The learning outcomes that are assessed by this coursework are:
1. Select and analyse a problem domain so as to identify data requirements in businesses.
2. Design and implement a database system for the identified requirements using database modelling techniques and appropriate data description and manipulation languages
Problem statement
The details related with the design of the database are covered in the report. There are a lot many drawbacks that are present in the present system. All of these loopholes are due to the manual operations that are carried out. There are problems associated with data duplication, slow processing speed, increased number of security risks and occurrences that are observed.
There are three primary elements that are involved in the database schema in terms of the types of the performer viz. Group, Solo and Artist. An Artist is an entity that can be placed as a group performer as well as a solo performer. The integrated set of more than one solo performer is termed as Group. As soon as a solo performer gets associated with the particular group, the performer is then termed as the member of that group. The number of instruments associated with every performer may be one to many.
The automated system that is being designed will overcome the drawbacks that are associated with the manual set of operations in the current system. There will be many advantages that will be provided by the automated system in terms of utilization of the storage space and its allocation. The ability to prevent and control the security events and occurrences will also improve. The further sections in the report cover the specific details of the table and the data that will be stored along with the queries.
Conceptual design
Business rules of the system
The following business rules are applicable on the project and shall be reflected in the database design as well.
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- An artist can either be associated with a particular group or may choose to perform solo. The option to co-exist is not valid.
- One solo performer may be associated with a single or multiple groups.
- In one group, there may be multiple solo performers.
- The number of instruments associated with any of the performer may be one to many; however, at a particular instance, a performer can play only a single instrument.
- The name of the Artists shall be a unique identifier.
- The name of the Instrument shall be a unique identifier.
- The name of the Owner shall be a unique identifier.
- A particular concert may be organized and owned by a single owner; however, one owner can be associated with many concerts.
- A concert must have multiple solo performers.
- A particular concert will be allowed to organize and perform a single gig.
Logical database design of the design
Normalized tables
Database indexes
The logical database design presents the attributes that are associated with every table. Each of the table in the database has a primary key along with certain indexes that are explained below.
- Unique artist name – The name of the artists shall be unique since an artist can choose to be a part of a group or may also choose to perform solo. In case of duplication in terms of the name, there will be confusions that will come up.
- Unique instrument name – The number of instruments that a performer may play may be one or many. In case of the same name of the instrument, there may be confusions that may come up for a single artist.
- Unique concert name – The unique name of the concerts will allow their identification to be easy.
- Unique owner name – The end-users will be able to easily identify the owner with a unique owner name. In case of the duplication in the name, it will become difficult to identify the desired owner.
Data population
There are several elements that are involved in a particular project. One of the essential elements includes the design of the database. It is necessary to ensure that the front end and the back end are adequately synced together as per the business specifications. In order to do so, logical and conceptual design of the database plays a significant role. For the project of Music Artist Management, there are a total of nine tables that have been designed and these tables are also normalized. This will make it easier to implement the database design.
Leydesdorff, L. (2010). Normalization at the field level: fractional counting of citations. [online] Available at: [Accessed 03 Jan. 2018].
Saranya, C. (2016). A Study on Normalization Techniques for Privacy Preserving Data Mining. [online] Available at: [Accessed 03 Jan. 2018].
Thalheim, B. (2017). The Enhanced Entity-Relationship Model. [online] Available at: [Accessed 03 Jan. 2018].
Whited, H. (2016). Normalization of balance sheets and income statements: a case illustration of a private plumbing enterprise. [online] Available at: [Accessed 03 Jan. 2018].