“Clever isn’t only something you can see, it’s also something you feel. To own tomorrow you need to be all kinds of clever and we can teach you how. So don’t just be clever, be all kinds of clever.” (Voice over: LTU Video). La Trobe University has released its ‘All Kinds of Clever’ campaign depicting all the different skills and attributes which can make someone clever. Depending on this campaign, you can recommend a new IMC plan for LTU. You may have access to extensive information such as the La Trobe University’s marketing strategy through the University website and, possibly, annual reports and accounts. You may need to make assumptions, but these should be based on full and sensible analysis of existing material such as other advertising campaigns, case studies, journal articles and other media coverage.
The assessment of your written document will be based on ability to identify ‘All Kinds of Clever’ campaign weaknesses and recognise opportunities for improvement. You also can inquire into the product, consumer and market for this campaign. Your strategic insights leading to the creative and media strategy is necessary. Try to provide useful and innovative recommendations (i.e. Integration of the long-term campaign ability, realistic budget about the size of the product or the market etc.). Please attend the workshops and discussions with your tutors to write a quality IMC report.
You must demonstrate a high level of analytical skills and sound interpretation to justify your suggestions. You are expected to research widely to obtain information. However, you must not “cold call” La Trobe staff members or organisations indiscriminately. It is best to make full use of secondary information that is available to the public either via the company’s website or PR department or databases. If you have personal contacts in companies, you may use them. Students who do not have any business contacts will not be disadvantaged. Use of secondary data is quite adequate to gain an excellent grade for this project. Most marks will be allocated for excellent analytical skills, sound decisions and appropriate recommendations.
Developing Media Schedule
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Public Relations & Promotion:
Magazines and Newspapers
Online media
Rationale: The plan is to develop effective public relations through the utilization of media that would help to reach the larger number of people. The first PR campaigns would take place through magazines and newspapers. The campaign would focus on providing more information about how people can make themselves cleverer. The normative media theory has been given preference while choosing the media types. The theory focuses on the complex relations that are associated with society, politics and media. The three selected mediums would be the most important channels that could be utilized towards creating a strong PR campaign that could set the tract right for the “all kinds of clever” campaign.
Identity Building Initiatives:
Online promotions
TV broadcasts
Radio broadcasts
Rationale: The identity of the brand would be built through the utilization of three important types of media. These are Online, TV and Radio. The focus would be on the creation of better value of engagement with the audiences. Online promotions have become much important in view of the fact that a large number of the target audiences regularly engage in online activities. The other selected channels are the TV and the Radio broadcasts. The TV broadcasts would set the initiatives right and would be continued till June. The radio broadcast would start from March. The online promotions will go from April to December. The three separate channels would be important in determining the essential value of the campaign. The introduction of the campaign would be made along with the subsequent development of the campaign for the next level.
Online Initiatives:
Social Media
University Website Portal
Smartphone Application Advertisement
Rationale: Social media, the University Website and the Smartphone channels are used to develop strong initiatives. These are the channels that have become much important in delivering value to the entire campaign. The three channels would be important in determining the value of the audience engagement. In essence the online campaign would be much important in determining the value of the audience engagement that is required. The university website is important as the LaTrobe University website can determine the effectiveness of the audience engagement. The website would provide a point of interactivity with the audience.
Advertising Initiatives:
Rationale: These mediums were chosen as they can greatly help towards the creation a strong message for reaching the most important target audiences. The Radio, TV and Online mediums can be used to reach more people than otherwise possible. The success of the IMC plan depends on the amount of exposure that can be created. All the three important channels would be effective in reaching the right kind of audiences. It is important that a broader value is added to the advertising. The TV and the online campaign would start from January. The radio campaign would start from April
Campaign timeline
Task Mode
Task Name
Auto Scheduled
Integrated marketing Campaign
12 mons
Mon 11/4/19
Fri 10/2/20
Auto Scheduled
Strategy: Planning of the campaign. Aim: Develop an effective campaign throuhg consideration of the various aspects that affect the campaign.
1 mon
Mon 11/4/19
Fri 11/29/19
Auto Scheduled
Strategy: Selection of most appropriate media channels. Aim: selecting media that would be most effective in determining value of the campaign
1 month
Mon 12/2/19
Fri 12/27/19
Auto Scheduled
Strategy: creation of strong PR campaign. Aim: developing the primary perception of the All kinds of clever campaign among the target audiences.
1 month
Mon 12/30/19
Fri 1/24/20
Auto Scheduled
Strategy: Creation of the Identity Building Initiatives. Aim: developing a distinct identity for the campaign
1 month
Mon 1/27/20
Fri 2/21/20
Auto Scheduled
Strategy: Establishing good online reputation for the campaign. Aim: developing an online support base.
2 months
Mon 2/24/20
Fri 4/17/20
Auto Scheduled
Strategy: Developing effetive advertising. Aim: Reaching out to the most number of audiences throuhgh the ad. Campaign
3 months
Mon 4/20/20
Fri 7/10/20
Auto Scheduled
Strategy: Developing better levels of audience interaction. Aim: Creation of stronger audience engagement value
3 months
Mon 7/13/20
Fri 10/2/20