc. You will also use this site to submit assignments, monitor grades and receive feedback. The basic utility of Moodle will be demonstrated in class. If you are not familiar with Moodle please do not hesitate to ask for assistance. Moodle is directly linked to your “myKwantlen” email. All course correspondence created on Moodle will be sent your Kwantlen email.
It is expected that you will manage your Kwantlen email/Moodle access professionally and you should expect to access these sites every 24-48 hours. A. Bickell ENTR3140! Page 12 of 16 ENTR3140 – Entrepreneurial Marketing – Course Presentation 19. Class Schedule (subject to minor revisions) Week Date 1 Sep 10, 2012 • • • • • 2 Sep 17, 2012 • Marketing Overview II • Practice Case due • Review of Case Analysis and Quantitative reasoning • Prepare Case 1 (all) • Study text and key concepts • Practice ? nancial quizzes 3 Sep 24, 2012 • Case 1 • Team Reports: • Group 1 presents • Group 4 challenges, Individual write ups: • Groups 3,6 • Prepare Case 2 (all) • Review text in preparation for midterm • Prepare resume 4 Oct 1, 2012 • Resume due • Case 2 • Team Reports: • Group 2 presents • Group 5 challenges, Individual write ups • • Groups 4, 7 • Review text in preparation for midterm 5 Oct 8, 2012 THANKSGIVING no class this week • Review text in preparation for midterm 6 Oct 15, 2012 Midterm Exam • Prepare Case 3 (all) 7 Oct 22, 2012 A. Bickell ENTR3140! In Class Introduction Case methodology Problem Solving Team Formation Marketing Overview I • Case 3 • Team Reports • Group 3 presents Group 6 challenges, • Individual write ups • Groups 1,5 Team Meeting #1 must be • complete before the beginning of this class Preparation for Next Class • • • • • Review Key Concepts Guide Prepare Practice Case Continue to study text Complete practice quizzes Complete team formation meeting. See Key Concept Guide for requirements • Prepare Case 4(all) Page 13 of 16 ENTR3140 – Entrepreneurial Marketing – Course Presentation Week Date In Class Preparation for Next Class 8 Oct 29, 2012 • Case 4 • Team Reports • Group 4 presents • Group 7 challenges, • Individual write ups • Groups 3,2 • Prepare Case 5(all) Nov 5, 2012 • Case 5 • Team Reports • Group 5 presents • Group 2 challenges, • Individual write ups • Groups 7,6 Team Meeting #2 must be • complete before the beginning of this class • Networking assignment • Prepare Case 6 (all) • Work on team project 10 Nov 12, 2012 REMEMBRANCE Day no class this week • Networking assignment • Prepare Case 6 (all) • Work on team project 11 Nov 19, 2012 • Case 6 • Team Reports: • Group 6 presents • Group 3 challenges, Individual write ups • • Groups 1,5 • Networking assignment due • Prepare Case 7 (all) • Groups 3, 5, 6 Complete ?nal draft of project for arking and feedback prior to presentation to client. 12 Nov 26, 2012 • Case 7 • Team Reports: • Group 7 presents • Group 1 challenges, • Individual write ups • Groups 2,4 Final drafts of client project • due Groups 3, 5, 6 • Groups 1, 2, 4, 7 Complete ?nal draft of project for marking and feedback prior to presentation to client. • Groups 3, 5, 6 Prepare client presentation and ? nal copy 13 Dec 3, 2012 • Presentation Class #1 • Groups 3, 5, 6 • Final drafts of client project due Groups 1, 2, 4, 7 • Groups 1, 2, 4, 7 Prepare client presentation and ? nal copy 14 Dec 10, 2012 • Presentation Class #2 Groups 1, 2, 4, 7 No Final Exam A. Bickell ENTR3140! Page 14 of 16 ENTR3140 – Entrepreneurial Marketing – Course Presentation 20. University Policies Students are strongly advised to read the current Kwantlen Polytechnic University Calendar as well as this semester’s Registration Guide & Timetable for important information about student rights and responsibilities. Pay particular attention to the sections on counseling services, the educational calendar, the grading system, graduation requirements, plagiarism and cheating, our President’s honour roll, and withdrawals and refunds.
Note: Of? cial Withdrawal Failure to withdraw by the of? cial date will result in a grade of “F”. It is in your best interest to make certain that you have withdrawn from any class you are not attending to ensure that you do not receive an “F” on your transcript. Kwantlen Polytechnic University Cheating/Plagiarism Policy Plagiarism and cheating are serious educational offenses, which may result in failure of an assignment, failure of a course and possible suspension from Kwantlen. Some of the details of the Kwantlen policy are outlined below.
For complete details, please refer to Kwantlen’s Plagiarism and Cheating policy in the Kwantlen Polytechnic University Calendar. a) Introduction i. Cheating is de? ned as any dishonest or deceptive conduct or attempted conduct by which individuals or teams of individuals use or attempt to use unauthorized aids, assistance, materials and methods to represent their academic work(s), as other than they are. NOTE: Having a cell phone, PDA or similar device turned on during an exam or quiz will be considered cheating and will result in an immediate grade of zero. i. Plagiarism is an act in which an individual submits the work of another person as their own. b) Policy i. Kwantlen, in common with all educational institutions, will not accept cheating or plagiarism. ii. Kwantlen Polytechnic University will enforce this condemnation of any proven case of cheating or plagiarism in any course or any program in the following manner: i. in the event of a ? rst offense, a grade of zero will be awarded for the assignment or test; ii. in the event of a second offense, a failing grade will be assigned in the course; iii. n the event of a third offense, the student(s) will be expelled from the College; iv. in the event, a ? rst or second offense is serious enough to merit stronger disciplinary action, the College may assign a greater level of disciplinary action than outlined above. iii. This policy will be included in all Course Presentations. c) Procedural Guidelines i. When an Invigilator determines that a student is cheating or attempting to cheat, or plagiarizing, the Invigilator will immediately gather all possible evidence, assign a grade of 0, and report the incident to the Divisional Director under whose jurisdiction the course falls.
An Invigilator is a faculty member or Director’s designate. A. Bickell ENTR3140! Page 15 of 16 ENTR3140 – Entrepreneurial Marketing – Course Presentation ii. When the Dean is informed by the Invigilator or Dean’s designate that the student has cheated or attempted to cheat, or plagiarized, the Director will contact the Registrar and assign additional disciplinary action which may be required in accordance with penalty schedule descried in the preceding section. iii.
Each offense resulting in disciplinary action shall be reported to the Registrar who will maintain a record of it in the student’s ? le. iv. Notwithstanding any of the foregoing, the student may at any time wish to consult with a College Counselor and/or Student Advocate. v. The student may appeal any decision or penalty imposed by appealing to the College Appeal Committee. The decision of the Committee will be ? nal and binding. A. Bickell ENTR3140! Page 16 of 16

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Your email is safe, as we store it according to international data protection rules. Your bank details are secure, as we use only reliable payment systems.

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Fair-cooperation guarantee

By sending us your money, you buy the service we provide. Check out our terms and conditions if you prefer business talks to be laid out in official language.

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