ITECH2250 IT Project Management Techniques 1 : Solution Essays

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Background – Project Charter

During the starting of a project, a Project Charter can be an important artefact. After top management determineswhich project/s to pursue, it is important to then notify the organisation of the project/s about to commence. TheProject Charter can be used to formally recognize/authorise the project, provide a summary of the details of theproject and nominate/identify the project manager. This artefact can clearly indicate to the project team and allstakeholders, the project objectives, scope and vision and help to demonstrate the broad requirements andexpectations of the project.

Ina project managed using traditional (predictive/planned) project managementmethodologies, the Charter would bea document of just a few pages (around 3), formally outlining the key objectives, schedule and stakeholders. In aproject managed using more adaptive or agile methodologies, the document would be of a similar size, butperhaps less prescriptive but with greater breadth and would reflect the different approach used. It would also bedisplayed in the project team room. Hybrid forms that borrow from the traditional and agile can also exist.You can obtain more information about a Project Charter from chapters 3 and 4 of the course text – Schwalbe, K.(2016).

Information Technology Project Management (8th ed.). Boston, MA: Cengage Learning.Keep all of the above in mind as you read the following case study.

Case Study: Soliloquy Publishing Ltd. – Streaming Media Player System

You work for Soliloquy Publishing Ltd., a publishing house specialising in the promotion and publishing (hardcopyand electronic) of authors. Originally the company specialised in drama only content and inparticular those withhigh dialogue content presented in soliloquies1. The company has expandedintomany other forms of publicationssince then including fiction and non-fiction offerings. The company now operates in all Australian states andterritories and has a staff of over 50 people. It has recently reviewed its business objectives, corporate andmanagement structure as well as its operational procedures. It has resulted in Soliloquy implementing newpractices and a mission statement to help direct and manage future growth. Its new mission statement is “dialogueand prose, poetry and facts, these are the matters on which Soliloquy acts” and Soliloquy has a dream to bethought of as the first stop location for sophisticated web-based arts products.

Its CEO, Tristan Bard sees great potential growth in the area of interactive promotion of their product. As a result ofa review by Tristan, a number of projects were proposed and a business case constructed for each. The projectwith the most promising opportunities and that most closely aligned project with the company’s goals andobjectives – grow revenues and profits by 5% year on year for the next five years, improve visibility (increasedsight visits by 50% after two years) and increase financial returns (exceed ROI of 10% after delivery of project) -proved to be the Streaming Media Player System (SMPS). A SMPS would provide an opportunity for the company
to replace their existing web-based static content delivery and open up new opportunities for promoting interactivecontent, loyalty schemes and repeat subscriber activity. In order for the SMPS to be a success, it needs supportfrom all sections of the corporation, from literary agents, industry associations and from existing subscriptioncustomers. Its development also needs to have input from content delivery and advertising consultants.

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The SMPS as proposed will allow Soliloquy to provide streaming media content on their website and create a clientapplication that will be available for subscribers. These will provide various functions including “Read on-line”functionality, purchase of product, listening to excerpts read by actors, movie excerpts, a reading in conversationoption, loyalty club and an interactive book club. The facilities required to support this are expected to be a mediadatabase (a redesign of the company’s existing database is required), interactive web-based media player and aclient based media player with configuration, application and e-commerce functionality. The interactive web-based
media player is expected to allow promotion of product and options, selection of excerpts of products in audio andvideo form and a reading in conversation option as well as purchasing ability. The client based media player will allow the full streaming of read on line, audio books, movies, reading in conversation, loyalty club offerings andmanagement, interactive book club and purchasing ability. The client basedmedia player will only be for subscribers.

The business case identified the budget at $700,000 with potential payback within 2 years of completion. Thisincludes project manager costs (part time), developer costs – six developers are expected to be hired – charges fora content consultant and an advertising consultant, advertising, licencing and equipment – hardware and softwarefor developers. There is no planned upgrade to existing hardware as part of this project since there is expected tobe spare capacity in the company’s existing infrastructure. The estimated time frame for completion of the project
s six months. Soliloquy realizes there are major risks associated with this project including lack of client interestand it hopes that the project manager will be able to identify the appropriate stakeholders and address the risksinvolved. If the project can meet the above objectives and more importantly do this with a payback within two yearsof completion it will be deemed to have been a success.

You have been appointed as Project Manager to manage this project. A project steering committee has beenformed consisting of Tristan, who is the main promoter and supporter, as well as Elijah.Z. Money, the ChiefFinancial Officer (CFO), Ignatius T. Shoppe, the Chief Information Officer (CIO) and yourself. You have alreadybeen approached by Elijah about the costings and he is worried about the acceptance/transfer of risks associatedwith the project. Additionally, you have read the local industry newspaper, The Scribe and have noted a number ofconcerning letter and articles by individuals as well as those by the Authors Protection Guild (APG) and ActorsEquity (AE). Some fellow employees have contacted you about their reservations about the system. You ponder all this and have commenced identifying the stakeholders and preparing a stakeholder management strategy and youwill use this information and the detail above to press ahead and finalise the ProjectCharter…

Assessable Tasks/Requirements

You are required to create a Project Charter for the case study provided: Soliloquy Publishing Ltd. – Streaming Media Player System. The project will be managed using the Agile SCRUM PM methodology. This is amethodology that, amongst other things, concentrates on sprints of work. The case study should provide you withsufficient information akin to a Business Case to allow you to create a Project Charter for the project. A template has been provided from your text that would be a template used when following a predictive/planned projectmanagement methodology. You need to modify this to reflect the different approach under an Agile SCRUM PMmethodology and present what might be calledahybrid Project Charter. One of the principles to keep in mind isthat under an Agile SCRUM approach you should have an idea of the different way you schedule work and what isexpected at the end of each sprint cycle – a deliverable or potentially deliverable product. You might also considerthat Agile SCRUM is not as document rich as predictive/planned methodologies, so it might be useful to state a fewmore things in your project charter since it may be the only place you put a visible and succinct boundary aroundand encapsulate what is being done in the project.

While preparing the Project Charter, you need to clearly identify both organisation and project components andtheir interrelationships. You need to think about:
1. the vision (why do this project? – i.e. does it align with the company vision?);
2.the mission (once again is there some relationship between this project and the mission of the
3.what are the organisation’s goals and objectives (the quantified satisfaction of these goals); and
4.what is the project scope and what are its objectives and success criteria (may be a general statement butmight also include some reference to satisfying the objectives).

You may also need to:
1.identify other stakeholders, in consultation with the sponsor;predict high level costs involved in the project;
2.hire a team for the duration of the project; and
3.devise a high level plan for the number of Sprints involved in the project and the objective for each Sprint Cycle.

You may need to make other necessary assumptions in preparing the Charter but make sure these are clearly stated.

(You may be creative with your assumptions to ensure that your submission is unique).The Project Charter will be displayed on the wall in the project team room for the duration of the project and may
include information such as:

1. Project title, project authorization date, start date and finish date
2.Project manager’s name and contact details
3. Description of vision, mission and goals/objectives for the organisation
4. Project scope/objectives, assumptions and constraints
5. Success criteria for the project
6.Summary budget
7. Summary schedule
       Start and end dates for each sprint
       Objectives, deliverables and milestones for each sprint
8.Summary of the project management methodology
9. Governance
10. Roles and responsibilities
11.Sign-off section for all stakeholders



1 Mission of the Organization

The mission of the organization is to deliver a new system with extensive content and a new revenue system in which the clients will pay subscription fees for accessing contents. As per the mission, a new media database will be created and connected to the company website while a client application will be provided to the subscribers who will be able to access the contents through this application. If sufficient amount of client can be gained, the entire revenue structure of the company will grow resulting in the increase in annual profits.

2 Vision Statement

The vision of the company is to enter online streaming market with the aim to provide the customers with high quality as well as informative contents at minimal subscription price.

3 Goals and Objectives

The main goal of the company is to establish a client based application software through which, the clients will be able to access a huge variety of streaming and interactive contents given they have subscribed for the services. Through this system, the company will be able to gain revenue from the subscription prices taken from the clients.

The objectives of the project are as follows.

  • To develop a media server through which all video contents will be streamed
  • To design and develop an online application through which the clients will be able subscribe and access the video contents
  • To prepare and develop a subscription structure based on time period (monthly / yearly)
  • To include an online payment feature in the application
  • To test the accessibility of the application from different web browsers and smartphones
  • To complete the project within a time period of 6 months
  • To complete the project within a pre set budget of $700,000

Project Scope

1.Project Scope Statement

As per the requirements of the project, there can be number of in scope and out scope items that are specified as follows.

In Scope:-

  • Development of the online application is within the scope of the project.
  • Development of the media server is within the scope of the project.
  • Preparation of subscription structure is within the scope of the project.
  • Promotion of the application among the existing and projected customer bases is within the scope of the project.
  • Contract signing with various media distributors is within the scope of the project.

Out Scope:-

  • Development of business strategy is out of scope of this project.
  • Analysis of market and future predictions are out of scope of this project.

2 Project Assumptions

In order to develop the project charter, a number of assumptions have been made that are as follows.

  • It has been assumed that the allocated budget of $700,000 will be sufficient for the project.
  • It has been assumed that the expended amount can be recovered within a time period of 2 years.
  • It has been assumed that 6 months will be sufficient for the completion of the project.
  • It has been assumed that all the necessary features and requirements can be incorporated within the system.

3 Project Constraints

The constraints of the project are as follows.

  • Although a cost benefit has been estimated from the project, chances of reaching such values are less due to a number of risk factors including lack of client interest, high competition in market and others.
  • In spite of addition of the variety of features, the success of the project is not 100% ensured.
  • There might be copyright and imaging rights issues if contents are streamed in the application without the prior permission of artists / content creators.

 Summary Budget

The summary budget for the project is shown in the following table.


Estimated Cost

Hardware for Developers


Software for Developers


Stakeholder Wages


Developer Costs


Consultancy Costs


Licensing and Other Costs






Summary Schedule

Start and End Dates for Each Sprint

The start and end dates for each sprint of the project are shown in the following table.

Task Name




Development of Online Streaming Media Player

134 days

Mon 4/30/18

Thu 11/1/18

   Project Planning

10 days

Mon 4/30/18

Fri 5/11/18

      Survey of Current Business System

2 days

Mon 4/30/18

Tue 5/1/18

      Board Meeting

1 day

Wed 5/2/18

Wed 5/2/18

      Determination of Mission and Vision

2 days

Thu 5/3/18

Fri 5/4/18

      Prepare Project Plan

4 days

Mon 5/7/18

Thu 5/10/18

      Authorization of the Project

1 day

Fri 5/11/18

Fri 5/11/18

   Project Initiation

17 days

Mon 5/14/18

Tue 6/5/18

      Appoint Stakeholders for Project

2 days

Mon 5/14/18

Tue 5/15/18

      Develop Project Charter

5 days

Wed 5/16/18

Tue 5/22/18

      Determine Project Scope

1 day

Wed 5/23/18

Wed 5/23/18

      Create List of Deliverables

1 day

Thu 5/24/18

Thu 5/24/18

      Make Assumptions

1 day

Fri 5/25/18

Fri 5/25/18

      Evaluate Constraints

1 day

Mon 5/28/18

Mon 5/28/18

      Develop Project Schedule

2 days

Tue 5/29/18

Wed 5/30/18

      Estimate Project Budget

3 days

Thu 5/31/18

Mon 6/4/18

      Approval of Project Plan

1 day

Tue 6/5/18

Tue 6/5/18

   Project Execution

96 days

Wed 6/6/18

Wed 10/17/18

      Assign Roles to Stakeholders

2 days

Wed 6/6/18

Thu 6/7/18

      Hire Developers

4 days

Fri 6/8/18

Wed 6/13/18

      Procure Budget for Project

2 days

Thu 6/14/18

Fri 6/15/18

      Initiate Development

1 day

Mon 6/18/18

Mon 6/18/18

      Prepare List of Features to be Added

2 days

Tue 6/19/18

Wed 6/20/18

      Develop Media Database

20 days

Thu 6/21/18

Wed 7/18/18

      Add All Required Features

15 days

Thu 7/19/18

Wed 8/8/18

      Develop Client Application

30 days

Thu 8/9/18

Wed 9/19/18

      Connect Application with Database

5 days

Thu 9/20/18

Wed 9/26/18

      Run the System

2 days

Thu 9/27/18

Fri 9/28/18

      Analyze Errors

2 days

Mon 10/1/18

Tue 10/2/18

      Address Errors

4 days

Wed 10/3/18

Mon 10/8/18

      Risk Management

4 days

Tue 10/9/18

Fri 10/12/18

      Final Testing

2 days

Mon 10/15/18

Tue 10/16/18

      Project Handover

1 day

Wed 10/17/18

Wed 10/17/18

   Project Closing

11 days

Thu 10/18/18

Thu 11/1/18

      Review of Project

5 days

Thu 10/18/18

Wed 10/24/18


2 days

Thu 10/25/18

Fri 10/26/18

      Approval of Project Report

2 days

Mon 10/29/18

Tue 10/30/18

      Stakeholder Sign Off

1 day

Wed 10/31/18

Wed 10/31/18

      Official Closing

1 day

Thu 11/1/18

Thu 11/1/18

 Objectives, Deliverables and Milestones

The objectives of the project that must be fulfilled are shown in the following work breakdown structure.

Figure 1: Work Breakdown Structure Showing Objectives of Project

The deliverables and milestones of the project including the proposed schedule for each sprint are shown in the following Gantt chart.

Summary of Project Management Methodology

The project management methodology to be followed for the project is Agile Scrum PM Methodology. This methodology framework will perfectly fit the requirements of the project as it will follow a specific execution structure as mentioned in Scrum method. Before starting the project, Scrum will allow the organization to develop a vision statement and a set of project goals and objectives. Based on these specifications, the project sprints will be determined within a fixed set of timeline. Within this timeline, the project sprints will be executed and then evaluated for further changes and additional requirements.


The project will have a suitable governance structure that will require the stakeholders of the project to manage and govern different aspects of the project. There are four main stakeholders of the project, namely the project manager, promoter, chief financial officer and chief information officer. Since their duties are allocated in different aspects of the project, they also need to govern these aspects so that the project does not go out of scope or any problems and issues can be promptly addressed and solved.

Roles and Responsibilities

The roles and responsibilities of the stakeholder in the project are as follows.

Stakeholder Name




Project Manager

Preparation of charter, management of entire project

Tristan Bard

Main Promoter / Supporter

Approval of project, promotion of project

Elijah Z. Money

Chief Financial Officer

Management of project funds

Ignatius T. Shoppe

Chief Information Officer

Business analytics, providing suggestions regarding the system



Binder, J. (2016). Global project management: communication, collaboration and management across borders. Routledge.

Boud, D., Cohen, R., & Sampson, J. (Eds.). (2014). Peer learning in higher education: Learning from and with each other. Routledge.

Fleming, Q. W., & Koppelman, J. M. (2016, December). Earned value project management. Project Management Institute.

Harrison, F., & Lock, D. (2017). Advanced project management: a structured approach. Routledge.

Heagney, J. (2016). Fundamentals of project management. AMACOM Div American Mgmt Assn.

Kerzner, H., & Kerzner, H. R. (2017). Project management: a systems approach to planning, scheduling, and controlling. John Wiley & Sons.

Schwalbe, K. (2015). Information technology project management. Cengage Learning.

Turner, R. (2016). Gower handbook of project management. Routledge.

Verzuh, E. (2015). The fast forward MBA in project management. John Wiley & Sons.

Walker, A. (2015). Project management in construction. John Wiley & Sons.

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