Authentic leadership is an approach to leadership that emphasize the legitimacy of the
leader through honest relationships with their followers that value their input and they are based on
the ethical foundation. Authentic leaders think positively with truthful concepts that promote
openness thus building trust and enthusiastic support from subordinates, improving team and
individual performance. Leadership is a process where groups are influenced by individuals or other
individuals’ in order to achieve a common goal. Authenticity, as used in this context,refers to one’s
personal experience- emotions, thoughts, wants, needs, beliefs and preferences- and the captured
processes by the injunction of knowing oneself, and one expresses their true-self by revealing their
inner feelings and thoughts. Authentic leaders are expected to act in accordance with their values
and ethics.
The report combines the traits that authentic leaders should have, their values, beliefs,
morals, motivators and the process of solving and tackling challenges. Authentic leadership is not
achieved through imitating other people but comes from within an individual. The report
concentrates on 21 st century types of leadership where many employees know their rights and are
willing to take the position. Over the past years, distrust has increased towards leaders and the
solution is for leaders to demonstrate passion on what they do, practice their values and use hearts
and not just heads to make a decision. The report has revealed ways in which this type of leadership
treats employees and followers, and its result to productivity(George, 2003)
Authentic leadership can be defined from three perspectives; intrapersonal definition,
developmental definition and, interpersonal definition. In the intrapersonal definition, it focuses on
the leader and incorporates the leaders’ self-concept, self-regulation and self-knowledge. In
intrapersonal definition, the leaders possess different characteristics; lead from conviction, are
original, genuine and base actions on values(NSW, 2009). The developmental definition defines
leaders as something that is nurtured to the leader and not as a fixed trait, it develops during a
person’s life and it’s triggered by life events like new career or severe sickness. Through
developmental leadership is composed of four related components; internalized moral perspective,
self-awareness, balanced processing and relational transparency. In interpersonal definition, the
leader and his follower creates it and does not depend on the leader’s personal effort.
Authentic leaders are required to work with their heart and not with their heads only.
Through this, they are able to lead their followers and work with passion making the world better for
its citizens (George, 9). Much literature on leadership believes leadership is learnt and adopted thus
setting characteristics of good leaders that they are supposed to emulate. According to Bill George,
authenticity is the opposite of this; it is all about developing persona or image of a leader.
Unfortunately, the business press, other movies and the media glorify leaders with a personality of
high-ego and focus on the leadership style and not the character. These leaders genuinely have a
desire to serve and empower other and make a difference through their power(George, 11).
Authentic leaders are not born with these powers, some people have leadership gifts
naturally but they are required to develop them to be outstanding leaders gaining ability to
recognize their shortcomings and work to overcome them. The components of authentic leadership
are; positive moral perspective, leader self-awareness, self-regulation, positive psychological capital
and follower self-awareness. They are able to build enduring relationships with their followers and
other people, the lead with meaning, values and purpose. They are self-disciplined and consistent
and others follow them because they believe them. There exist an essential quality any leader must
have, being authentic- your own person- in every regard(George, 12).
Authenticity Leadership Self-Awareness
Self-awareness is one core element known of authentic leadership that involves having trust
or awareness in one’s feelings, motives, desires and self-relevant cognition. It is a process and not an
end on its-self, where one reflects on those beliefs, talents and values that can be used for follower
development and personal growth (Meacham, 205). I use personal insights to modify and identify
my weakness as I identify and enhance my strengths. Introspection is allowed by a self-reflection
consciousness that enhances concordance of identity and clarity, emotions, goals and motives that
help develop my well-being. As part of my-self-concept, I accept my roles as a leader and my role
Authentic leaders have a high sense of agency that they exercise intentionality capacities,
self-reactiveness, forethought and self-reflectiveness. Intentionality has stressed the conscious
intentional through an exercise of the agency while forethought refers to thinking ahead and analyse
the consequences before taking action. Self-reactiveness is self-regulated and self-motivated while
self-reflectiveness is the internal process that reflect on perceived competence of actions and
personal thoughts(Meacham, 206). I use both my proactive and refraining power in developing
agency; proactive power helps me in acting morally upright while refraining power helps from acting
immorally. I utilise self-reflection, self-reaction and forethought to motivate myself and think
morally and use proactive power, refrain power and intentionality to behave morally.
Authenticity Leadership Values
(Ladkin, Donna and Chellie, 46) states that authentic leadership transformation rests on a
‘moral foundation of legitimate values’ with most writings assuming that legitimate values belong to
the organization although most organizations don’t have a homogenous set of values. Authentic
leaders are not copies but rather they are originals, this is through holding values that are true, and
not because they are politically or socially acceptable, but because they believe in them. Leaders are
human beings and their values may be influenced by schooling, role models, parental and peer
socialization, societal norms and other social influences. As a leader, one should be original and not
let emotions, behaviours and thoughts according to social customs or what considered politically
right affect my values. They need to hold aspects which are considered important in their work like,
fairness, integrity, trustworthiness, honesty and caring for society and individual level(Busch, Tor &
Alexander, 78).
Ethical values must be legitimate that is they must be societal acceptable and emerge as
ethical standard in that society. In decision making, certain requirements are formulated and
actions taken in ethical choices situations(Busch, Tor & Alexander, 78). As a leader, I employ the
leadership theories by actively influencing the ethical behaviour of my followers. I have made ethics
my explicit aspect of leadership behaviour, through acting as a good role model, communicating
ethical values and holding my employees responsible for both their ethical and unethical behaviours.
I observe other leaders and learn from them together with having my role models and mentors
around me.
We learn from behaviour copying of others, but I ensure my role models enjoy high social
status with a powerful position and they act authentically. Through this, a person is able to copy not
just the role model’s action but his cognitive models and attitude. I also work and live with positive
ethical cultures through instrumental and terminal in ensuring I deliver my best to the employees.
When it comes to my association with my employees, superiority and inferiority does not exist, this
creates better socialization and helps me understand their problems, needs, challenges, weaknesses
and strength first hand. They encourage the existence of a strong ethical culture that influence and
facilitate ethical leadership.
The beliefs that we carry affect our values either positively or negatively. Parents educate us
to make our lives better; many will work hard to make their parents happy. The state of the
economy, today is a drive that makes people attain value as we work hard to better our economy
status. The drive is portrayed well by Maslow theory, where people struggle to first meet their
psychological needs, safety, love/belonging, esteem and self-actualization. Every human being work
on achieving certain need but the moment they are satisfied there is natural urge to step up n work
to meet the next need in the hierarchy.
Beliefs are one major source of value for human beings. Many beliefs are not known we
adapt them through trusting in their existence and many are learnt through childhood. The beliefs
mould our individual values and they are the ones’ that dictate what we become, courageous, smart,
shy, and authoritative and others thus building our personality. Individual self-image is the mirror of
who we become and when it is broken self-esteem is lowered. Learning about individual beliefs
helps me understand them for who they are and why the act the way to do, for example, painful
childhood may lead to a high tempered individual (Day, 346)
Authentic leadership encourages people to live with positive talks and involve themselves
with positive individuals. What is proclaimed with the mouth has an effect on their minds, attitude
and the way the value things. The use of’’ I can’t’’ has a direct effect on peoples’ productivity and
kills the ability to try and explore increasing the fear of unknown. The use of negative phrases in life
has a direct impact to how things are viewed and it changes their attitude and kills any morale that
they have. An individual who says ‘’am not good enough’’ will live to be poor, never develop his or
her skills and will shy off in engaging in challenging situation because of the belief of his
Many individuals are not in positions of identifying their values or self-worth. Self-evaluation
is the best known mode to identify your values. These are portrayed by evaluating ones’
achievements, the feelings encountered at that time, the level of self-satisfaction encountered (Day,
345). The level one is fulfilled or the actions and steps to take to achieve something in order to
acquire satisfaction. Social status and money power is a tool used to determine the individual values;
many leaders are made from this to achieve their last need in Maslow hierarchy of needs that is self-
As a leader, sometimes values are tested especially during difficult moments where anger
temper and circumstances may dictate the steps to take. During search times, control is required,
the peripheral values may be shaken but the true core value will remain strong. One should utilise
their core values before the difficult situation, this helping them control the situations. During
testing times, it’s advisable to fight temptations, coercing, bullying and acting influenced by
emotions. Sticking to individuals’ value is always easier during good times but as an authentic leader
control and acting accordingly is required.
There exist ethical boundaries that inhibit us in letting our values blossom. Sometimes an
organisation may have traditions that were set and are not to be violated; these set rules may be
passed by time and unacceptable at the current moment. Such rules, for example, legal laws that
have not been revised lately may lead to restrictions and closure of opportunities. Some boundaries
are not clear in life and one may comprise leading to big violations that carry consequences. Some of
these comprises may make me violate my values and would lead to cover ups, some ethically
acceptable while others being unethical.
In my principle as a leader, I like impacting peoples’ lives, not just by solving their current
situation, but helping them with knowledge and capability to solve similar problem in future. I am
also involved in charity works; this is one area where knowledge and finances are both important to
the works. In my workplace I motivate staffs by giving them offs, team buildings and delegate to
them to place them in venues they will identify and utilize their leadership skills. As a leader, I
mentor my female employees by giving them facilities that are conducive for their natural mothers
responsibilities for example I have provided day care for younger children younger than three years.
I believe acting in line with my values reveals my integrity and helps in earning trust and respect.
Motivations in Authenticity Leadership
Motivational is a theoretical construct that explains behaviours and reasons for peoples’
desires, action and needs. It also refers to ones’ direction of the behaviour that causes a person to
repeat certain behaviour(Ibaara, 117). It is as a cycle where behaviour is influenced by thoughts, the
behaviours drive to performance leading to performance influencing thoughts, and the cycle goes
on. Motivational is studied and carried in different theories; natural versus rationale and content
versus process. Each theory impacts a different drive in motivational and is described differently
(Ryan, 2008)
Exploiting capabilities and strength helps in increasing productivity and achievements both
for individual and group. Through achievements and success, a sense of fulfillment is built and it acts
as a natural drive in all life’s aspect. Support groups help in identifying beliefs; values and enable
leaders clarify and understand vital issues. The leaders speak the truth no matter how painful the
truth is( Hernez, Gina, Cindy &Stephanie, 103). Speaking the truth is about being honest, being
authentic and being clear. As an authentic leader, I don’t use words that betray me and those that
are not aligned to who I am.
Being authentic means choosing the right which is hard than the easy wrong making it
difficulty. It is always easier to meet desires and demands of one’s situation and others than bucking
on convention and stick to internal values and principles(Park, 2012). Authentic leaders are required
to carry value-laden commitments, to overcome external pressures to self as they manifest in their
leading. The commitment is a sign of self-reinforcement when achieving positive outcomes by
practicing authenticity with followers, and any positive feedback tends to sponsor further
commitments. The followers’ perception and attitude act as one motivator to being a successful
authentic leader.
Extrinsic desires are external factors -controlled by others-; job promotion, salary,
recognition, grades and power. Through this, achievements are based on rewards that come with it
and many works hard to achieve in search of that reward. The activities involved may not be
enjoyable and not satisfactory to the individual’s capabilities (Kaanape, 2015). Extrinsic motivators
are biased by our upbringing and the social expectation involved during these stages. The society
concentrates on grades, school performance, and famous careers and not on hobbies and talents
that the youths have thus denied them chance to grow.
In intrinsic motivations, leaders’ pride, self-development and satisfaction are the key drives
and not the rewards. A leader should inspire, empower and motivate others in realizing their
potentials and act as role models to his juniors and the society. Knowing your ‘’truth north’’ in your
internal compass and staying on its course in spite the seductions and challenges that cause most
leaders to stray. It takes commitment and time to discover ones’ true north as long as we act
truthful to ourselves, we live to cope all difficulties and hard circumstances. Success can trap leaders,
making them think they have to live with lavish salaries and carry fear of insignificance to the
public(George, Bill & Peter, 87)
Authentic leaders commit to excellence not perfection, they constantly raise their standards
and push envelopes. They the difference between perfection and excellence and they commit
excellence in everything they do. The leave legacy after leaving the positions, through having marks
to the people they serve and their names are known by future generations. They are good dreamers
following the saying, ‘imagination is better than knowledge’ and great things are born through
imaginations. They contain rich moral fiber where who they are speaks loudly than what they say.
Some leaders are born while others learn. Inborn leadership requires exposure and learning
for it to blossom. Self-awareness, values and motivations are the three important factors that have
shown to build and maintain leaders. Knowing the important values, principles and ethical
boundaries is the best tool to reveal individual values. Values, morals and beliefs make an authentic
leader; these values are learnt from the culture, parents, experiences religion and learning.
Authentic leaders work within ethical boundaries to guide and improve on their responsibilities
Authentic leaders utilize intrinsic motivations more than the extrinsic; the reason is they
worked for self-satisfaction and driven by passion. Doing what makes u happy has been shown to
produce high production in organisations. Motivating employees has the same impact as compared
to work for material satisfaction and use of punishment to push people. The new world
developments have impacted employees with knowledge of their rights thus competition in
leadership. In their position, the leaders should be truthful, trustworthy, honest, fair, courageous
and dreamers.
Authentic leaders should be self-driven using intrinsic motivators more than the extrinsic
motivators. They act on their principles to prove their integrity and they live and lead by values. It
takes a lifetime to gain self-awareness but self-knowledge is accelerated by honest feedback from
support teams. Role models and support teams are important in an authentic leader’s life, they
support, cheer, advice and encourage him in all aspects. Learning individual’s values is mostly after
challenges and the mode used to solve them. Leaders should balance their motivations; an authentic
leader should not be guarded by fame, power, money, bonuses or promotions but driven by passion.
The leader should be able to stay grounded with all challenges and commitments they face
for example balancing family, their jobs, communities and have a personal life. The passion a leader
carries should reveal their leadership purpose that is their true north. In their everyday life, they are
to act as role models by empowering people to lead this would be through delegation and trainings.
Everybody should live in identifying their true north to help them discover their abilities. Exploiting
talents and hobbies should be used to youths and children; this would help them in future to do
what satisfies them.
Appendix- My Story
As a human resource manager, I have various roles in the company; I protect my employees’ interest
and help achieve their goals. In my work position, I use the authentic leadership components to
achieve my goals. These components include; self-awareness, motivation and values, the all work
together in ensuring self-driven roles and passion in my work. The position is a highly competitive
with many employees wanting it, but I have been able to retain it due to my leadership skills and my
high interest in helping people. Production has improved for the last three years in my position; I
have encouraged many individuals using the SMART goals model
I set goals for my employees and also help then in setting these goals. These goals have to be
Specific, Manageable, Achievable, Realistic and Timely and in achieving this, I have developed new
approach in the setting. The new approach is Stretching, Monitored, Aspirational, Relevant and
Time-Limited (SMART). Stretching represents development of challenging goals that help us to move
from where we are at the moment. Monitored mean putting systems that follow the set goals
progress while Aspirational, means having goals that inspires, motivates and worth the effort.
Relevant goals are the policy, strategy and vision while time-limited helps to set deadline.
The new SMART goal setting has sharpened my developmental skills and ensured tasks are done in
time. As a leader I improve my interpersonal skills to ensure colleagues and employees are
comfortable on my presence. I increase my knowledge through reading journals, books and internet
to get more information with the changing world. The knowledge helps me to guide my employees
and help them raise their self-esteem and change their attitude. Being the HR of the organisation i
have friends who support me and encourage me in all aspects of life.
In self-awareness, embrace my identity and internalize the meaning of ‘’leader’’ by using my
leader role in promoting authenticity in others and my personal growth while pursuing my mission in
life. Through this, my self-concept includes my leader’s roles strengthening my self-concept and self-
clarity thus enhancing authenticity. Through gaining self-knowledge and self-awareness, it increases
my ability to achieve self-concordant identities making my decisions more congruent, consonant and
self-determined with internalized systems of goals and values. My self-realization is influenced by
three personal characteristics; personal integrity, emotional intelligence and positive self-concept
leading to my self-realization. My core goal is improving the quality of life through exercising
environmental control.
I work in building trust to my followers and become their role models by building collective
identification to the followers. The process of influence is based on a collective identification and
example setting to my followers rather than charismatic appeals. I recognize all moral dilemmas and
see myself as moral leader and I take multiple perspectives when it comes to ethical issues and in a
transparent manner, I evaluate multiple alternatives. (Positive OB, 105) states that authentic moral
leaders follow their intentions through sustainable action and moral courage over a given time
despite the risks involved. They further explain the authentic leadership appealing to leadership
development programs and trainings.
As an authentic leader, I act according to my beliefs and value but I don’t act through
external forces like orders, rules and instructions. Am aware of my fundamental values leading to
high esteem making it stable and ease to adopt positive and open attitudes to other people. Self-
awareness is the perquisite of values that helps it to coincide with ethical standards which develops
in the society. These ethical values need to be internalized and are part of leaders inner self (Bursch
&Mudrock, 80). A strong commitment is my tool in leading my employees as it helps in building
commitments to them and increase their emotional attachment to the organisation improving their
Based on my ethical boundaries, i treat all individuals equal without favouritism of race,
religion, tribe, education, social status or the position in my company. Each day I learn from different
sources; books, journals, articles, internet and my colleagues and juniors. Through this, I adapt new
values or better what I have learnt from all these sources. In my dad to day interaction with my
followers, I have learnt to understand individuals based on their personality, through this, I weigh
the individuals with their performance and socialisation level. In my leadership, I have adapted
theory-y in day to day life to try and increaser employee production and not forgetting to motivate
Maintaining my values has always been motivated by the organization production outcomes.
Anytime my employee hit their individual target I praise and reward accordingly, this has always
been a principle that works. I have made them believe that they need to work for satisfaction and
not for money or power; this is a secret that has helped me attain all my leadership values. Before
starting any new task, I always set goals that are achievable, challenging but with prompt improve
my employees’ skills. In one of my trainings’, I encourage my colleagues to always follow their values
because going against them results to stress, unhappiness and incompleteness.
As a leader, I have incorporated incentive motivational theories- intrinsic and extrinsic
motivations- to lead my employees. Intrinsic motivation is a self-desire to seeking new challenges
and new things to observe, increase capacity and gain knowledge. Intrinsic motivation is value
congruent and more fulfilling compared to extrinsic motivations. I prefer taking a job that have
passion and leave well-paying offers that will not give me job satisfaction. Doing what one loves and
with a passion is enough drive to achievements and less of no follow-up is required.
Strong relationships are one of my motivators; they give advice and support n providing
perspectives. Authentic leaders should build strong support teams to guide them in staying in the
course. These teams give counsel in times of difficulties, uncertainties and help in celebration after
success. Authentic leaders need these support teams to help then relax and open up to them, they
should be in a position to understand the position and the leader’s responsibilities. During hard and
low points, the leader will cherish his friends who appreciate who he/she is and not what he/she is.
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