Not so long ago it turned out so, that I found myself at the hospital for recovery period after quite a serious surgical operation. My doctor was perfect – a real professional surgeon with a bit severe, but extremely careful attitude to a patient. Anyway, it was my nurse, who stuck in my memory, because she was taking care not only of my body, but also gave me great emotional support, which was more than necessary for me after a surgery when I felt weak and scared.

This situation helped me realize that nursing is not only a respected profession, but also a calling, based on love to people and desire to give help and support to those in need. The origins of this profession go back to the initial and natural calling of an ancient woman to take care of her family. Probably, this fact can explain, why the majority of nurses are women, since naturally it is more of a female prerogative to be a keeper of a healthy emotional state of the people around her, which reflects in professions that traditionally attract women.

Being a nurse is not only being a medical worker, who distributes medicines and takes care of “another patient”. When this “another patient” is treated like a human being in his or her most vulnerable state of physical and emotional weakness, it influences greatly and favorably the process of recovery, and a nurse is able to make it happen by her attitude. That is why it is my deep believe, that…

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