Environmental Impact And Pollution Control In Kenya Environmental Sciences Essay

Presently the Kenyan family sector is wholly dependent on kerosine and wood coal and in rare instances on solar power. Use of kerosine and firewood are inefficient usage of fuel in Kenya. They are already high in scarceness value and expensive therefore a cheaper and cleaner option is necessary. The proposed undertaking activity is a biomass based power undertaking. These classs of undertakings do necessitate an environmental impact analysis to be performed under the bing NEMA ordinances and obtain environment licence. The operation of the power works produces emanations, waste H2O and solid wastes such as boiler ash. Impact of release of pollutants is planned as follows to minimise the impact.
Turbo Generator and Auxiliaries: The system consists of one multistage steam turbine coupled with an electric generator, air cooled capacitor, air ouster system for air cooled capacitor, condensate pumps, lubricating oil and regulating oil system. Controls and instrumentality are provided as per the demands. The proposed biomass based power works, will hold one no. 10.0 MW turbo generator. The turbine is provided with devices to safeguard against over velocity, low steam recess force per unit area, high axial motion of the shaft, low lubricant oil force per unit area, high capacitor vacuity, inordinate quiver etc.
Power coevals will be 10.0 MW during the operation. The Auxiliary power ( Home burden ) demand will be 0.9 MW. The balance power 9.1 MW will be exported to KPLC grid. Emergency Power System consists of 1 No. DG Set of 250 kVA is provided to do available exigency power supply to the station in instance of black out. The entire demand of natural H2O for this unit will be 256 KLD. The full natural H2O demand for the unit will be met from dug good and bore good inside and outside the mill premises. This will guarantee that the natural H2O catchment countries are preserved and the belowground H2O is used alternatively. The acidic wastewaters generated during regeneration of cautiousness and assorted bed money changers and alkalic wastewaters generated during regeneration of anions and assorted bed money changers of dematerialized H2O works will be led into a neutralisation cavity. These wastewaters are self neutralizing but commissariats will be made for concluding pH accommodation before disposal.

Wastewater Generation
S. No
Wastewater Generated m3/hr
Method of Treatment
Septic armored combat vehicle with Dispersion trench
Softener regeneration & A ; DM Plant
Neutralization armored combat vehicle
Filter back wash/ R.O cull
Waste Water Storage Tank
Boiler blow down
Cooling tower blow down
Since, the little measure of effluent will be generated from domestic uses, the opportunities of taint of dirt will be nil. Wastewater drained from the intervention works is pumped to a neutralisation cavity to keep PH as prescribed by Pollution Control norms.
The blow down H2O from boiler will be assorted with chilling tower to convey down the temperature to ambient degree.
The sewerage from the assorted power works edifices will be taken to a common infected armored combat vehicle through trenches for safer disposal.
The H2O used in the surface capacitor will be cooled in a chilling tower. Blow down from the chilling tower will be trenched out and eventually conveyed to the wastewater cavity.
The vacant country in the industry will be used for tree plantation to better the environing environment of the industry.
The chief solid waste from the proposed Power Plant will be ash ( Fly ash and Bottom ash ) by the burning of fuel in boiler which will be about 35 tons/day which includes the bottom ash, ash collected in the ESP ash hoppers. The boiler will be sized to bring forth 45 tph steam under normal conditions. The proposed boiler will be chiefly bio-mass fired single-drum, perpendicular type balanced bill of exchange with a furnace holding going grate type furnace. The boiler will dwell of air pre-heater, economiser, evaporators, super-heaters, fuel fire equipment, built-in piping, flue gas ducting with enlargement articulations, back uping constructions, platforms and paseos, etc. The fire system consists of a going grating, air plenum, modulating dampers and ash discharges valve.
The going grating is driven by a hydraulic agreement and the tie bars of the travelling gratings are made of dramatis personae Fe, to defy the heat from the combustion. The burning air to the grating is supplied from the bottom plenum hoppers and the air is controlled by the air dampers. The discharge terminal of the grating discharges the ash into a H2O impounded hopper. The shifting are collected in the plenum hopper and discharged by an air lock valve. Based on preliminary estimations, the maximal one-year coevals of ash from boiler operation is 2.5 tons/hr, based on 100 per centum Prosopis juliflora fire. Fly ash constitutes the major portion, accounting for 75 % of entire coevals, the balance being bottom ash. The fly ash will be utilized for land filling, Brick doing or Cement blending, for route edifice stuff and for husbandmans, who can utilize the ash as manure for the harvests, and besides through heavy stage pneumatic handling system with fly ash silos which have a capacity to hive away 1 hebdomad coevals of ash. The ash will be transported through trucks and the roads will be asphalted within the works country.
Environmental pollution and control
Noise Level Survey: The first aim of noise monitoring in the survey country is to measure the baseline noise and measure the impact of the entire noise expected to be generated by proposed undertaking. The inside informations of the expected noise monitoring locations as per surveies on other similar undertakings are that noise degrees during twenty-four hours clip were found to be in the scope 52.6 – 48.3 dubnium. The maximal noise degree was observed to be 52.6 dubnium at the Nalli, India and a lower limit of 48.3 dubnium was observed at Alavattam, India. Noise degrees observed to fall in the scope 48.6- 46.5 dubnium during the dark clip. A upper limit of 48.6 dubnium was observed at the Nalli, India and a lower limit of 46.5 dubnium at Alavattam, India. Equipment will conform to resound degrees prescribed by regulative governments.
Adequate noise control steps will be provided to fulfill the ambient noise degree criterions prescribed by NEMA. Noise absorbing stuffs will be used in the building of roofs, walls, floors and in the generators. Provision of acoustic enclosures to resound bring forthing equipments like pumps will be installed ; major noise-producing equipments such as turbo generator compressors are to be provided with suited noise suspensions. Provision of thick greenway to rarefy the noise degrees will be made.
Safety equipment for noise like ear muffs and other protective devises will be provided to the staff working near noise coevals beginning. The pollution control steps planned for the works will guarantee that it has the least inauspicious impact on the environment.
The undertaking is techno economically feasible, based on the assorted proficient and fiscal analyses for bring forthing power utilizing bio-mass. During the growing of workss, CO2 in the air is absorbed through photosynthesis. The same measure of CO2 will be released on combustion, and will be once more absorbed while turning ( juliflora workss ) . Branchs of juliflora will be cut, go forthing the root for the future growing. Although there will be some emanations from the combustion procedure itself, the undertaking will gain significant C credits as the complete C rhythm is calculated from the O generated by the Prosopis while it is turning until it is eventually burned. In this manner the procedure is impersonal and qualifies for C recognition from the developed states. By the way this is gross for the biomass power coevals works. The measure of CO2 for a 10 MW power works is about 51,500tonnes/year. Please advice on the highlighted portion.
Biomass energy coevals, if done in a sustainable manner, would greatly cut down emanations of nurseries gases. The sum of C dioxide released when biomass is burned is really about the same as the sum required to refill the workss grown to bring forth the biomass. Therefore, in a sustainable fuel rhythm, there will be no net emanations of C dioxide, although some fossil-fuel inputs will be required for planting, reaping, transporting, and treating biomass. Efficient cultivation and transition procedures will used and the resulting emanations will be little ( around 20 % of the emanations created by fossil fuels entirely ) . Besides if the energy needed to bring forth and treat biomass comes from renewable beginnings in the first topographic point, so the net part to planetary heating will be zero.
Draft System and Electro-Static Precipitator: The boiler will be equipped with one figure of forced bill of exchange fan, secondary air ( SA ) fan and induced bill of exchange fan. The FD & A ; SA fans will provide the needed burning air to the boiler. The flue gases generated in the boiler will be evacuated by the ID fan and the capacity and caput of FD fan will be selected sing maximal air that would be required for the fuel fire manners. In the same manner, ID fan will besides be selected based on the maximal fluke gas generated in any of the fuel firing manners under consideration. The boiler is connected to an electro-static precipitator, which will take the dust and ash atoms from the fluke gas, before the ID fan could manage it. The efficiency of the precipitator will be 99.9 % and the dust concentration at the mercantile establishment of the ESP will be less than 100.0 mg/Nm3. Control of land degree concentration of SO2 emitted will be achieved by supplying a stack at sufficient tallness of 65 m for scattering.
The unit will put in an electrostatic precipitator at the issue of boilers so as to restrict the suspended particulate affair and accomplish the criterions prescribed by NEMA. Electrostatic precipitator of 99.9 % efficiency will be installed to restrict the SPM concentrations below100 mg/Nm3. A stack of 55-m tallness will be provided for wider scattering of gaseous emanations.
Avoidance of methane emanations due to disintegrate and de-gradation of the biomass waste is besides necessary. The company intends to put out an attack of CO2 neutrality in production and use of bio- mass for heat and power coevals every bit good as avoiding CO2 emanations from the dodo fuels for the corresponding demand. A burning engineering path is selected for the power works, where bio-mass is burnt as fuel in a steam generator to bring forth high force per unit area steam which is so expanded in a steam turbine to bring forth power. This will in consequence neutralize the CO2 emanations.
The design of fuel handling system, affecting biomass fuels is based on the estimated measures of one-year fuel demands. Fuels will be received at the site by route. Adequate route installations will be provided to manage the road-bound vehicles on a day-to-day peak footing. The fuels geting at site by different types of vehicles such as trucks, tractor dawdlers etc. will be weighed on a cavity less type electronic route weighbridge provided in the works premises. The CO2 emanations from these conveyance vehicles will be later absorbed by the juliflora workss.
Conveyor belt will be closed to forestall dust coevals and H2O scattering system will be provided at the stuff handling and storage yard so as to fulfill the Ambient Air Quality/emission criterions prescribed by NEMA. Well maintained greenbelt covering 25 % of the land country will be provided to collar the fleeting emanations.
It has been observed that the pH of the dirt ranged from 6.6 -6.7 bespeaking that the dirts are acidic to somewhat alkaline. Dirts are chiefly clay loams with alluvial sedimentations derived from third / quaternate volcanic and pyroclastic stone deposits that have been weathered and eroded from the highlands. They contain high degrees of P, K, Ca and Mg and low degrees of N and C. The dirt from the survey country shows chair to good birthrate. By transporting out a replantation of the Prosopis on the cleared land so the dirt birthrate will be improved and maintained.
Although energy harvests will be grown without pesticide and fertiliser, large-scale energy agriculture could however take to additions in chemical usage merely because more land would be under cultivation. Dirts could be depleted of organic content and foods unless attention is taken to go forth adequate wastes behind. These concerns point up the demand for ordinance and monitoring of energy harvest development and waste usage.
The major environmental impact of biomass energy may be that of loss of biodiversity. Transforming natural ecosystems into energy plantations with a really little figure of harvests, every bit few as one, can drastically cut down the biodiversity of a part. There are no wild life sanctuaries/parks within 20 km radius of the undertaking site. Besides because of the bald land, wildlife is rather scarce with the most common animate beings being the ostrich and dik dik. However serpents are in copiousness. The records of Forest Department of Kenya did non bespeak presence of any high endemic or vulnerable species in this country. The natural workss which are chiefly shrubs and acacia trees will non be affected by the undertakings routine. The out agriculturists will be trained on how to place and avoid these natural works species. Please advice if this portion is adequately addressed.
This will take to increasing the sum of forest wood harvested for energy and could supply an inducement for the forest-products industry to pull off its resources more expeditiously, and therefore better forest wellness. But it could besides supply an alibi to work woods in an unsustainable manner. Biomass energy production involves one-year crops or periodic remotions of trees from the land. These crops and remotions will be at degrees that are sustainable, i.e. , surety that current usage does non consume the land ‘s ability to run into future demands, and besides be done in ways that do n’t degrade other of import indexs of sustainability. Because biomass markets may affect new or extra remotions of trees, we will be careful to minimise impacts from whatever extra demands biomass growing or harvest home makes on the land.
Unfortunately, commercial woods have non ever been soundly managed, and many people view with dismay the chance of increased wood cutting. Their concerns can be met by tighter authorities controls on forestry patterns and by following the rules of “ first-class ” forestry. If such rules are applied, it should be possible to pull out energy from woods indefinitely.
Greenbelt Development
Greenbelt will be developed inside the mill premises covering a entire country of approximately 10.5 estates. The unit will besides develop the nearby country around the industry for greenway. The inter-spaces will be laid with bush. The inter-space between trees planted will be approximately 5m. It is proposed to duplicate the tree denseness in future in conformity to the mill demands.
Socio – Economic
One other side consequence of turning trees for energy is that it will profit dirt quality and farm economic systems. Energy harvests will supply a steady auxiliary income for husbandmans in off-seasons and let them to work fresh land without necessitating much extra equipment. Furthermore, energy harvests will be used to stabilise cropland or rangeland prone to eroding and implosion therapy. Trees will be grown for several old ages before being harvested, and their roots and foliage litter will assist stabilise the dirt. The planting of coppicing, or self-regenerating, assortments will minimise the demand for riotous tilling and planting.
This undertaking does non affect any supplanting of local people. Employment chances will be improved in the nearby small towns because of this proposed unit and this will supply indirect employment chances for more than 1000 households.
Safety PPE ‘s -Operation and Care
The undermentioned steps will be provided to guarantee safety of the workers ;
aˆ? Industrial safety helmets
aˆ? Crash helmets
aˆ? Face shield
aˆ? Welders equipment for oculus and face protection
aˆ? Cylindrical type earplug
aˆ? Ear muffs
aˆ? Canister gas mask
aˆ? Self contained take a breathing setup
aˆ? Leather apron
aˆ? Boiler suit
aˆ? Safety belt /line adult males safety belt
aˆ? Leather manus baseball mitts
aˆ? Canvas semen leather manus baseball mitts with leather thenar
aˆ? Lead manus baseball mitt
aˆ? Electrically tested electrical opposition manus baseball mitts and
aˆ? Industrial safety places with steel toe.
Environment, Safety and Health Monitoring Programme
The Environment, Safety and Health-Monitoring Programme in the mill will be as follows:
aˆ? Monthly Monitoring of Stack Emissions – SPM, RSPM, SO2, NOX
aˆ? Daily Monitoring of Water and Treated Water – pH, TDS, TSS, COD
aˆ? Monitoring of Ambient Air – SPM, RSPM, SO2, NOX & A ; CO, Noise and Work Place Air
aˆ? Occupational Safety
aˆ? Occupational Health
Budgetary allotment for Environmental Management
Capital Investing
Annual Operating Costss
( KES in 000 ‘ )
Air Pollution Management
Water and Wastewater Management
Solid Waste Management
Environmental Monitoring and Training
Please advice on this tabular array. Is it necessary and are the figures about correct.
Other impact of turning Prosopis Juliflora and utilizing it to bring forth energy include ;
Fossil fuel cogeneration and C extenuation will be encouraged.
The furnace and boiler will hold to be particularly modified to be able to bring forth steam at the high temperatures necessary for doing the works more energy efficient.
Sustainability of a biomass power works will by and large depend on the engagement of the donees in footings of increased environmental consciousness by separating biomass power and conventional grid power. During the field study it was found out that really small environmental concerns exist among the villagers. This is non to intend that they are nescient of the negative impacts of deforestation, dirt eroding, and loss of biodiversity but that they are cognizant and are willing to turn to these impacts consequently. They are besides willing to portion the duty to works more trees in their land to counter consequence the negative impact that the power works may bring forth and to keep the sustainability.
The key to successful biomass power development is to utilize the resources expeditiously in modern transition systems that maximize the energy produced and minimise the by-products of the transition processes. In modern times, the combination of improved technological efficiencies, scientific progresss, increased environmental-awareness and environmental protection ordinances have turned biomass transition into a cleaner, more efficient procedure.
In position of the above, the undermentioned activities along the biomass value concatenation will necessitate consideration in an EIA:
oˆ‚? any activity or construction out of character with its surrounding ;
oˆ‚? major alterations in land usage ;
oˆ‚? all roads in scenic, wooded or cragged countries and wetlands ;
oˆ‚? railroad lines ;
oˆ‚? oil and gas grapevines ;
oˆ‚? H2O conveyance ;
oˆ‚? river recreations and H2O transportation between catchments ;
oˆ‚? boring for the intent of using land H2O resources ;
oˆ‚? lumber harvest home ;
oˆ‚? clearance of forest countries ;
oˆ‚? re-afforestation and afforestation ;
oˆ‚? large-scale agribusiness ;
oˆ‚? usage of pesticides, including aerial crop-dusting ;
oˆ‚? debut of new harvests ;
oˆ‚? usage of fertilisers ;
oˆ‚? irrigation ;
oˆ‚? fertiliser industry or processing ;
oˆ‚? oil refineries and petro-chemical plants ;
oˆ‚? chemical plants and procedure workss ;
oˆ‚? majority grain processing workss ;
oˆ‚? direction of hydrocarbons including the storage of natural gas and combustible or explosive fuels ;
oˆ‚? waste disposal, including: sites for solid waste disposal ; sites for risky waste disposal ; sewerage disposal works ; works affecting major atmospheric emanations ; works breathing violative olfactory properties.
As required for execution of the undertaking activity, undertaking participants have studied the possibility of environmental impacts and conclude that no negative impacts are possible due to the undertaking activity. In fact, the undertaking activity contributes to minimise the environmental pollution due to fossil fuel based electricity coevals.

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