Human Alienation

Alienation molds in addition to affecting individuals’ entire lives as well as every aspect of their personalities. The most fundamental attribute of alienated individuals regards their inability to acknowledge and change the alienating elements of their lives. Alienation has affected the contemporary individual in all aspects. To comprehend ways in which human brains has become very alienated (that is so distanced from its standard balanced nature) it is essential to understand the history behind human alienation development. To start with human originated from nature, along with, living within the natural environment or setting that evolution had accommodated them. However as human society as well as culture grew into the complex, majorly technological setting of the contemporary day, humans become progressively more distanced from the nature within their daily lives.   Presently, this separation has become so wide such that humans are currently living in a chronic state filled with extreme anxiety. Individuals with chronic anxiety as well as depression develop unusually huge, malfunctioning amygdale: this is a condition which cripples along with destroying rich human interactions. As a result this kind of sickness stands in stark disparity   to human interactions within the society.

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It is known that the fundamental unit of nature is the atom. The atom comprises to core units namely the proton along with the electron or “negative” as well as ” positive” particles. The interaction amongst protons along with electrons as well as other particles with the atom illustrates to huge extent ways in which material world interactions operate. Thus once there is equilibrium within the material world or universe, between the positive and negative elements none of them is has greater value than the other (Vining & Price, 2008). They thus associate as well as exchange material between each other in balanced manner.  The equivalent balance we witness within nature could also be viewed in the development of human race. For instance, the class societies that we are aware of since recorded history illustrate just a fraction of the period contemporary humans evolved to become a species. The class society consolidation never entirely developed till agriculture became wholly developed within Mesopotamia approximately 500BC (Gottlieb, 2004). Therefore, the biggest part of the human existence, individuals existed as hunters as well as gatherers within communal groupings comprising of a handful of families.  Within this social context, individuals associated in a balanced manner: the positive as well as negative emotions along with social interactions amongst groups were balanced on order of creating stability in the community’s life (Pynchon, 2008).

Within the immense human prehistory span, the human brain as well as his emotions was more balanced than at present, when human society exist on a sharp decline. The individual’s “negative” emotions for instance fear, anger, rage aggression and anxiety were utilized towards such activities as hunting and defense against predators as well as misfortunes of nature (Gottlieb, 2004). On the hand “positive” emotions for instance love, compassion, sharing, connection, solidarity with others were utilize on a daily basis. Since individuals deep social in addition to emotional associations were never restricted to the nuclear family units, positive emotions were at all times displayed (Shagol, 2005).. Nevertheless, this does not entail that humans existed harmoniously entirely, considering the problems along with contradictions intrinsic in the survival need under “primitive” conditions. Nonetheless, not one of their encountered problem happened to be artificially (meaning lacking connection to nature) volatile as they exist in the decadent society class presently. For illustration, the raising of children was done by the entire community as opposed to an isolated along with strained mother who at all times yells at the kids since she lacks alternative outlets for her emotions: this is a negative way through which emotions (negative) arise presently (Gottlieb, 2004). Within the contemporary society whereby the core unit is usually the nuclear family, kids are damaged since they exist in a setting that is full of negative emotions which reflect the particular class society (Gottlieb, 2004). On the other hand close-knit small society comprising of hunters and gatherers , mothers are never overcome by stress, since kids are raised communally by the whole community as  well as extended family.

The human brain transformed over numerous millennia to become ideally adapted to the lives lived the above mentioned hunter-gatherers societies.  The brain parts responsible for “negative” emotions normally are balanced against the other brain sections accountable for “positive” emotions. During the hunter-gatherer period “’ negative” emotions that are located internally and within the amygdale section in the brain, got activated by real physical danger situations, for instance, when a wild animal chases an individual (Uggla, 2008). Presently the same neurological mechanisms exist in our brains, however situations have transformed drastically. The consequence is that the contemporary man’s stress response has been maladapted besides our living conditions: the equivalence of the hunter-gatherer’s reactions towards dangerous situations are presently triggered when an individual cuts you off within the highway whilst driving, including other illustrations that take place within our day-to-day chaotic and multifaceted society.

The equilibrium amongst the pre-class society got eradicated by class societies that are grounded principally on the “negative” feelings initiated by the competitive social interactions. For instance, the essence of capitalism is for pursuit profit at the advantage of others as well as relentless exploitation in addition to the greater majority oppression (Shagol, 2005). Within the class communities the human brain along with the body literally turns out to be sick due to mismatch amongst the social setting which we evolved in and the social setting we inhabit in actuality (Gottlieb, 2004). This sickness refers to the physical as well as mental manifestation of the human alienation essence. Within primitive communist societies the human bonding as well as solidarity in the tribe is usually extremely deep.  A majority of the rituals within these tribes focus on the correlation to nature and with a vivacity which bonds every person within the tribe towards a single cohesive community (Uggla, 2008). The vivacity concerning interactions as well as positive emotions normally is utilized within the primitive communist societies in order to bind he members together towards the collective struggle of surviving besides the nature’s odds.

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Consequently as class societies emerged, the connection as well as solidarity in the society was weakened. However, only under capitalism, especially as shown within the mostly developed nations, solidarity has actually been eradicated, leading to a sense of alienating separateness which creates enormous anxiety. On the contrary under feudalism, peasants were usually utterly miserable in addition to their suffering being intense, however their culture along with their belief systems manifested to them that the society was predetermined forever. Most importantly within the feudal villages all people knew fellow villagers and spent their whole lives within close proximity (Gottlieb, 2004).

Contemporary humans are said to adopt a sense of separation from nature due a number of reasons. For instance, the enlightenment extends feelings of dominance over nature. With progressing focus towards scientific as well as empirical advance towards nature there appeared developments within science along with technology. A majority of these discoveries additionally enhanced individual’s capabilities to regulate or adjust nature into the immaculate gardens indicated within the Bible (story of Eve and Adam). Authors indicate that humans were once closer to nature than contemporary humans both psychologically as well as physically. Scientific knowledge advances steered the twin forces that is industrialization along with urbanization to in a greater way split contemporary humans and drift hem away from their environments (Jacobo, 2013). Analyzing the movement from land-oriented economy towards the urbanized along with industrialized world, the movement from a living setting in which humans was much closer to nature resulted to an urban context that extends the idea that meat is gotten from the grocery store.  Paradoxically, the same nature conquest, in amalgamation with the alienation generated the concept of nature sacredness, with numerous legislations being enforced in many nations to shield the tracts of immaculate land from the destructive human influences. The affection for gardening as well as pets further reflects the yearning towards closer relations with nature as well as the natural.

Additionally, the value that an individual extends towards the environment plays a purpose regarding whether or not their view themselves as a component of or distinct from nature. Researchers state that the term “anthrocentric” should be utilized to describe people who normally place themselves within an ethical state beyond nature. The value humans place on nature effects on ways we see ourselves in association with nature.  Further nature itself could also be viewed as a reflection of an individual’s beliefs along with desires (Uggla, 2008). Therefore if a person desires a feeling of association with nature their then have a greatly more connected view towards nature as opposed to individual who desires isolation. Similarly if an individual deems that becoming a land steward needs a separation amongst nature and self there are likely to see themselves as being distinct from nature (Gottlieb, 2004). Contemporary humans tend to view particular natural areas as being worth of shielding, whilst disregarding physically equivalent natural areas. The special area refers to the serene and natural places that have an element of beauty amongst other aspects (Jacobo, 2013). The special or specific areas are places that individuals go to witness and experience nature. It is important that individuals stop placing borders dividing themselves and nature. In order to successfully shield the entire environment not simply particular parts, individuals require eradicating the perceived barriers. A person’s concern level towards the environment is associated directly to the connectedness the person feels towards nature.

Certainly, the contemporary humans mostly live indoors in addition to most of their associations and interactions take place within themselves or with artificially developed artifacts. A majority of people spend more of their time watching television as opposed to being outdoors. A majority of individuals visit theme parks many more times as compared to visiting game parks (Shagol, 2005). This separation results in psychological disconnection, thus, the physical separation develops from psychological alienation. The spiritual disconnection from nature possesses numerous effects on nature; firstly, the ecologically destructive behavior: the separation from nature from a cultural viewpoint is deemed as the initial cause of the ecological crisis. Secondly, varying kinds of human suffering, for example, some addictions, depression anger and anxiety are viewed as resulting from the human-nature disconnection. Thirdly numerous kinds of social as well as collective suffering: for instance racism, violence, sexism as well as alienation from society are associated to the human-nature-disconnection. Different researchers have conceptualized the notion of separation differently. Some have used the psychological illness metaphors stating that the separation from nature is as a result of arrested development meaning that people in contemporary culture have not matured completely. Other researchers have viewed the separation from a psychoanalytic viewpoint suggesting that separation is equivalent to the dissociation at times witnessed through abuse victims.

It is clear that the modern society have adopted a concept of self which is too restricted to involve more than the human world: this is known as the enlarged ecological self. It may be that our separation from nature is a perception that modern people have learnt to not perceive particular phenomena in culture. The connection from nature may be viewed as altered consciousness states to some individuals but what is apparent is separation from nature by contemporary humans is real (Jacobo, 2013). Additional, aspects that have continued to support separation between the humans and nature are such as advertising as well as economic incentives, disconnect contemporary humans from nature or the natural world: consumerism is cause of spiritual separation from nature. The separation form nature at times referred to as a primitive human element and that we are capable of growing to the direction connection with the universe and nature. An essential question refers to what is deemed natural (Gottlieb, 2004). Whilst this may seem simple, researchers’ philosophers as the general public have continuously addressed this question: a simple definition however is nonexistent. Some individuals describe nature as being the contrast of civilization. They indicated that nature is something which is “out there” devoid of human involvement. Additionally, other studies have stated that elements of humans along with environment define each other (Shagol, 2005). Therefore, defining whether an element is either natural or unnatural necessitates an individual to perform a holistic based reflection: this concept brings out the idea that human and nature define each other.

The contemporary humans’ alienation from nature has led to the confusion of them not knowing whether or not they are connected with nature. Modern humans consider themselves as a component of nature and their general insight   regarding natural environments excludes either humans or human contribution whilst their general perception regarding the unnatural environments to mainly comprise of human created entities. Additionally, most of us have the idea that nature involves the pristine and preserved land which is uninhabited as well as unaltered by humans (Uggla, 2008).  Indeed, this contradictory notion lucidly explains the separation or alienation from nature though they may consider themselves as being inherently components of nature. Lack of connectedness with nature is a as a result of lack of contact as well as absence of daily closeness. Thus it is clear that absence of contact to natural environments as well as heightened elevation in interactions with human constructed environments separates human from nature.  The idea of self-nature relationships conflict with contemporary individuals’ perceptions with regard to natural as well as unnatural environments will certainly have impacts towards environmental values, attitudes in addition to behavioral aspects. The inconsistency within the ideas shows cognitive dissonance which may complicate decision-making as well as undertaking environmentally accountable behavior.   The dissonance is horrible and will lead an individual to relieve themselves of the inconsistent perceptions through rationalizing subsequent thoughts as well as behavior. Resolving this inconsistency in perceptions will lead to a more accountable behavior towards the environment Emerald, 2004).

Presently, the contemporary human the separation of human with nature is prevalent with humans becoming simply labor and social market commodities. Within the social façade every individual feels lonely and the only available ways to evade the deep loneliness feelings is turning on the computer or TV. Thus, the alienated individual must participate in mindless as well as passive activities within which autonomous thoughts are surrendered: this makes an individual be enslaved to the technological objects which creates the false association sense (Uggla, 2008). The separateness experience is at all times conveyed by deep anxiety feelings originating from the lost sense of belonging as well as oneness with other individuals. One we lose the connection with other people via love along with cohesion, we additionally lose the capability to generate self identity both emotionally as well as mentally (Gottlieb, 2004). Being entirely alone is impractical for the huge majority. This is because the human brain is not able to deal with absolute loneliness. The alienation has made most of us go insane or sick due to the separation from others. There exist numerous mechanisms by which contemporary individuals attempt to survive through conforming as well as becoming dependent on other individuals devoid of actually generating a healthy self  (Hart, 2009).  The most prevalent mechanism is conforming to social as well as economic systems through adopting the main marketplace features to becoming part of their characters.

The latest development within the conduct of the alienated market personality is identifying with machines. An additional illustration regarding harmful coping mechanisms regards people turning out to be drowned in dreams of self importance in addition to seeing others as insignificant. This makes the alienated individuals perceive the universe as the extension of themselves thus resolving in dominating other individuals. As long as alienation persists there is no chance of stopping the catastrophic realities that are approaching. The struggle against alienation all aspects f life require stopping: this means that contemporary humans require a revolution. A distinct human being will definitely need to emerge, a person who is connected to nature and cares for it. From political, economic to climate change including environmental destruction require to be addressed as the top most priority. If humans survive in the next couple of decades there is no doubt that nature will retaliate against them. we can keep disregarding the effects of our alienation from nature through distorted notions of our connection but the separation will definitely persist at one time affect us negatively. For instance, the rise of capitalism and climate change are perfect examples of human alienation from nature. The progressively more climate change is leading to increased hunger within the earth: the socialism alienation is making us contact psychological diseases. Further, the human alienation is distancing us from the superior being.


Emerald, N. (2004). Consumerism, Nature and Human Spirit. Retrieved from

Hart, A. (2009). “In alienating (i) nature and (ii) man himself, his own active function, his life activity from man, alienated labor alienates the species from him into a means of individual. Retrieved from

Jacobo, C. (2013). A Culture Separated from Nature | NationofChange. Retrieved from

Pynchon, T. (2008). New technologies and alienation. Retrieved from

Shagol, H. (n.d.). Marx and religion: A brief study. Retrieved from

Uggla, Y. (2008). What is this thing called ‘natural’? The nature-culture divide in climate change and biodiversity policy. Retrieved from

Vining, J., & Price, E. (2008). The Distinction between Humans and Nature: Human Perceptions of Connectedness to Nature and Elements of the Natural and Unnatural. Retrieved from

Gottlieb, R. S. (Ed.). (2004). This sacred earth: Religion, nature, environment (2nd ed.). New York, NY: Routledge

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