You are the HR team for your organization. Develop an executive level presentation that can be used to communicate your understanding of safety behaviour to the executive. The presentation and materials submitted by the group is what will be graded for this assignment. You will not actually have a presentation. Your group can choose any topic to present on. For example, you may choose an emerging issue in health and safety you have heard about in the news or through your learning.
Present this topic to the management team as though it is an issue facing your fictional organization. How would you motivate them to act? What barriers do you think they may present that you need to overcome through influence? What do they need to do to ensure the workforce demonstrates the desired behaviours? Use the theories presented in Chapter 10 to engage the executive in your topic and motivate them to agree with your recommendations. Do not repeat the theories in your presentation, use them to motivate the executive team to change
Considerations for the presentation materials: Assume the executive group has had little formal training or education in safety management. Assume the executive group has requested the presentation and is very interested in learning about your topic. Assume that your group will be delivering the presentation and you have been given 30 minutes to present your content; however, pre-reading and support information can be included in addition to the presentation material. Keep in mind, however, that executives do not have a great deal of time for extra reading. Extra materials (if they are submitted) must be succinct, important, and directly related to the training package (e.g., an article or a summary document with the highlight bullets associated with the most critical aspects of the presentation).
What are you asking me to do? Why should I agree to it? What is the status quo at the company right now? How will you get me to agree to your recommendations?
Requirements: The presentation and materials submitted by the group is what will be graded for this assignment. You will not actually have a presentation. The package may include any electronic media listed below; additional media MAY be acceptable but must be cleared first with the instructor. Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Excel, or Visio o other formats may be accepted but must be discussed with the instructor in advance document(s) saved in pdf format.
Marking Criteria: Content 0 3 5 Learning objectives of the training Objectives are not provided or content strays markedly from the objectives. Objectives somewhat ambiguous or package materials are only loosely linked to learning objectives. Clear focus for training material; well linked with intended learning outcomes. Safety behaviour Materials are largely unrelated to safety behaviour or critical gaps in the theory are evident.
The broad aspects of safety behaviour are addressed, but the material is significantly ambiguous or misleading in several places. Material communicates and represents the aspects of safety behaviour (as presented in the textbook and module) very well. Actionable The materials fail to communicate the critical roles and responsibilities of the executive in safety behaviour. The audience can glean their role, but what they would need to specifically do (responsibilities) is ambiguous or under communicated.
The materials clearly define the role of the executive in safety behaviour and the actions they need to take to achieve positive safety behaviour. Creativity and writing of the materials and the message Appearance of the material is blunt and dull; does not engender reader/observer’s interest Material is acceptable to the audience, but creativity gives way to direct narrative communication with few images and only limited colour and style Style, format, careful editing, and wise image selection give this material a quality that supports the importance of the message. The appearance and written narrative are well selected and developed for the target audience. Total 20
Participation Working collaboratively with others, whether online or in a face-to-face situation is an important skill, not just for learning but for gaining results in today’s working environment. While collaborating with others has its challenges (e.g., coordinating schedules and sharing workload), students are expected to manage these issues and produce results, just as you will be required to do in a real work situation. Be conscientious of each other’s time constraints.
Your participation in the group assignment of this course is mandatory and forms part of your course evaluation. Below is an example of how your efforts, as judged by your fellow students and the instructor, will be evaluated on group assignments. If your team reports issues or concerns with group participation, the instructor will:ask the initiator of such concerns what efforts they have taken to facilitate collaboration ask the subject of a specific complaint what efforts they have provided towards collaboration inquire with each group member individually to assess overall group participation
Based on the results of this inquiry, the instructor may: suggest additional actions to facilitate collaboration request specific actions or activities from one or all members deduct marks, individually or to the group, for poor collaboration on an assignment
It is a student responsibility to work together to complete group work. If your group is not participating in an assignment, you may ask the instructor for assistance, but this may be viewed as a group or team failure rather than an individual problem. In most instances, all members of the group will be graded equally and share in the same mark on an assignment. In rare situations the instructor may reduce the grade of individual members where gross individual performance issues are evident.
Learning to Work in Groups Learning to work in groups may be new for some of you. Whether this is a skill that you use in your workplace at the moment or if this process is new for you, it is an important skill that is used more and more in today’s workplaces. Like any other skill, it takes practice and patience to learn to collaborate with others. In order to familiarize yourself with the requirements of working in a group, please have a look at this succinct and helpful guide from Deakin University in Australia. Here are the steps to find the website: 1. Go to the home page for Click on Study supports then Academic skills resources. 3. Choose the Seminars & Classes tab, click on group work to open the guide.
Submission Instructions Save the file in the format: FirstName_LastName_GroupAssignment.doc.One of the group members submits the file to the Assignments area. To upload your work, click Assignments link on the navigation menu, choose Group Assignment, then use the Browse My Computer and Submit button to upload the file. You can also access the assignments area directly within the Group. Ensure all names are clearly identified on the submission for the project team.
Management commitment enforces policies in organization.It is the topmost leadership and supervises employees (Maleki, 2015).It stresses policies are to be strongly followed.Poor leadership in an organization increases workers accidents, sick leaves and stress related conditions at work place.Commitment emphasizes on health and safety policy guidelines.It also ensures the workforce follow company goals Follow and promote fundamental health and safety policy guidelines.This commitment also ensures all the workforce rally behind these goals hence promoting it in the long run at the organization
Theories of management commitment
Trait theory: Lewin’s and behavioural theories.Lewin’s approach; these are autocratic, leisez-faire and democratic.Behaviour theory; Some leaders are more dedicated on task while others are oriented to behaviour (Mahmoud S, 2014).
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Leaders and employee participation
Managers and directors of organisation should ensure their employees environment is stress free and nothing that can harm the employees’ health is present at the work place e.g. accidents.
Duties of leaders and employees
- Making a concrete and stable health organisation system
- Encouraging and making their employees adhere to the Health and system policy
- Making sure that all those health system policy are monitored and followed on latter.
- Management should be at the upper hand of setting a record to junior employees on how to follow those policies.
- Communicated as a strategy of enhancement.
- Make those policies everyone’s responsibility to follow.
OHS Policy
Health policy to achieve certain health objectives. (Arab Omidvari, 2014) Organisation policies ensure that there are rules or regulations that actually guide people, protect and improve workers health.
Examples of organisations health policies are:
- No smoking in the compound for substances
- Policies that restricts foods
- Some organizations ensure regular exercise
- Taking health insurances and medical covers
- Some policies are not directly related to health but may affect the health being of a person are also taken care of
Goals and objectives of health and safety
- To ensure that employees and management follow strictly the policies and standards of health to avoid hazards.
- Give necessary assistance and sensitization of health and safety information to various groups
- To provide workers with relevant information about working in a safe healthy environment while doing their work.
Improvement of workers health and safety
There are several steps of improving workers health and safety. (Shirai, 2013)
1.Safety should be a priority in the organisation
2.Follow accidents where and as they happen
3.Educate employees on daily routine
4.Supervise your organisation workplace.
Alimohammadi, M. A. (2013). Assessing safety culture and influencing factors in detergent products manufacturing company. Health and Safety at Work, 67-78
Arab Omidvari, A. N. (2014). Investigating the effect of Biorhythm on work related Accidents. Health and Safety at work, 51-58.
Mahmoud S, I. F. (2014). Evaluation of relationship between the rate of unsafe behaviors and personality trait case study. Health and safety at work, 51-58.
Shirai, G. (2013). Human errors identification using human factors analysing and classification systems. Health and Safety At Work, 45-54.