Writing a critical thinking paper involves the kind of analysis that reveals internal logic of the subject matter chosen. It is not merely description of facts and data to back the argument. It is the analysis of how things happen to be, why they are done in a particular way and what development might be in the regarded framework.

The analysis of the topic information, preceding critical thinking paper, includes critical reading and proper information arrangement.

Start with skimming the sources on subject matter to outline the topic and to have a clear picture in front of you. Reread the most interesting and informative articles to pick up subject relevant details. Trace internal logic of facts and data, look up for unique ways of thinking regarding your topic. Use short notes or note cards to arrange information for structure analysis. Process the data and create your own argument based on the accumulated data.

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As soon as you are done with the analytical part, make draft writing on a pad or sheet of paper. Hand writing is a mechanical action that directly appeals to mental categorization mechanisms via language, which automatically add to your performance in thinking and writing.

Use a standard structure with introductory paragraph grabbing readers’ attention and outlining the overall paper structure. The main part renders the argument, reasoning and your personal ideas supported by facts and their critical analysis. Start a new paragraph for every new idea and provide transition to the paragraph that follows. Draw a unique and original conclusion leaning upon the data analyzed and your own view of the subject matter.