3 page essay due in 48hrs
https://books.google.com/books?id=RxnwJxtwZCUC&pg=PA245&lpg=PA245&dq=reading+little+women:the+many+lives+of+a+text+Barbara+sicherman&source=bl&ots=8lNgjFmqyA&sig=9jLpFvESCLejX6xYZBXqr7PLOO0&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiotNmAovPWAhVI6yYKHbAjDyQQ6AEIMDAC#v=onepage&q=reading%20little%20women%3Athe%20many%20lives%20of%20a%20text%20Barbara%20sicherman&f=false The article is in the link Requirement of the paper: summarize the argument made in the article and make it intelligible to the reader; identify the critical school to which the author belongs ; discuss what new insights you have gained through the article; discuss whether you agree with the argument being made. Critical School this author belongs: New Historicism, Cultural Studies (1980s-present) It’s […]