Individual students will participate in the development of an on-line discussion forum where they will provide their reflection and evaluation of the content of two (2) of the other groups’ presentations. The presentations for evaluation will be selected by the lecturer and posted in the discussion forums. The quality of the content of each posting will be assessed so each student will be marked on his or her contribution to the forum. Evaluation criteria to be considered in your posting:
A. Content
Were key terms explained?
Was the importance of the information clarified?
Were claims supported with evidence?
Were any conclusions drawn or important implications indicated?
Were the organisation and its associated industry accurately portrayed?
Were the operational strengths and weaknesses accurately identified?
What did you learn from the presentation that helped your understanding of operations management and decision-making?
B. Organisation and technical detail of presentation
Was a plan of the presentation obvious?
Were the slides (visuals) clear and precise?
Was there a neat layout improved by good background and use of colour?
Were there any spelling or grammar errors?
Did the presentation have particular impact for you?
The presentation explained the key terms that were used with additional explanations being provided in the notes section. The topic of the study was ‘operations management and decision-making model’ and the study significance was attained by the use of IBM as a case study thus providing supporting evidence and drawing a critical conclusion.
The presentation also provided a clear picture of the IT industry and the contribution of the corporation towards its growth and that of the sector. The primary strength and weaknesses of the organisation as provided by the solution was about its management structure. Additionally, the advantages of the organisation were in regard to its strategy of invention and investment in the revolution data, cloud and engagement in addition to its hierarchical structure of decision making. The presentation was very significant to my understanding of operations management and decision making in that I was able to appreciate the role of operations management and decision making towards organisation growth and innovation as exemplified by IBM.
The presentation plan was straightforward, clear and precise with additional notes to provide further explanations. However, the layout of the presentations was too obvious in that the background colour was plain white rather than the use of IBM corporate colour and logo. There were no noticeable spelling or grammar errors in the presentation, and the wordings were understood and had a logical flow of ideas. The presentation positively impacted my understanding of the lesson topic because in addition to the theory learnt, I was able to relate to the IBM study case practically
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