BSB51915 Diploma Of Leadership And Management02 : Solution Essays

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1.What is the best way to inform employees about performance management and development plans in the organisation? Give at least two (2) reasons in support of your answer.

2.Name two (2) people in an organisation of your choice, whom you would ask for help regarding performance standards and development plans for the employees. Explain how they can help

3.Outline the legislative requirements to be followed to terminate an employee who has been employed for 18 months in a business with 45 employees.

4.Describe three (3) staff development options that can be used for developing skills and knowledge within the workplace. Give an example of each.

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There are various ways to inform the employees about the performance management and development plan in the organisation. By informing them about the performance management and development plan, it would be easier to identify their weaknesses and make necessary changes to excel in their areas and perform to their potential as well. The performance management system could help in aligning with the strategic direction and culture of the organisation; furthermore measure the performances of the employees along with becoming practical and easy for them to understand their roles and responsibilities within the organisation’s workplace (Mamic 2017). The performance management would be informed to the employees for making them understand about their areas of strengths and weaknesses, based on which necessary training and developmental opportunities should be provided to improve their performances. Best way to inform the employees about the performance management and development could be the meetings and conferences held by the HR manager and line manager. By establishing clear communication between the managers and employees, it would also be convenient for informing them about the performance management and development plans at the organisation (Bader, Schuster and Dickmann 2015).

The two most important people associated with the organisation and responsible for managing the development plans and performance standards are the HR manager and line manager. The HR manager would prepare the plan for setting the performance standards that must be followed by the employees to perform to their potential and ensure that the business objectives were met. The line manager acts as an intermediary between the HR manager and the employees who provide the information and messages delivered by the HR manager to the employees of the organisation. The line manager would measure the performance of the employees and then report it to the higher management and HR manager to check whether they need to participate in the training and development programs or not (Taylor, Doherty and McGraw 2015). The information and messages could be transferred from the HR manager to the employees with the support of the line manager, which would further reduce the complexities in performing the tasks and ease down the approaches of maintaining consistency in business.

There are various legislative requirements needed to be followed for terminating an employee who may have been working for over 18 months along with other 45 employees. It is important to prevent discrimination based on the race, religion, ethnicity or colour or any form of disability, because it does not influence their performances at job. An employee could not be terminated just by violating the public policies. Progressive discipline policies should be imposed to ensure that the employees could receive a fair deal and at the same time (Armstrong 2013). Proper lawsuits should be arranged to work through the progressive disciplinary aspects and make sure to fire or terminate once his wrong doings could be justified. Before termination, it would be important to be cautious of the constructive discharge. Employees could often state about their discontent and lack of interest due to bad working conditions and thus they might be forced to quit the job. The firing words could be used carefully not to create any conflicts, rather manage the termination procedure peacefully. The exit interviews with the employee could be conducted to focus on the areas of concern and create a foundation for implementing the necessary changes and improvements (Katzenbach and Smith 2015).

Age Discrimination act, Equal pay act, Discrimination acts and Occupational health and safety act could be the major legislations and acts to be considered while terminating an employee from the organisation (Truss et al. 2013).

The three major staff development options could be the professional training provided to the employees, coaching and mentoring, development of soft skills and even through personal development techniques.

The personal development of the employees could result in making them perform to their potential as well as gain the necessary skills, knowledge and ability to maintain intellectual growth, emotional balance, maintain communication with others to remain socialised and improve own personal health and wellbeing. The employees need to improve both personally and professionally and make the personal development holistic. By providing rewards to the employees or by encouraging them for their hard work until it pay off, they would perform to their potential and even focus on their individuals goals and objectives that should be achieved. By gaining good reputation and praise from the higher management, the employees could even perform more committedly, furthermore move out from a tough emotional phase (MacRae and Furnham 2014).

The soft skills’ development could be another way or staff development options used commonly for improving the emotional intelligence and know the approaches to achieve the positive outcomes of a specific task. The soft skill development program would assess the various knowledge and skills that could be achieved including the self-regulation, self-awareness, empathy and social skills required to manage good leadership and execute business strategies at different business levels accurately (Abbas et al. 2014). The soft skill development options could raise the morale of employees and enable good communication for getting the work done with much convenience. It would strengthen their intelligence and allow them to complete the tasks by gaining an understanding about the organisation in-depth.

The training and development programs with proper coaching and mentoring could allow the trainers to make the employees understand about their roles and responsibilities properly and this could improve their skills, knowledge and expertise level (Rabovsky 2014).

5.In the template below, identify any two (2) risks that may present themselves when implementing a new work plan for a team, and detail how you will assess and manage he risks.


Communicating with the other team members

Poor team dynamics Likely Exploring various channels to secure the resources and considering the rescheduling and reprioritising approaches Line manager  1 week

Checking whether the resources are available or not properly for implementing the work plan

Not enough resources available while implementing a new work plan for a team Rare Engaging interactive team management to identify the issues and implementing various conflict resolution strategies HR manager 1.5 week

6.Rebecca works in a café, which is known for its excellence in customer service. She is a new employee who is enthusiastic and eager to learn, but struggles to operate the cash register in the cafe.

a.What are two (2) ways you could provide on-the-job coaching to Rebecca?

Mentoring could be beneficial for training the employees and increase their level of engagement and morale to perform to their potential.

Periodic in-house training from the internal and external resources could benefit Rebecca by making her understand about the culture, language, goals and objectives to be achieved and workplace norms, rules and regulations too. This would ensure smooth flow of information along with better ability to educate and develop the team performance (Gattorna 2015).

b.Describe an effective feedback technique to use with Rebecca, and explain why it is effective.

Performance appraisal could allow for obtaining the feedbacks of the employees and even make them understand their weak areas, furthermore make necessary changes and improvements thereafter. Effective feedbacks to the employees should allow for keeping them motivated, encouraged and resolve the issues and problems too. It would increase the level of employee engagement and promote open lines of communication for proper flow and exchange of information and messages between Rebecca and the other employees of the organisation (Mayne 2017).

7.Claire, a call centre operator, has failed to meet her sales targets for the fourth month in a row. All other operators are exceeding their targets each month so it does not seem to be a lack of customers. You have spoken to her a couple of times already, but it’s now time to put this performance issue in writing.

On several occasions you have noticed her being away from her desk, or talking to her friends on the phone. You have also seen her taking extra-long lunch and tea breaks.

In the space provided below, write a brief letter to warn Claire about her unsatisfactory performance and the steps you would want her to take to rectify the problem (De Waal 2013).

Dear Clare

It is indeed important to make you informed about how your performance has been deteriorating for the last few months. As we all know that there are quite a good number of customers and so others have managed to meet the sales target, which you failed to do. This has not only resulted in unsatisfactory business performance, but also has resulted in making the business face loss.  As such, it is important that you follow certain steps so that you can rectify the problem and work with dedication and commitment again.

There is a certain time for which you need to be present at the workplace. You must take calls and make sure to complete your lunch within the allotted time, so that you can properly focus on your work .You must understand your roles and responsibilities and the company expects you to be committed to your work as well (Buckingham and Goodall 2015). Thus, it would be important for you to clarify your roles by discussing with other team members and even make sure to fulfil the daily objectives properly

8.David, a part time sales assistant, has been caught by his store manager pocketing cash at the register. This constitutes grounds for immediate dismissal.

The store manager has called you as the Human Resources Manager to advise him about what he needs to do. 

Do you tell him to:

a.Take David into the office and explain to him the consequences of his actions?

b.Escort David to pick up his personal property and see him to the front door?

c.Sack him immediately?

What action have you chosen and why? Does this action meet the legislative requirements? Please explain below. Your response should be based on the rules and processes of lawful dismissal.

According to the rules and processes of lawful dismissal, it is not right to terminate an employee without any prior notice or justification of the cause of the issue. As a HR manager, I would recommend taking David in the office and then explaining him about the consequences of his wrong doings. Then, he should be terminated with proper justification and provided with a termination letter as well considering the pocketing of cash at the register, which would be an unlawful practice (Bao et al. 2013).


9.Read the following scenario and respond to the question that follows:

You are a business owner and have a broad understanding of accounting principles. However, you are not an accountant by trade and cannot manage the day-to-day accounts so you have employed Jim Chu as finance officer to look after the invoicing, pay the bills, look after payroll and manage your tax obligations.

On an annual basis, your Accountant audits the books and finalises your end of year reports.

Since you do not manage the day- to- day accounts, you often wonder what Jim actually does in his office. You think Jim takes advantage of your absence, and evades work. As a result, you feel unable to evaluate both his workload and performance.

1.What three (3) actions can help you both monitor and evaluate Jim’s performance? You must also identify one (1) advantage and one (1) disadvantage for each of these actions, and based on your analysis, suggest the best action to take.

Watching the employees working could be an effective action to evaluate their performances- In case the employee find it out, he might feel discouraged as he had been kept in view all time. One advantage could be watching the performances with own eyes and checking whether their performances could meet the expectations or not.

Allowing the employees to use self-monitoring tools would make the employees review their actions and identify progress. The disadvantage could be ignoring certain areas because own performance is measured here.

Reviewing the work in progress on a regular basis would enable working carefully and keep record of the work progress. One of the drawbacks might be lack of spot checks and not being able to check the progress always (Vukši?, Bach and Popovi? 2013).

Assessment Task 2 – Unit Project (UP) and Unit Roleplay/Presentation

Analyse the scenario above and respond to the following questions:

1.From the range of work that her department is required to undertake, highlight the key tasks Lisa needs to focus on allocating to her team.

The major tasks that should be allocated to the team by Lisa include recording both the incoming and outgoing mails, book keeping, managing the files and documents and managing the databases too to store, retrieve as well as utilise the information stored there.

2.Describe any three (3) people/ positions within an organisation, who someone like Lisa would need to consult on work to be allocated and resources available. Also describe the reasons why they would be consulted.

Suppliers – Lisa should consult with the suppliers regarding the resources and raw materials supplied by them along with allocating those properly.

HR manager – Lisa should consult with the HR manager regarding the selection of most suitable candidates who could be part of the workforce and it could ensure successful management of human resources too.

Employees –  Lisa should also consult with the employees regarding their understanding about their roles and responsibilities, furthermore ensure that they were properly managed and needs were taken care of to keep them motivated and encouraged as well (Shields et al. 2015).

3.Describe the key tasks that Lisa should perform to help her develop the following:

Performance standards could be assessed when the expected quality had been achieved along with enhanced production level, cost savings and safety too. Lisa should make sure to manage the business operations in such a manner so that the workplace remains safe and sound, thereby create good working conditions for the employees too. outputs for each of her staff given the KPIs that have been set for her department

The work outputs should be based on the KPIs including the project schedule, development backlog, present allocation of resources, labour costs and estimated project completion date. The work outputs would tend to include proper budget planning, scheduling the working hours, cost variance, etc.

Codes of ethics and conducts should be maintained to manage the ethical standards and ensure development of a good culture where people could work with ease and effectiveness (Cascio 2014).

4.How could Lisa track and monitor staff progress in meeting their performance standards? Explain and provide examples.

Lisa could track and monitor the employee performance and staff progress by checking out the records for incoming and outgoing calls managed by each employee. The performance appraisal and assessing the databases and logs could allow for tracking the progress consistently. 

5.How should Lisa introduce the concept of performance management to her staff? Provide relevant examples.

Lisa could introduce the performance management to the staffs by calling them for a meeting or even conduct a mentoring and coaching session with the involvement of a trainer. This would make them acknowledged about their performances and the areas of weaknesses, based on which, necessary improvements could be done.

Design a perfrmance management system that Lisa could use.

Performance standards – The quality of performance and measurement of progress could be considered as the performance standards required to be achieved for maintaining organizational excellence.

Goals – To make sure that the people working within the organization are managed properly and they are provided with good working conditions, which can not only strengthen the formation of a good culture, but will also manage the values and beliefs properly. Reduction of documents and backlog errors along with conversion of databases into MYOB could be other goals as well.

Training strategies – Mentoring and coaching sessions should be managed for training the staffs and enhance their skills, knowledge and expertise level (McNeil, Frey and Embrechts 2015).

Resources – Both human resources and financial resources

Risk identification – Risks could be lack of sufficient resources and poor team dynamics.

Monitoring process and performance management – To measure the progress and performances of the staffs along with informing them about the performance management techniques for facilitating their development and self-assessment skills too


Allocation of tasks to team members

  1. Ming Wei could handle the document related errors and ensure proper database management too.
  2. Oliver Smith
  3. The outcomes of the task are to introduce MYB and covert the databases to MYOB at the end of July 2017 along with the reduction of backlog and documentation errors.
  4. Benefits could be obtained while allocating the tasks to Ajay Patel and Oliver Smith, because they had the knowledge and skills to format documents and manage computerized accounting system too.

Part C Role-play

Me: Hello Lisa, Thank You for your time and congratulations for getting assigned as the General Manager of the organization.

Lisa: Thanks a lot.

Me: What according to you are the performance standards that could help in achieving the goals and objectives?

Lisa: Commitment, dedication and lot of hard work

Me: What are the objectives that you and your team members want to achieve?

Lisa: To reduce the chances of errors in documents and conversion of databases into MYOB

Me: Any performance standards that you focused on?

Lisa: The reduction in operational cost, management of safety at the workplace and achievement of the expected quality standards and quantity.

Me: How could you mitigate the risks?

Lisa: See, we have always tried to enable abundant supply of resources so that no issues are faced. Thus, we will keep the resources properly in stock so that those can be used and managed properly too.

Me: Thank you again for your suggestions. Hope to meet you soon

Lisa: Welcome.

1.Research and outline the key components of at least two (2) relevant awards and certified agreements that should used in Joe Bloke’s company.

The relevant rewards that must be introduced by the organization depends on the type of recognition that the business seeks to deliver to the employees as a reward for their good performance and loyalty to the organization. The agreement reflects the terms and conditions that are forwarded by the organization in relation to the reward and recognition elements of the business. Two relevant rewards that must be introduced in Joe Bloke’s company are rewards for maintaining the perfect timing of the delivery of the couriers and a reward for the loyalty of the employees who have been working for the company for a long time.

The identification of the needs of the company to compensate the interests of the employees through the introduction of the reward system is based on the agreements that are undertaken by the organization. An agreement must be created by the organization to motivate the employees for the hard work they undertake to deliver the couriers on time to the respective recipients.   On the other hand, the loyalty of the employees towards the enterprise is required to be rewarded by the organization through incentives and bonuses. Recognition of the premium services providers and facilitating them with posts in the organizational structure will be motivating the same to undertake the smooth functioning of the business.

2.Research and write a short report of 250 words discussing the purpose, benefits and potential problems for performance appraisals in this organization. You must also propose the benefits of a rewards and recognitions programs.

The performance appraisal that might be taken by the organization will help n keeping the workforce motivated and focused on the respective job roles.  The key purpose of undertaking the appraisal programs depends on identifying the capabilities of the employees and thereby appreciating their efforts and the inputs. However, the appraisal program that is undertaken by the organizations are challenging at times as the tenured employees might not be considered by the management of the organization for the appraisal and instead fresh talent is recognized. The identification of the needs  of the organization while implementing the reward and recognition procedure  depends on the identification of the needs of the organization to bring in changes  in the systems and the functioning of the business through the motivation of the employees.  The smooth functioning of the organization is initiated through the identification of the needs of the employees to get themselves recognized through the initiatives taken by them. The motivation of the employees will be helping the organization to bring in smooth functioning and facilitate enhanced performance.  

The benefits of undertaking the rewards and the recognitions help the organization in motivating the employees. On the other hand, the rewards and the recognition programs facilitate a competitive environment in the workforce- between the departments, which helps in the steady growth of the business in the market.  The challenges that might be faced by the organizations while undertaking the rewards and recognition is based on the emotional barriers that it might create in the workforce and affect the functioning of the same as per the needs of the organization to improve in the systems.

3.Research and provide an explanation of unfair dismissal rules relevant to Joe’s company and the process that must be followed for fair termination

The unfair dismissal rules that are followed by Joe’s organization have affected the smooth performance of the business, as the employees are aware of the uncertain job profile. It affects the motivation of the employees for working in the definite aspects of the transition that is planned by the management of the business. The active participation of the employees to the transition is affected through the determination of the functioning of the unfair dismissal rules that affects the psychology of the people working in and for the company.

The process that must be followed by the organization for the fair termination is to provide a warning to the employees of any misconduct or any impotencies in the job performance. it would have helped the organization in giving a second chance to the employees and thereby retain the workforce. Forced terminations without any prior warnings affects the retention rate of the business in the market. It affects the performance of the business through the identification of the needs of the company and employees through negotiating on the same to enhance the functioning of the business.

4.Research and outline the key intent of the following legislation:

a.Workplace health and safety

The identification of the safety needs of the employees helps the organization in functioning smoothly depending on the corporate objectives. Workplace health and safety measures help the organization in maintaining a clear business by ensuring a proper working environment leading to the enhancement n the productivity. Safety is the major concern of the workforce, thereby adhering to the safety measures helps the organization in retaining the workforce of the same in the market. 


The anti-discrimination policy of the business helps in insuring the diversity in the workforce. The diversity in the workforce of the organization helps the same in undertaking various innovations as per the needs of the business to make its progress in the international markets.  The equal employment opportunities that are provided to the people help the organization in expanding their scopes to the international markets and thereby resulting to the sustenance of the same in the respective industry.

c.Harassment and bullying

The organizations must take steps to create a policy against harassing and bullying to prevent the same from affecting the morale and the emotions of the people working as a team. On the other hand, the harassing and bullying affects the functioning of the organization, which affects the performance of the business. The policy will be helping the organization to maintain the proper workplace environment that will facilitate the smooth and efficient functioning of the workforce as per the objectives of the organization in the market.

Assessment Task 4

Role Play 1

Robin, I appreciate the manner in which you have planned your path for the profession and all the hardships you undertook for attaining the goal that you have set for your professional carrier. However, you have not yet received the qualification for the profession but your consistency in the professional development is what astounds me. I think you should make progression in the carrier that you have chosen for yourself and thereby imbibe the required skills to match up with the job criteria that is offered to you. The major aspects of the change that you are required to take is to attain an understanding of the changes in the understanding of the needs of  the student and the operation of the digital media. Anyway, I hope that you will bring in progression in the professional career for which you are planning.

Robin, I think that you must follow the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers which will help you to bring in changes in the approach that you take for educating the students. According to the 2.6 standard Engage in professional learning you must engage yourself in the professional learning practices  to identify and adhere to the needs of the students. It will be helping you to develop a good hold on the topic that you are planning to discuss with your class of students. Again, you must consider 3.4 which stated Create and maintain supportive and safe learning environments. It will be helping you to develop an appropriate learning environment that will be facilitating the needs of the students to adhere to the education that you are trying to impart. You must also consider standard 4.5 which stated to Assess, provide feedback and report on student learning. It will be helping you to assess the feedbacks of the students and thereby determine the needs of the students and the difficulties that they are facing in the education systems. It will also help you in identifying the different contingencies in the education system and thereby implement strategies to make the learning more appropriate for the students. The identification of the varied expression helps in determining the change in the educational systems that you are required to understand.

a.Put Kevin’s mind at ease by explain the purpose of the performance review process

The performance review system that is introduced by the organization is based on the identification of the key issues that are faced by the business or the employees at the micro level that affects the performance of the employees. The identification of the issues will be helping the organization in bringing forth changes in the systems and the structure of the business. Therefore, it has no negative effects on the employee retention of the firm.

b.Discuss the performance standards required of Kevin’s new role as a supervisor and confirm his agreement

The performance standards that are required by Kevin while undertaking his new role as the supervisor depends on the understanding of the prospects of the analytics that the person can undertake to analyse the key performance based on the capability of the workforce.  Identifying the capabilities of the workforce and thereby assigning different attainable goals is the major job criteria of the job role that is given to Kevin.

c.Discuss in detail the performance review process Kevin must implement with staff members on probation, and agree on a suitable process

The performance review process that might be undertaken by Kevin depends on the assessment of the capabilities of the workforce and assigning the different job role to the people and thereby having a track of the improvements made by them on a weekly basis. The assessment of the performance of the workforce is initiated trough the utilization of the KPI system which helps in determining the value of the job and the level of performance that is delivered by the workforce.

d.Discuss an informal feedback process and how frequently Kevin must provide informal feedback to staff

Kevin must take steps to walk to the desks of the employees and talk to them in an informal manner. it will be helping Kevin to understand the issues that are faced by the employees while undertaking the respective job roles.

e.Discuss Kevin’s ideas on how he would like to explain the performance management system to his staff.

Kevin must take steps to make the employees aware of the performance assessment system that is introduced by the organization where he functions through the discussion on the positive aspects of the performance assessment. The systems will be helping the managers of the organization to understand the different changes that are required to be undertaken to retain the quality of the performance that is delivered by the employees without compromising the job of the employees.

f.Make notes of your discussion and agree to provide Kevin with a copy soon

Kevin stated that he would be requiring a copy of the change initiative agreement that is undertaken by the organization to convince the employees of the change in the systems. I stated that the company will be proceeding to the request that is made by Kevin after the approval on the justification based on the confidential nature of the documents and the safety of the strategy that is undertaken by the organization.

g.Agree to send Kevin a finalised position description for his new role, that contains the performance standards discussed

I have finally agreed to send Kevin a copy of the agreement so that he can be rest assured that he is not promoted to undertake and facilitate the change in the systems through the identification of the needs of the same relating to the uncertainty of the job profile.

The management of the employee expectation of the change depends on the type of change that is undertaken by the management. As per this case the change goals is to implement a performance management system for identifying the chief performance gaps that are faced by the organization while undertaking its progression.  However, while implementing the change in the structure of the organization, there are resistances from the side of the employees regarding their job security and emotional barriers. The resistances acted like barriers for bringing in changes n the system of the organization. The employees thought that the management of the organization might cast them out of their job if they determine a lag in their performance. While the other group of employees believed that the management did not trust in their hard work. I can overcome the barriers through proper negotiation and communication with the employees, which will help me in making them aware of the system and the reason for its implementation. Communication works as a pathway for bringing in the change in the structure and the functioning of the business. Engagement with the employees helps in making the same aware of the change in the processes and thereby undertakes smooth implementation of the change. The communication skill will be acting as a major strength in me, which will be helping me to overcome the resistances for the change and manage the same effectively based on the requirements of the organization. The expected outcome of the short discourse would be the safe implementation of the change in the systems and the smooth functioning of the business through the determination of the needs of the employees. It will be helping me to bring in changes in the systems without hampering the performance of the business in the market. The change that is planned by me can be brought about in the organization through the collaboration with the staff members and the other employees. Through the active participation of the employees, the change can be implemented successfully in the structure and the functioning of the business


10 minute coaching session

Areas of coaching Activities involved Time frame

Greeting message Enumerate the varied tones through which the caller can be greeted 2-3 minutes

Communicating the main points Create bullet points for the topic to specify each and every while undertaking the conversation. it will be helping in sticking on to all the points that are to be communicated. 5-7 minutes

Concluding the conversation Usage of appropriate conclusion statements like “therefore it can be said..” or “to conclude with..” 3 minutes

Kamal, I believe that you are doing well in your approach for the job role. However, there are some minute modifications, which I think you should undertake to bring in improvements in the communication over the phone. This is regarding the manner you greet your caller. Kamal you must improve on your tone. Be a bit more autocratic or the caller would not give a budge. Moreover, you are often messed up with the content that you are to convey to the caller. Therefore, be prepared to create bullet points that will be helping you to serve the purpose of undertaking an efficient communication. Apart from the changes, you are doing a good job as a receptionist and I must enumerate the quality of your voice as the area of your excellence.

Rollo, I believe that you are aware of the performance lag that you are facing as you are far away from the target that was set for you earlier. The lag i your performance has affected the smooth performance of the team in which you have been working for the past five months. It has been repeatedly communicated to you since the five months to improve your performance but that did not have any impact on the functioning. However, Now, the situation is, if you do not perform we will be forced to terminate you from the service. The frequent absenteeism and the unproductive approach that you have facilitated has affected the functioning of the organization you work for. Therefore, we have decided to give you one last chance, which will be reflected through the month’s performance. The KPI is set for you to 80% and you must attain that percentile to sustain yourself in the job profile. i will be sending you a formal letter to you regarding the unsatisfactory performance and the frequent absenteeism. i would not be sanctioning any leave that you take for the month. even if you take a leave, it will be marked as unapproved and will result to heavy deductions from your remuneration. You are also required to send me a copy of the functions that you undertake in every week at the end of the same so that I can understand the improvements that you are undertaking. Please meet me after office hours to provide me with a brief of your day’s activity. I hope that you will bring in the necessary changes in the systems and the functions that you undertake to sustain in the employment.

It is to bring to your notice that you are terminated from the job role that you are currently undertaking in the organization due to frequent absenteeism and unsatisfactory performance, which affected the company largely.  Apart from the opportunities that the company provided you like compensation for the functions and the bonuses, you did not perform your job responsibility. Your job role was to sale the products of the company and you did not even reached 60% of your target, which has affected the organization largely. Therefore, the board members has decided to disengage you of your job role.

You are requested to serve a notice period of 15 days for the company at the end of which all the dues in your remuneration will be given to you. You are also requested to visit the HR department to collect your documents at the end of your notice period.



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  • 12 pt Arial/Times New Roman
  • Double line spacing
  • Any citation style (APA, MLA, Chicago/Turabian, Harvard)

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