As this is along questionnaire that was delivered online pleas e use this codebook with a copy of the questionnaire for full details of the question content
rank order of 18 values or life goals ( it is part 1 of a standard measurement tool by Rokeach)
Each item or value is a variable with a number from 1 to 18 indicating where it was ranked with 1 being highest importance and 18 lowest
agreement with a set of 6 statements about work and the future 1-strongly disagree
5-strongly agree
agreement with a set of statement of perceptions of people and how to interact with them 1-strongly disagree
2-somewhat disagree
3 – slightly disagree
5- slightly agree
6- somewhat agree
7-strongly agree
agreement with a set of statement of perceptions of people and how to interact with them 1-strongly disagree
2-somewhat disagree
3 – slightly disagree
5- slightly agree
6- somewhat agree
7-strongly agree
which is agreement with a set of 16 items that measure tolerance of ambiguity and preparedness for flexibility 1-strongly disagree
2-somewhat disagree
3 – slightly disagree
5- slightly agree
6- somewhat agree
7-strongly agree
gender Question 27 1-male
where were you born These have not been coded – the original text answers are provided.
The people who were born in the year interval 1982 to 1994 are now belonging in the young adulthood and specifically people of this era are known as “Y Generation people”. Generation Y is also called as “Echo Boomers”, “Millenials”, “People of Internet Generation” or “Nexters” (Eisner, 2005). Naturally, these people are inborn ethnic and self-esteemed. These people are digital natives who have grown up with technology and machinery. Generation Y people are expected to be highly skilled and experienced in the digital circumstances. They are well compatible with the use of social media. It is a notable fact that revolution in technology has brought natural consequences and global conflicts into home in details.
The people of generation Y are starting their career by making the bulk of young singles and couples. Generation Y shows self-confidence, determination, loving attitude, and strong sense of rigid civic responsibility (Pendergast, 2010). These people are more community oriented, communicable, caring and interested in all trades (Bilgihan, Okumus and Cobanoglu, 2013). Hence, Generation Y keeps themselves updated, aware and cognizant about occurrences of surrounding.
However, many claims have been proposed against generation Y about their approach towards parents and relatives. They are supposed to be arrogant and rude. However, these claims are often contradictory and established because of negligible evidences. The research report is elaborating the technological, personality and characteristic activities of Generation Y.
2. Research Questions:
The main three chosen research questions are constructed for summarizing the predicted issues. These questions would help to investigate and establish the essential facts to resolve the research queries. The research questions are:
How much Generation Y is close to their parents?
What are the technological attitudes of Generation Y towards technology?
What kind of personality does Generation Y consider as most important?
3. Research aim and objective:
The research report aims to verify the proposed and anticipated nature as well as theoretical aspects of psychological (behavioural) and sociological nature of generation Y people. With the help of literature review and small primary data analysis, researcher is going to establish the aim and objective of the research report.
4. Literature Review:
4.1. How much Generation Y is close to their parents?
For judging the attitude of Generation Y people towards parents, four parameters such as “talkmum”, “talkdad”, “socmum” and “socdad” are undertaken for research analysis. The analyses are properly measured to indicate how often a young of Generation Y talks to parents (mom and dad) and how much socialize are they with their moms and dads. In many researches, it is observed that the parental approach has a huge influence on ethical challenges and behavioural issues of generation Y. There is an agreement of protective parental approach and distinct curriculum of children of Generation Y. The research highlights the perception of parents towards children and vice versa. Moms and dads may think the ambition and self-confident of generation Y as arrogance. It could be observed that sometimes children may or may not fulfil the parental expectations. However, these people have clear and straightforward mentality about their doings (Choi, Kwon and Kim, 2013). They do not prefer to keep artificial cordial behaviour with their parents. Young peoples of generation Y prefer to stay in home with parents especially with divorced moms and dads. The rapid increase of divorce culture brought children back to their parents once again. They also choose to work from homes and take a day or two day off to spend time with their parents (Muskat el al., 2013).
Generation Y has become over-dependent on their parents after coming back to live with their parents after being graduated in their adult life. They like to ease their life by a cordial connection to their parents with actual orientation of the family. The young peoples of Generation Y are choosing to evade conflicts and issues with respect to family development theory (Freeberg and Stein, 1996). In fact, Generation Y is being raised in age of the “active parents”. The views of psychology of young people illustrate the predominance and benefits of the parental education. Therefore, people of generation Y are loyal to their parents. The people of generation Y remain loyal to their moms and dads. They try to keeps themselves in touch with their parents. The parents of this generation are also very practical and view their children as the centre of the family. The parents help them to plan their success, participation in their curriculum, share emotional experiences such as joy, sorrow or happiness. It develops strong faiths in the worth of child. Dinner with collaboration few or several times in a week strengthen the bond of child and parents. With the motivation from parents, children put their best effort for fulfilling dreams and hopes.
4.2. What are the technological attitudes of Generation Y towards technology?
For judging the perception of Generation Y towards technology, we have incorporated qualitative measures. The help of “Likert” scale has been taken for tabulating qualitative data. Generation Y is fond of social media such as “Facebook”, “twitter” or “Whatsapp” (Morton, 2002). Generation Y is completely affiliated with internet, globalization, mobile phones, WiFi and broadband services. People of generation Y are exceedingly sophisticated as per technological aspects since their early childhood. They prefer to converse and communicate via text messaging. Generation Y is being involved with digital services and social communication platforms for settling their career. Generation Y is tending towards the society that has a fresh dimension of personal information sharing and exposure by internet and mobile technology as well as social media (Apresley, 2010). Generation Y had embraced the people of all kinds with the communicating social networking technology and mobile devices.
According to Immordino-Yang et al. (2012), a major informative characteristic for Generation Y is common disclosure to technology that has pros and cons in emotional, cognitive and social approaches. It could be observed a speedy progress in immediate communication technologies, social-networking and engineering globalization among the Generation-Y people (Source: Generations X, Z 2018). Growing up in the ages of technology, each child has laptops and smart phones.
Email, ATM, SMS, ATManx, VCR, teller, moneyX, technerve, netease, compwrite, mobileag, techgad and techavoid are some of the electronic technological software and facilities that Generation Y often uses. In developed and developing countries, people are being habituated with current technology. People are increasingly using social media, e-ticketing, emails, e-transactions and e-learning. The mobile apps, PC software and browsers are paying outstanding service quality involving positive points of view about good services.
In current days, the issues regarding scamming, cheating, lying and exploiting regarding electronic media from the people of generation Y has been observed. However, it could be said that the support of technology and its scopes are being beneficial for the improvement of luxurious life styles of young generation unsurprisingly shaped by technology. People born in Generation Y have access of emerging technology such as internet and robotics so they could be optimal for computer based occupations (Source:, 2018).
4.3. What kind of personality does Generation Y consider as most important?
Google suggests that generation Y are lazy, unhappy and introvert in many occasions. Millennials or people of generation Y are accused to be idle, self-involved and confined in a state of perpetual adolescence incompetent of commitment. The creativity, flexibility, open-mindedness and strong sense of social responsibility and apprehension for the circumstances of generation Y is marked (Eisner, 2005).
The generation Y indicates their personality by their way of living. A large range of measurement scale refers their significance towards some important aspects. The evaluation of having few personality determining factors are ambitious, broadminded, capable, cheerful, clean, courageous, forgiving, helpful, honest, imagine, independence, intellect, loving, logical, obedient, polite, responsible and controlled. The people of generation Y have hopeful sociological ethics. They do not realize inhibited by conventional hierarchies and are sure about their ability and capability. Tolerance, diversity and optimism are found in the people of generation Y.
Manners, inspiration, theory of learning and critical thinking are established by the superb personality of participants of generation Y (Weiler, 2005). The psychological of introversion and extroversion hampers the grade of personality and attitude of Generation-Y (Wolburg and Pokrywczynski, 2001). The scarcity of experience sometimes generates the adversities. Generation Y usually take time to decisively solve and figure out logical issues. However, the people of young generation are habituated of being adapted and relaxed in various pleasant and unpleasant conditions. Generation Y is a learning-oriented generation. Young peoples of this generation are performing faster and better for surviving in the competitive market.
Oppositely, self-expression sometimes favours over self-control for these people (Wolburg and Pokrywczynski, 2001). They also needlessly attempt to generate their personality. They should rather try to make their extraordinary image by showing off. It might not be prolific for their personality. Generation Y should rather attempt for making ladder for their corporate jobs and founding. Self-employment, union membership and familiarity would support to promote the personality of generation-Y (Bush, Martin and Bush, 2004). They believe in ambition rather than imagination however is not very polite and obedient. However, they highlight on independence and open mindedness. They prefer to chill and cheer. The young people of generation Y freely enjoy their lives having no burden on their shoulder.
5. Methodology:
5.1. Participants:
The methodology is simple and steady and carried out by sampling method. Sampling is an important component of any segment of research as it has a significant influence on the quality of findings. The research would question about attitudes, values and preferences of respondents. The preliminary aim of the study is to execute an exploratory study for sustaining a larger and more methodical investigation of phenomena of Y Generation. The assigned objective of the research is to establish whether a distinguishable cohort-based sub-cultural peoples born from 1980 to 1993 exists within present population analyse intensely the underlying factors and methods that might help to a identified distinctive patterns. Only student id is present as the personal information of the participants. As the result, total hundred participants participated in the sample survey. Respondents read the items and responded to the questions. Participants shared their personality, attitude, behaviour, thought and preferences in the question-answer interview method. The questionnaire survey was arranged with the help of close-ended questions.
5.2. Instruments:
Sample of questionnaires is circulated to the participants for understanding the behavior, trend and attitude of generation Y towards parents, technology and their thought towards common personality levels. Generation Y is the first generation to grow-up high-definition television, PCs, laptops, mobiles and other electronic gadgets. The levels of use of technology are to be asked in the questionnaire. Technology has stole the time of most of the people, the association with their parents and perspectives on the coming future. The behavior of the Y generation has become a hot topic of discussion. The questions of the questionnaire measure ethics, tolerance, ability, competence, independence and other factors as well. These all aspects are measured by “Likert” scale in qualitative approach. Their apprehension about their own future is the concern in the study.
5.3. Research Ethics:
There are several ethical principles that are to be considered and acquire consideration. The study has to be reported honestly and should not formulate any information any data or do anything that could misinform viewers (Diener and Crandall, 1978). We should neglect bias and errors in the research, design, data analysis, interpretation and review. The conclusion must be valid and reliable in accordance to the true scenario. Regard is shown to the participants at the time of interview. The decline of any kind of possible term is incorporated and profits for both the participants and other peoples are optimized.
The subjectivity of human rights and right to privacy is maintained in this research. There is optimized effort to minimize physical harm, psychological distress, discomfort to the participants and financial waste (Weiler, 2005). All parties and stakeholders are benefitted rather than social disadvantages. We received informed assets from participants before stepping forward to them at the time of protecting the anonymity and secrecy of all participants. Misleading parties are avoided while designing the research. The right of withdrawal of responses is provided to all participants at any time.
6. Data Analysis:
6.1. Qualitative Data Analysis:
Qualitative data analysis is the utilization of non-quantifiable for evaluating decisions. The analysis of data from qualitative research study makes sense of it and making accessible to the researcher. Qualitative data analysis is consists of four segments that are examination, categorization, tabulation and recombination. The stages of analysis fundamentally involve total immersion for required description of the phenomenon. Qualitative data analysis is the method in which raw data can be gathered as part of the research study. Qualitative data research provides explanations, understanding and interpretation of the phenomena. The research involves categorical (nominal and ordinal) data and the objective of analyzing qualitative data is to test the meaningful and symbolic content that is found within. In-depth explanatory data from small sample is used in qualitative analysis (Life, 1994). The hierarchical phases of quantitative data analysis are circular. Each type of qualitative research needs slightly various methods of data analysis involving ethnography, phenomenology, ground theory, action research and case study. The sampling techniques in qualitative research are Snow ball sampling, extreme sampling, homogeneous sampling, maximum variation sampling, convenience sampling and opportunistic sampling (Miles, Huberman and Saldana, 2013).
6.2. Quantitative Data Analysis:
Quantitative data analysis concerns about the interpretation of numerical information. Quantitative research discovers crucial underlying patterns and trends. With the help of quantitative data analysis, tests of hypotheses could be executed. Quantitative data analysis deals with numeric values. The hierarchical phases of quantitative data analysis are linear. Confounding variables are detected and controlled in this data analysis.
Data extracted from the questionnaire is distributed to the 100 participants after analyzing three research questions. The corresponding graphs and plots are delivered in the given subparts. Qualitative Data Analysis (QDA) is the range of procedures and methods where qualitative data have been gathered into some form of explanation, understanding or interpretation of the people and conditions. Qualitative approach is a deductive approach of analysis that we are undertaking in this research.
6.3 Data Analysis of research question A:
The table of frequency percentages of approach towards parents show that in all the cases (talkmum, talkdad, socmum and socdad), people talk and become socialize with their parents generally everyday or several times a week or weekly. Only some percentages of people of generation Y do this either several times per month or several times a year.
The bar plot refers that on an average, young peoples of generation Y speaks to moms frequently in any other circumstances. They would like to talk with mom rather than dad. However, the bars indicate that they have more socialistic approach with dad rather than mom.
In the percentile stacked-bar plot, it could be seen that Y generation talks to mom several times per week or everyday with maximum percentage. Talk with mom several times per year is comparatively very less than other measures of scale. Most of the children talks several time in a year that is a concerning matter. Most of the people are social with dad with a significant percentage several times in a year.
The frequency table indicates the different scores of uses of various technological items as per responses.
The higher bars indicate the apps and software preferred by participants and lower bar indicate the apps that are discarded by participants. The mean score of use of different technological items and software is highest is high for “Compuse” and lowest for “techavoid” in accordance to the individual bar plot. “techease”, “netease”, “calculate” and “SMS” also refers high average score responded from the participants. “ATMax”, “technerve”, “compintim” and “techavoid” shows comparatively low mean score from the respondents.

The participants strongly disagree about the preference of “ATMax”, “techavoid”, “compintim” and “technerve”. No people strongly discard “techease”. Most of the people disagree with “MonetX”, “techavoid” and “Compwrite”. Nobody disagree with the use of “netease”. Many participants are unsure about “MoneyX” and “compbetter”. Most of the participants agree with “techease” and “calculate”. Least number of participants agrees with “techavoid”. Maximum participant strongly agree with the use of “Compuse” and no participant strongly agree with “ATManx”.
This is the table of average scores of various measures of personality for 100 responses. It shows that “obedient” has highest average score (12.38) followed by average score of “logical” (10.62). The lowest average score found from the table is “hones” (4.74).
Among the various qualities of personality, “honest” got minimum mean score followed by “loving”. Conversely, “obedient” followed by “logical” got maximum mean score. Hence, we could infer that people of Generation Y are mostly honest and loving in nature. They are comparatively less obedient and logical compared to other mental qualities.
7. Reliability and Validity:
The data analysis is carried out with primary data that is collected from field. The collected data is authentic and unbiased as per researcher’s knowledge (Golafshani, 2003). Therefore the reliability of the data is established here. Besides, the analyzed outputs have logical and social validity. Reliability and validity are well maintained in this research study.
8. Conclusion:
Generation Y is the biggest cohort since Baby Boomers. Their high numbers reflect their births as that of parental generation. It found that young and teenagers of Generation Y are much more diverse according to race and ethnicity. They are less loyal towards the brand and the motion of internet has led the cohort to be similarly flexible and transforming in its fashion, style perception and communication process. Although they are caring towards their moms and dads, minimum number of them has a credit card co-signed by a parent.
From the data analysis, it is observed that people of generation Y are more close and comfortable with mom rather than dad. However, these people are more social with dad. They have a natural propensity towards technological approach. People are observed to be more friendly with “SMS”, “netease”, “techease”, “calculate” and “compuse”. The people of generation Y usually do not like “ATMax”, “Technerve”, “compintim” and “techavoid”. The people of Y generation are more honest and loving whereas they are least “obedient” and “logical”. It indicates that they consider things emotionally from their heart instead of decisively. The people of generation Y have an ability to select useful and suitable choices (Benckendorff, Moscardo and Pendergast, 2010).
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