Implementing Graham’s scan

Midterm: Convex Hull Preliminaries The goal of this midterm is to implements Graham’s scan to compute the convex hull of a set  of points in 2D space. This problem requires three class types: Vector2D to represent  quantities with magnitude and size, Point2D to encode points in 2D, and Point2DSet to  provide a container for 2D points that can be used for storing, sorting, and systematic traversal  of 2D point and the construction of the corresponding convex hull. In geometry, the convex  hull of a set Q of points, written CH(Q), is the smallest convex polygon P for which each point  of Q is either on the boundary of P or in its interior, and every line segment joining some  points p0 and p1 of Q lies completely within polygon P: y p0 x p1 Figure 1: Convex Hull. Computing the convex hull of a set of points is an interesting problem in its own right. Many  algorithms for some other computational-geometry problems start by computing a convex  hull. Graham’s scan solves the convex hull problem by maintaining a stack S (or some other  sequential data structure) of candidate points. Each point in the input set Q is pushed once  onto the stack, and the points that are not vertices (i.e., boundary points) of CH(Q) are  eventually popped from the stack. When the algorithm terminates, stack S contains exactly  the vertices of CH(Q), in counterclockwise order of their appearance on the boundary: y p10 p6 yp10 p6 p12 p8 p11 p9 p7 p5 p2 p4 p1 p3 x p12 p8 p11 p9 p7 p5 p2 p4 p1 p3 x Q: CH(Q): p0 p0 Figure 2: CH(Q) = {P12, P10, P3, P1, P0}. Graham’s scan takes as input a set Q of points, where the cardinality of Q is greater or equal  to 3, |Q| ≥ 3. If Q has less than 3 elements, then all those elements are in CH(Q). The position  of points is defined relative to the origin point (0,0) of a Cartesian coordinate system. In a  first step, Graham’s scan identifies the point with the smallest y-coordinate. In case of a tie,  the point with the smallest x-coordinate is chosen. In Figure 2, p0 is that point. This point  becomes the new origin of the set Q of points (see Figure 3 below). Using this setup, we can  2 COS30008 Semester 1, 2021 Dr. Markus Lumpe compute the polar coordinates of every point (i.e., the distance and the direction from the  pole) in which the new origin points serves as the pole: y’ p10 p6 y’ p10 p6 p12 p8 p11 p9 p0 p7 p5 p2 p4 p3 p1 x’ p12 p8 p11 p9 p0 p7 p5 p2 p4 p3 p1 x’ Figure 3: New Origin P0 and Polar Coordinates. Using the polar coordinate system, we sort the set Q of points based on direction (i.e., polar  angle in increasing order) and start the scan process to determine CH(Q) beginning with the  pole and its next two closest points. Please note that points can be collinear, that is, they can  occur on the same line segment. In such a case, the point with the greater distance wins. (Point p2 is added initially only if it is not collinear to p1. Point p1 would come before p2.) y’ p10 p6 y’ p10 p6 p12   p7 p8 p11 p9 p0 p5 p2 p4 p3 p1 x’ p12 p8 p11 p9 p0 p7 p5 p2 p4 p3 p1 x’ Figure 4: {P2, P1, P0} to {P3, P1, P0}. Figure 4 illustrates how the algorithm determines that p3 rather than p2 is in CH(Q). The angle  formed by points p1, p2, p3 does not make a left turn. Consequently, point p2 is not in CH(Q)  and point p3 is a new candidate in CH(Q). Whether or not a candidate point is in CH(Q)  depends of the remaining points. For example, points p5, p6, and p9 are in CH(Q) until we  reach point p10:  y’p10 p6 p12 p8 p11 p9 p0 p7 p5 p2 p4 p3 p1 x’ Figure 5: Point P10 is in CH(Q). 3 COS30008 Semester 1, 2021 Dr. Markus Lumpe counterclockwise p2 clockwisep2 p2p0 p1p0 p0 p1 p1 p2p0 p1p0 p0  Left turn: Right turn: Figure 6: Two consecutive line segments turn as P1. In order to implement Graham’s scan, we need to determine whether two consecutive line  segments ����”����# and ����#����$ turn left or right at point p1. Cross products of 2D vectors allow us  to answer this question without computing the angle. We first have to build the vectors ����#����” and ����$����” and compute the cross product: (p2 – p0) x (p1 – p0) = (x2 – x0)(y1 – y0) – (x1 – x0)(y2 – y0). If the sign of this cross product is negative, then ����$����” is counterclockwise with respect to  ����#����”, and thus we make a left turn at p1. A positive cross product indicates a clockwise  orientation and a right turn. A cross product of 0 means that points p0, p1, and p2 are collinear. Please note, the cross product is actually a three-dimensional concept. For 2D vectors it is  given as the determinate of a matrix: ����# × ����$ = det����# ����$ ����# ����$ = ����#����$ − ����$����# = −����$ × ����# Graham’s scan 1. Let p0 be the point in Q with the minimum y-coordinate, or the leftmost such point in  case of a tie. 2. Let {p1, p2, …, pn} be the remaining points in Q, sorted by polar angle in  counterclockwise order around p0. 3. Let S be a stack-like data structure and push p0, p1, and p2 onto S. (If |Q| < 3, stop.) 4. for i = 3 to n 5. while the angle formed by points Next-To-Top(S), Top(S), and pi makes  a non-left turn do 6. Pop(S) 7. Push(S, pi) 8. return S The operation Top(S) yields the top element on the stack without removing it, whereas  Next-To-Top(S) provides access to the element beneath Top(S) without removing it. Pop and Push have the usual stack semantics. Please note that the midterm utilizes the C++ library type std::vector, a class template  for resizable arrays. This type can be used to store the set Q of points, order points based on  the minimum y-component and polar angle, and defines methods that allow us to use it like  a stack. A stack can be viewed as an array (or vector) of elements that is changed at one  end only. 4 COS30008 Semester 1, 2021 Dr. Markus Lumpe Test Driver #include <iostream> #include “Point2DSet.h” using namespace std; void main() {  Point2DSet lSet;  lSet.populate( “points.txt” );  cout << “Points:” << endl;  for ( const Point2D& p : lSet )  {  cout << p << endl;  }  Point2DSet lConvexHull;  lSet.buildConvexHull( lConvexHull );  cout << “Convex hull:” << endl;  size_t lSize = lConvexHull.size();  for ( size_t i = 0; i < lSize; i++ )  {  cout  << lConvexHull[i].getId()  << ” – ”  << lConvexHull[(i + 1) % lSize].getId() << endl;  }  return 0; } Output (for points.txt): Points: p00: (-5,-6) p01: (6,-4) p02: (5.5,-3) p03: (8,0) p04: (5,0) p05: (4,2) p06: (1,3) p07: (0,2) p08: (-1,1) p09: (-1.5,2) p10: (-1.5,6) p11: (-5.5,1.5) p12: (-8,-1) Convex hull: p00 – p01 p01 – p03 p03 – p10 p10 – p12 p12 – p005 COS30008 Semester 1, 2021 Dr. Markus Lumpe Problem 1 Class Vector2D defines the infrastructure to represent quantities with magnitude and size: #pragma once #include <iostream> class Vector2D { private:  double fX; // x coordinate  double fY; // y coordinate   public:  // 2D vector constructor; default is unit vector î  Vector2D( double aX = 1.0, double aY = 0.0 );  // getters & setters for x and y coordinates  void setX( double aX );  double getX() const;  void setY( double aY );  double getY() const;  // 2D vector addition: this + aRHS; returns a fresh 2D vector  Vector2D operator+( const Vector2D& aRHS ) const;  // 2D vector subtraction: this – aRHS; returns a fresh 2D vector  Vector2D operator-( const Vector2D& aRHS ) const;  // Length (or magnitude) of a 2D vector  double magnitude() const;    // Direction (angle) of 2D vector  // The angle is the tangent of y divided by x (hint: atan2)  double direction() const;  // Inner product (scalar product) of two 2D vectors  // Does not require angle between vectors  double dot( const Vector2D& aRHS ) const;    // In 2D, the cross product of two 2D vectors is  // the determinate of the matrix  //  // | x1 x2 |  // det | | = x1*y2 – x2*y1  // | y1 y2 |  //  double cross( const Vector2D& aRHS ) const;  // Angle between two 2D vectors  // The function must properly handle null vectors = [0,0]  // and return an angle consistent with the dot product.  double angleBetween( const Vector2D& aRHS ) const;    // I/O for 2D vectors  friend std::ostream& operator<<( std::ostream& aOutStream,   const Vector2D& aObject );  friend std::istream& operator>>( std::istream& aInStream,   Vector2D& aObject ); };6 COS30008 Semester 1, 2021 Dr. Markus Lumpe The methods of Vector2D define the standard features of 2D vectors. Objects of Vector2D can be null vectors, that is, [0,0]. The methods dot() and angleBetween() must  properly handle null vectors. The dot product of two vectors is zero if the vectors are  orthogonal. The input operator for Vector2D just has to read the x- and y-coordinates. The output operator has to produce the usual vector notation. That is a Vector2D object  with fX = 2 and fY = 3 has to send to the output steam a string “[2,3]”. There is no test driver for Vector2D. You may define one yourself to guarantee the  correctness of your implementation. 7 COS30008 Semester 1, 2021 Dr. Markus Lumpe Problem 2 Points in 2D are represented by objects of type Point2D: #pragma once #include “Vector2D.h” #include <iostream> #include <string> class Point2D { private:  std::string fId; // point id  Vector2D fPosition; // position in 2D  const Point2D* fOrigin; // coordinate reference point, initially (0,0)     // Direction (angle) of point w.r.t. aOther  double directionTo( const Point2D& aOther ) const;  // Length (or magnitude) of point w.r.t. aOther  double magnitudeTo( const Point2D& aOther ) const; public:  // constructors  Point2D();  Point2D( const std::string& aId, double aX, double aY );  explicit Point2D( std::istream& aIStream );  // getters & setters   const std::string& getId() const;  void setX( const double& aX );  const double getX() const;  void setY( const double& aY );  const double getY() const;  void setOrigin( const Point2D& aPoint );  const Point2D& getOrigin() const;  // 2D vector this – aRHS  Vector2D operator-( const Point2D& aRHS ) const;  // Direction (angle) of point w.r.t. origin  double direction() const;  // Length (or magnitude) of point w.r.t. origin  double magnitude() const;  // Are this point and aOther on the same line segment?  bool isCollinear( const Point2D& aOther ) const;  // Does line segment this-aP2 make a right turn at this point?  bool isClockwise( const Point2D& aP0, const Point2D& aP2 ) const;  // Is this’ y-coordinate less than aRHS’s y-coordinate?  // If there is a tie, this’ x-coordinate less than aRHS’s x-coordinate?  bool operator<( const Point2D& aRHS ) const;    // I/O for 2D points  friend std::ostream& operator<<( std::ostream& aOStream,   const Point2D& aObject );  friend std::istream& operator>>( std::istream& aIStream,   Point2D& aObject ); }; Class Point2D encodes points in 2D. Objects of class Point2D have a name or id, a position  in 2D space expressed as a 2D vector, and an origin that provides a coordinate reference. The  latter can change depending on the way we look at 2D points. When we create points initially, 8 COS30008 Semester 1, 2021 Dr. Markus Lumpe the origin is set to (0,0), the origin of a Cartesian coordinate system. To facilitate this  approach, the application has to define a constant global Point2D object gCoordinateOrigin that represents the 2D point (0,0). Ideally, this constant global object should be defined in Point2D.cpp, like: static const Point2D gCoordinateOrigin; where static means, gCoordinateOrigin it is only visible within compilation unit  Point2D.cpp. The declaration uses the default constructor for Point2D. Class Point2D defines three overloaded constructors: • Point2D(): the default constructor that sets coordinates to (0,0) and name to the  empty string; the origin is gCoordinateOrigin, • Point2D( const std::string& aId, double aX, double aY): sets  coordinates and name to corresponding values; the origin is gCoordinateOrigin, • Point2D( std::istream& aIStream ): sets coordinates and name to  corresponding values read from aIStream; the origin is gCoordinateOrigin. The getters and setters provide the usual semantics. Class Point2D also defines two private member functions: directionTo() and  magnitudeTo(). The former returns the direction (i.e. angle) from the target point to  aOther, whereas the latter returns the length of the vector between aOther and the target  object. These member functions allow for the calculation/implementation of direction() and magnitude() with respect to the origin of a 2D point. The operator-() yields 2D vector between the target object and aRHS. The predicate isCollinear() returns true if the target object and aOther are on the same  line segment. To guarantee numerical stability, deviations of less than 10-4 are considered  equal. The predicate isClockwise() returns true, if a line segment to aP2 makes a right turn at  the target point (see Figure 6). The operator<() returns true if the target point has a smaller y-coordinate that aRHS. If  there is a tie, then the one with the smallest x-coordinate wins. To guarantee numerical  stability, deviations of less than 10-4 are considered equal. The input operator for Point2D just has to read the name/id and x- and y-coordinates. The output operator has to produce the usual point notation. That is a Point2D object with  fX = 2 and fY = 3 has to send to the output steam a string “(2,3)”. In addition, the  output is prefixed with the name of the 2D point. For example, a 2D point with fId = “p00” and fX = 2 and fY = 3 has produce the output “p00: (2,3)”. There is no test driver for Point2D. You may define one yourself to guarantee the correctness  of your implementation.9 COS30008 Semester 1, 2021 Dr. Markus Lumpe Problem 3 We use class Point2DSet to define a container for 2D points that can be used for storing,  sorting, and systematic traversal of 2D points and the construction of the convex hull thereof. #pragma once #include “Point2D.h” #include <vector> #include <iostream> class Point2DSet { private:  using PointVector = std::vector<Point2D>;  PointVector fPoints; public:  using Iterator = std::vector<Point2D>::const_iterator;  using Comparator = bool (*)( const Point2D&, const Point2D& );  // Add a 2D point to set  void add( const Point2D& aPoint );  void add( Point2D&& aPoint );  // Remove the last point in the set void removeLast();  // Tests aPoint, returns true if aPoint makes no left turn  bool doesNotTurnLeft( const Point2D& aPoint ) const;  // Load 2D points from file  void populate( const std::string& aFileName );  // Run Graham’s scan using out parameter aConvexHull  void buildConvexHull( Point2DSet& aConvexHull );  // Returns numner of elements in set  size_t size() const;    // Clears set  void clear();  // Sort set using stable_sort on vectors  void sort( Comparator aComparator );  // Indexer for set  const Point2D& operator[]( size_t aIndex ) const;  // Iterator methods  Iterator begin() const;  Iterator end() const; }; Class Point2DSet defines a container for 2D points. It uses std::vector for storage. The  type std::vector is a C++ standard class template and provides a sequence container  representing arrays that can change in size. We instantiate std::vector with Point2D,  which yields a vector of 2D points. We will manipulate this vector at one and only. That is,  when we add an element, then the element is inserted at the end. If we need to remove an  element, then that element should be the last element in the vector. Using vectors this way 10 COS30008 Semester 1, 2021 Dr. Markus Lumpe allows us to view vectors as stacks. The class template std::vector provides the necessary  operations. Class Point2DSet does not require any user defined constructors. C++ synthesizes the  required default constructor, which initializes the instance variable fPoints to an empty  vector of 2D points. We can use one of the two add() methods to insert 2D points into the set. The first uses a  l-value parameter to copy the argument into the set. The second takes an r-value parameter  to move the argument into the set. The method removeLast() removes the last element in the set. The predicate doesNotTurnLeft() returns true if aPoint does not make a left turn with  respect to the neighboring points in the set. This is a crucial helper method to run Graham’s  scan. There must be at least 3 elements. Otherwise, there is a domain error. The method populate() reads point data from a text input file. The file contains the number  of points followed by the respective point data.  The method buildConvexHull() implements Graham’s scan. We are not using a stack, as  suggested by the algorithm, but Point2DSet object aConvexHull. Instances of  Point2DPoint provide the necessary stack-like abstractions to map the operations Top(S),  Next-To-Top(S), Push(S, pi), and Pop(S). When method buildConvexHull() finishes, the reference argument aConvexHull contains the 2D points that constitute the  convex hull.  The methods size() and clear() return the number of elements in the set and empty the  set, respectively.  The method sort() takes a comparator, a Boolean function with two 2D point arguments,  and performs in-place sorting of the underlying set, that is, the vector fPoints. The C++  template class std::vector does not directly support sorting. You need to use  stable_sort defined in algorithm. The procedure stable_sort requires three  parameters: an iterator positioned at the first element, an iterator to mark the end, and a  binary function that returns true if its first argument is considered to go before the second. To complete Graham’s scan, you need two comparators: • bool orderByCoordinates( const Point2D& aLeft,   const Point2D& aRight ) • bool orderByPolarAngle( const Point2D& aLHS,   const Point2D& aRHS ) Again, to guarantee numerical stability, deviations of less than 10-4 are considered equal. Finally, the indexer operator[]() and the iterator methods begin() and end() have the  expected semantics. The C++ template class std::vector defines the necessary  abstractions to implement the behavior. (Actually, class Point2DSet defines an object  adapter for std::vector to represent 2D points and the construct their respective convex  hull.) You can use the test driver define in Main.cpp to test your implementation.

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