Money back guarantee

Money back guarantee

Money back guarantee:Be very careful when dealing with companies in the academic writing industry. Most of these companies do not have a certain money-back guarantee. In most cases, they will not return your money if you are not satisfied with their service. At solution essays, you are assured of a quality paper or your money back. You should thus feel safe when placing your order with us.

With our money-back guarantee, you can request and receive a refund at any stage of your order. You have the right to request a refund if anything does not happen as expected. Due to the high customer satisfaction rate, we have very few refund requests. This is also due to our crystal clear Money Back Guarantee. When you request for a quality-based refund, it will be reviewed by our Quality Department and processed within 14days. For any other refund request, the processing will be done within four days after you send the request.

I want to cancel my order

To receive a 100% refund, you have to cancel an order before it is assigned to a writer. You can check on your personal order page to know if your order has been assigned to a writer. You can see this on the order’s status bar at the top of your personal order page. If a writer has been assigned your order, your refund will depend on how much work the writer has done and the deadline of your assignment. If half or less of the order time has passed you can receive up to 70% and up to 50% if more than half of the time has passed. This is because the writer assigned your work must be compensated on time spent on your paper.Money back guarantee

Make sure you contact our support team as soon as possible to cancel your order. You can contact them through live chat, email or call. After this, ensure you confirm your cancellation with a message on the respective order page. This will speed up the process of canceling your order. Money back guarantee

We do not give a refund for an order canceled when a paper has been completed and delivered on time. In this case, you can only ask for a refund due to quality concerns. This can be done by pressing the refund button on your personal order page. You can receive up to 30% if you have not downloaded your paper and the cancellation was above your control. Money back guarantee

I paid for the same order twice

If you pay for the same order twice, you can receive a 100% refund within 4 working days.

If you pay for the same order twice, you can receive a 100% refund within 4 working days. Contact us and send us a copy of the two receipts through our email. After this, the extra money will be refunded to your account as soon as possible. Money back guarantee

Money back guarantee: I paid for two identical orders

When you mistakenly place an order twice and pay for the two orders, ensure you contact us as soon as possible to clarify the situation. This should happen before both orders are assigned to writers to work on them. Such orders are regarded as regular orders and can only be canceled through a standard procedure. Canceling of orders that a client does not need is the full responsibility of the client.

No writer is available to work on my order.

It is in a very rare case that we might lack a writer to work on your order. We always do our best to ensure all our clients’ needs are met. In case your order does not get a writer to work on it, you will get a full refund for the order.

In some cases, a client might request to have their paper revised by a different. We might not get a suitable writer to work on this order. In this case, you can request for a refund. Our Dispute Resolution Specialist team will review your request and decide on the appropriate refund you should receive.

My paper was late

You cannot request for a refund if the late submission of your order was caused by your late uploading of some materials to be used in your order. To avoid all this ensure you upload all materials needed in processing your order as soon as you place your order.

If we were are not able to submit your order within the set deadline and the paper is delivered after this, you can request for the price of the paper to be recalculated according to the time the paper was delivered. For instance, if a paper that was to be delivered in 8 yours is delivered an hour or two hours later falls in the 24hours delivery category. Thus the price of the paper should be less than the previous price. The difference in the price should be refunded to the customer.

For a long-term paper (11 to 14 days or more), lateness can attract a refund of up to 7% upon your request. In other cases when the first version of an order is delivered late and the client does not approve the paper, a 100% refund can be given as the paper might not be needed anymore due to the late delivery. To request for a refund due to lateness, submit a note on your personal order page. This should be done within 14 days from the date the order was delivered.

The revision of my paper was delivered late

 Money back guarantee
Money back guarantee

Revision deadlines are set individually for each order and thus price recalculation and delay refunds do not apply to these orders. When setting a deadline for your revision, ensure the writer has enough time to work on your order. For instance, if your order should be done in 7 days, set a five-day deadline. This ensures that in case a revision is needed, there is enough time for it.

I am not fully satisfied with the quality of my paper. However, I accept it and will do the revision myself. Thus I request for a partial refund.

You can request for a free revision if you are not satisfied with the quality of the paper delivered to you. The revision can be done by the same writer or you can request for a different writer to handle your paper. If you don’t want us to revise your paper, you can request for a partial refund by clicking the refund button on your personal order page. Choose the ‘I am not fully satisfied with the quality of the paper delivered to me. However, I accept it and will revise it myself. I request a partial refund’

After choosing this option, we will provide you with an MS Word version of the paper. To get a refund you have to give strong reasons and examples to show why you were not fully satisfied with the paper. You can also share with us your revised paper to act as evidence. This should happen within 14 days after the time you requested for a refund.

After this, our dispute department will review your claim with the evidence you have provided. You can receive up to 40% refund at the dispute department discretion. In case you want to request for a partial refund for an order that you have already approved its last version, contact our support team through live chat, call or email. You can also post a note to get assistance on your personal order page.

If you don’t submit files to support your claim within 14 days, your dispute will be canceled and thus there will be no possible refund as there is no possibility for dispute resolution. For any partial refund request, please use the refund button on your personal order page. This should be done within 14 days after when the paper was approved.

I am completely dissatisfied with the quality of the paper delivered. I will write the paper myself and thus I request for a full refund.

Money back guarantee

You can request for a free revision if you are not fully satisfied with the paper delivered to you. Your paper can be revised by the writer who was responsible for your paper or you can request we select a different qualified writer to work on it. You can review your paper and if you are completely dissatisfied with it, you can request for a refund. Press the refund button on your personal order page and choose “I am completely dissatisfied with the quality of the paper delivered. I have decided to write the paper myself and thus I request a full refund.

When you choose this option this paper will be posted online for commercial purposes. This means that you cannot use the paper for your academic needs as it will be regarded as cheating. You are given 14 days to provide us with proves that the paper did not satisfy your academic needs. You can upload your final paper to prove that what was delivered by our writer did not meet any of your expectations. The paper you upload with us as discarded immediately it is reviewed. Such a paper is not stored in our database nor shared with any third party. After this, you can get a refund of up to 100% at the discrete of our dispute department. If you fail to provide supporting documents within 14 days, your dispute will be canceled making it impossible to receive a refund.

If you receive a full refund on the paper, the ownership of the paper belongs to our company and we have the right to publish it online for commercial purposes. We do not have a database for the storage of such essays. This means that when the paper is searched using anti-plagiarism software it will link back to our website. Such papers are published as website content or as a sample paper. This is done to protect our writers from clients who request for a refund after the paper has been completed so that they can receive the refund and still use the paper.

You have the opportunity to review your paper before approving it. You can request for a free revision after reviewing it. Once you have approved the initial paper or the revised version you cannot request for a full refund. Approving a paper makes it available in a printable and editable version. Once you have pressed the “Approve paper” button you are only eligible for a partial refund.

Ensure you submit all full refund requests with 14 days after the order has been delivered on your personal order page by pressing the refund button.

I would like to receive a refund for an additional service or feature

Progressive Delivery order 

For any order with the progressive delivery feature, a free revision request is acceptable within 21 days after the initial approval. For progressive delivery order, you cannot request a refund for a previously approved part after you have approved the part and moved to the next section. In this case, you can only receive a refund for the last section of your order.

Immediately you press the “approve part” button and we start working on the next section you cannot get a refund for the approved part. To get a refund you have to review the delivered part before approving it. If you find mistakes, you can request for a refund or a free revision. Once the part has been approved and we start working on the next part, it becomes non-refundable. We also do not refund the 10% progressive delivery fee.

Samples service 

We do not offer a refund for the $5 deposit for the writer’s sample service. It is thus important to check the sample early enough. If you do not want the writer to work on your order, make sure you contact us to request your order to be assigned to a different writer within the given time. Failure to do this is regarded as acceptance to have the previously assigned writer to work on your order.

Writer’s category

You will get a refund in a case where you pay an extra fee to have your order assigned to an advanced or ENL (English as a Native Language) writer and there is no writer in that category to work on your order. We will get the most qualified writer from other categories such as Best Available to work on your order. The extra fee you had paid will be refunded back to your account.

A copy of the sources used

You can pay an extra fee to have a copy of the sources used in processing your order delivered together with your paper. Once a copy of the sources has been delivered with the order, this fee becomes non-refundable. If the sources are not provided upon delivery, you can get a refund for the fee.

I received my completed paper but forgot to approve it

You can approve your order or part of your order (for progressive delivery orders) within 14 days after it has been delivered. This time is calculated automatically from the time your order is uploaded on your personal order page. For progressive delivery orders, the time is calculated from the time the last version of your paper is delivered. Failure to approve your order or request for a free revision within the 14 days, the order is approved automatically by the system. You only have 14 days to request a refund after you have successfully approved your order or it has been approved automatically by the system. When the 14 days have passed, a refund becomes impossible. 

At Solution essays, we offer a money back/refund policy that makes it possible for you to request and obtain partial or full refunds where applicable. This is to make provisions for any possible problems you might encounter when utilizing our services.

Refund requests based on quality-issues are reviewed by our Quality Assurance Specialists and processed within 7 business days.

Below are the circumstances under which we may offer partial or whole refunds;

  • Order cancellation: If you decide to cancel your order before we assign a writer to work on it, we will refund your order fee. However, if a writer has already been assigned, as established by the order`s status update within your personalized dashboard or the Email and/or SMS progressive updates (if you requested for this feature), no refunds can be issued. You are also not allowed to terminate an order after the paper has been delivered within the deadline you stipulated.
  • Double payment: If you are charged twice for a single order and provide proven documentation that this has been the case, we will refund 100 per cent of a single order.
  • Identical orders: We will refund your order fee if you complete the payment for two identical orders by mistake, as long as you contact us immediately to clarify the situation before we proceed with both orders.
  • Unsatisfactory quality: We pride ourselves in the quality of all our completed orders and promise to deliver the best possible work but make no warranties that each and every user will be fully satisfied with their work. In the event that you are not entirely satisfied with the quality of the paper you receive, you have the right to ask a free revision, or that a different writer be assigned to your next order. Your revision request is fully subject to our Revision Policy.
  • No writer was matched to your order: In the rare occasion that a writer was not found for your order, we will issue a full refund of your order fee.
  • Late paper/revision of paper: You have the right to request that your order price be recalculated and refunds made if the first version of a paper is delivered after the original deadline (according to the stipulated deadline for delivery). Here are the terms of refunds pertaining to late papers;  For a lateness refund, a 5% amount will be refunded for each extra day the paper is late. However, if lateness occurs due to the late provision of extra materials or any other applicable issue on your part, you cannot apply for a lateness refund. Always make sure to fully provide all the requisite details and additional materials upon placing your order. Please note that lateness refunds do not apply to revisions, since revision deadlines are set separately.
  • We will under no circumstance offer refunds of any form on delivered orders unless it has been proven and shown that your delivered order was plagiarized verbatim from another resource material and/or website.
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Approximate price: $22

What you get from our essay writing service

Basic features
  • Free title page and bibliography
  • Unlimited revisions
  • Plagiarism-free guarantee
  • Money-back guarantee
  • 24/7 support
On-demand options
  • Writer’s samples
  • Part-by-part delivery
  • Overnight delivery
  • Copies of used sources
  • Expert Proofreading
Paper format
  • 275 words per page
  • 12 pt Arial/Times New Roman
  • Double line spacing
  • Any citation style (APA, MLA, Chicago/Turabian, Harvard)

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