In order to design an effective nursing diagnosis it is necessary to analyse the condition of the patient. Here, the patient Mike was a 24 year old male who fell off his motorbike while driving and was transferred to the emergency medical department for treatment. On arrival at the emergency medical ward the patient complained of pain in the lower left leg. Further x-ray confirmed that the patient had fracture in the tibia, fibula. After diagnosis the patient was suggested open reduction and internal fixation (ORIF) of the fracture. Hence, it is important to design nursing priorities for post-operative care of the patient. Therefore, as an effective post-operative care measure the patient had to be provided with pain management medication. Form the patient history and primary survey conducted by the nurse it was analysed that the patient was suffering from severe pain due to fracture in lower limb and had to be provided opoids for effective pain control.
A DRSABCD approach was used for the diagnosis of the patient condition
Danger –
The patient complained of acute pain in his lower left leg indicating fracture
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The patient was responsive and complained of pain on moving his lower left leg
Send for help –
The patient was moved to the emergency department
The breathing was slightly exaggerated in the patient
The patient recorded 22 breaths per minute
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation –
The patient recorded 90 breaths/minute, which was higher than the normal of 72/breaths per minute
The patient did not require a defibrillator as he could breather normally
Analysis of acute versus potential risk:
Hence, from the analysis it could be said that the patient was suffering from acute pain owing to left limb fracture. Therefore, pain management was one of the acute nursing interventions, whereas secondary site infection (SSI) has been termed as one of the potential risk factors in post –operative care (Hayes & Gordon, 2015).
Planning goals
The planning of effective goals serves as one of the important strategies of nursing care. The goals had been developed in correspondence with the nursing priorities. The two such nursing priorities which had been identified over here are effective pain management and infection prevention at the site of wound. Further SMART goals have been developed for the dissemination of the nursing care strategies.
Planning of Pain management
- A) Patients shows satisfactory pain control
Specific –
The patient to be out on Paracetamol 1g IV/PO 6 hourly basis for pain control
The pain to be measured on a ten point scale.
Attainable –
To reduce the ratings for pain on ten pointer scale.
Realistic –
The pain assessment of the patient to be done on a 6-hourly basis based upon which further pain management strategies to be developed (Mann & Carr, 2018)
Time –bound –
The entire process to be executed within next 48 hours.
- B) Patient shows improved well being such as baseline levels for pulse, BP, respirations
Specific –
The patient to be administered ovoids under 0.2% normal solution, in order to maintain the normal blood plasma concentration.
Measurable –
The viral signs of the patient checked such as blood pressure, respiration rate very three hours
Attainable –
The blood pressure to be effectively regulated though liquid saline injections.
Realistic –
Based upon the blood pressure monitoring the person to be further continued on particular doses of IVT.
The patient to be monitored for at most 48 hours.
- C) Patient shows improvement in coping
Vital signs monitored such as speech, response, awareness of the surroundings
The pain assessment conducted on a ten point scale
The patient to be provided with help in the form of counselling
Realistic –
Based upon the vital monitoring sign further medication provided to the patient
Time-bound –
The entire process to be achieved within 72 hours
The nursing professional needs to administer as well as monitor the doses as well as side effects of analgesics in the patient. Effective pain management cannot be done without administration of analgesics (Hayes & Gordon, 2015). However, the side effects from analgesics vary due to different degrees of absorption and metabolism in the patients.
In order to access whether the planned outcomes have been met the pain in the patient could be measured with the help of a Braden scale (Rantala, Kankkunen, Kvist & Hartikainen, 2014).
The nurse should also ensure that no secondary infection develops at the site of infection. As mentioned by Glowacki (2015), secondary infection at the site of wound could lead to sepsis and resultant organ failure. The patient condition was analysed through the Danger, Response, Airway, Breathing, Circulation, Defibrillation pathway. Hence, the secondary site infection (SSI) was seen as a potential risk factor as the patient had to undergo a surgery in the lower left limb.
Wound prevention at the site of infection
- A) Patient demonstrates understanding of plan to heal tissue and prevents injury
Patient to be administered basic wound management education by the nurse
The healing of the wound site monitored on a regular basis in term of size reduction
Attainable –
The reduction in the wound area
Realistic –
The patient to be given antibiotic medications for prevention of recurrence of the infection (Zoëga, Gunnarsdottir, Wilson & Gordon, 2016)
The wound size to be effectively monitored and reduced within a week
- B) Patient’s wound decreases and has increased granulation tissues
Specific –
The size of the patient’s wound size to be monitored on the basis of diameter and reduction it the size of diameter
The reduction in the wound size would help in understanding the speed of recovery process of the patient
Attainable – To reduce the number of wounds which signifies faster recovery
Realistic – To provide the patient with sufficient support and aid for self wound management
Time-bound – The entire process to be achieved in a week
- C) Patient does not report any altered sensation at the site of tissue impairment
Specific – Increased dose of antibiotics
Measurable- The pain reduce on 10 point scale
Attainable – Patient ready to learn effective wound management
Realistic – Patient to be provided with crunches to reduce movement hassles.
Time-bound -To be achieved in a week
Hydrofibre dressing will be used by the nursing professional instead of traditional gauge dressing to be used for the surgical site healing. As compared to the traditional gauge dressing reduced length of stay of the hydrofibre gauge dressing is associated with less pain, faster healing and improved patient confidence (Rantala, Kankkunen & Hartikainen, 2014).
The evaluation to be performed through checking the reduction in diameter of the wound which will help in accessing the recovery rate.
Glowacki, D. (2015). Effective pain management and improvements in patients’ outcomes and satisfaction. Critical care nurse, 35(3), 33-41.
Hayes, K., & Gordon, D. B. (2015). Delivering quality pain management: the challenge for nurses. AORN journal, 101(3), 327-337.
Mann, E., & Carr, E. (2018). Pain management. Foundation Studies for Caring: Using Student-Centred Learning, 259.
Rantala, M., Kankkunen, P., Kvist, T., & Hartikainen, S. (2014). Barriers to postoperative pain management in hip fracture patients with dementia as evaluated by nursing staff. Pain Management Nursing, 15(1), 208-219.
Zoëga, S., Gunnarsdottir, S., Wilson, M. E., & Gordon, D. B. (2016, January). Quality pain management in adult hospitalized patients: a concept evaluation. In Nursing forum(Vol. 51, No. 1, pp. 3-12).