A feminist criticism essay is usually a careful analysis of the feminist issues, represented in the book, which are basically concerned with the images of the female characters and their role in the narration. There are a number of standard aspects you can focus on, while exploring the view of the author on women, expressed in his work.

First of all, prepare sketches of the female characters. For this you need to single out all the information the narrator gives us about them – their background, childhood, sexuality, work, and outlook on the world. The better you get to know the characters, the easier it will be to draw conclusions about them.

The second step would be to compare and contrast these female heroines to their male counterparts. Their opposition is of vital importance for feminist criticism. While contrasting them, it is recommended to take into account the historical period of time, depicted in the book, and decide whether the relationship, shown between the male and female characters, was typical for that time or not, and, probably, indicate the reasons for this.
What is more, it can help you learn the views of the writer on the ideal situation with women, as it can give you a key to understanding the female characters. It is also advisable to analyse the conversations between men and women, their attitude to each other and their overall role in the book. Make sure you examine the views that men and women in the book express concerning females.

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All in all, the more detailed and argumentative your essay is, the better impression it will produce on the readers. Therefore, examine various aspects and questions, since it will help you get a complete picture of the piece.