Over the decade, the importance of x-ray in the dentistry domain has increased exponentially. Chang et al. (2017), highlighted that dental radiography is commonly used by dentists to evaluate the hidden structures, malignant or benign masses, bone loss. The case study represents the dental problem of Mathew who fell in the school play garden and his front teeth become a bit loose due to the incidents. He has been a regular patient for seven years, has had X-rays previously in relation to his eruption pattern. Upon examination, it was observed that he requires an x-ray to identify the potential damage caused by fall for further dental surgery (Reichart et al., 2016). This paper will illustrate the information relevant before the x-ray, the technical quality of modification of standard procedure in following paragraphs.
Relevant information considered before x-ray:
Before a patient is required to x-ray, the age of the patient is crucial to estimate the exposure and its side effects. In the current context, the patient is 10 years old who is most prone to the physical disabilities because of x-ray and therefore, modern x-ray units using ALARA principles (As Low As Reasonably Achievable) is required to apply(Neto et al., 2017). Dental examination routine of the patients and previous medical histories of the patient is required to prepare the patient for the x-ray. Brasileiro et al. (2019),highlighted that if the patient had recently done an x-ray, then it is required to avoid x-ray. In the current context, Mathew has done x-ray before because of his eruption pattern and therefore, the timeline of x-ray is required for conducting the recent x-ray. Moreover, before preparing the patient for x-ray, it is crucial to asses other physical disabilities of the patient since x-ray influence other physical disabilities (Berkhout et al., 2015).The positioning of the tongue greatly influence the radio imaging quality and therefore, the tongue positions of the patient are required to ask. In the current context, Matthew has a large tongue and therefore, the face positioning of Matthew should be differently placed to avoid imaging error. Moreover, the procedures regarding the x-ray required to explain to patients and family members before x-ray to obtain the consent (Pauwels, 2015).
The additional information required to obtain:
These formations are not sufficient to operate the x-ray. Therefore, additional information is required to successfully conduct x-ray procedure. In the current context, apart from the fall in the clinical ground, no information was provided from the Mathews side to perform the x-ray. Therefore, previous periodontal or endodontic treatment is required to obtain from the family members of Mathew such as his father (Chang et al., 2017). The previous x-ray details of the patient have required History of pain or trauma of the patient required to obtain from Mathew and his fathers. Familial history of dental anomalies required to obtain from the patients and father. Moreover, the assessment of the patient for the cavity or gum diseases is required through before conducting x-ray procedure.
Quality of the equipment:
It is essential to clarify the technical quality of the x-ray for the dental x-ray because the higher exposure to x-ray may lead to the health issues such as cancer, acute radiation syndromes which further causes GI tract, bone marrow, and neurovascular disease depending on the dose of exposure (Kasat et al., 2017). Moreover, other technical faults such as error positioning of any equipment give rise to error imaging of teeth structure and other dysfunction of x-ray equipment can give rise to health hazard or accidents. Therefore it is crucial to check all of the technical qualities with medical technicians or responsible person before conducting x-ray procedure. For each x-ray machines, equipment exposure setting for toddlers required to assess by following ALARA principles to provide modern x-ray dose to patients (Berkhout, 2015).
The instructions given to Mathew:
Since Mathew is 10 years children who are able to understand the verbal communications and not mature enough to understand the complex instruction of dentist. Therefore, in this case, verbal communication can be done with Mathew to provide him with all of the relevant istryuctions regarding the x-ray to avoid error free imaging (Berkhout et al., 2015). The written instruction can be given to the Mathew so that he can follow the instruction after reading this. Moreover, to follow the instruction, visual pictures can be shown to him and the dentist can physically demonstrate the instruction to gain an understanding of the x-ray procedure for obtaining error-free images before surgery. It will easier for Mathew to follow visual instructions to adopt it and physical demonstration will give him a more clear understanding of the instructions (Pauwels, 2015). Moreover, it will also give Mathew a sense of security and comfort to follow the instructions and reduce the previous awkward feeling he experienced in previous x-ray encounters.
The review of the standard:
The major standard procedure involves the contrast of image formation. It was observed that during image formation, the increased contrast leads to the deformation of physical as well as genetic deformations and last burn. To adjust the contrast according to dose, ionizing radiation medical exposure regulation (IRMER 2018) can be implemented and contrast can be adjusted (Goulston et al.,2016). Sometimes, during X-ray procedures, a considerate number of younger adults of infants become traumatized or awkward because of the procedures they have to go through. Therefore, physicians required to build a therapeutic bond with the children before x-ray and physicians with the pediatric demonstration skills is required to recruit for reducing the trauma of the children.
Thus, it can be concluded that radiology has become a hospital in the dentistry to examine the hidden structure of the teeth. The case study represents the dental problem of Mathew who falls in the school play garden and front teeth become a bit loose due to the incidents. Therefore, before x-ray previous x-ray history, previous trauma history, history of the genetic disease is required to obtain for avoiding erroneous results. For explaining the instruction to the children, the instructions can be demonstrated through visual representations such as video or pictures. To improve the procedures skill professionals and contrast adjustment is required.
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