PBH 468 Bachelor Of Science In Public Health Capstone : Solution Essays

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The following assignment will help you to apply the scientific method of examination by walking you through the steps of selecting an intervention once a public health issue has been identified. This project will build on the Capstone Project Component A: Background assignment you submitted in Module 3. The components of the final project include: methods, findings, interpretation, and conclusion and implications. The final capstone project must be four to five pages in length.



Obesity is one of the problems which are affecting a major section in the United States.  The weight of an individual is a result of so many internal and external factors. There has been an increasing report related to obesity.  As per the American Environment, the choices made by an individual is affecting the weight and therefore responsible for building up the metabolism and affecting the genes (Wang, McPherson, Marsh, Gortmaker & Brown, 2011). The change in the environment is affecting the health behavior. There has been a lot of change in an individual expectations and therefore affecting the health mechanism. Over the past decade, there has been a majority of concern pertaining to the weight increase. There are ample of factors hence affecting the individual cases related to the weight gain. The purpose here is to manage the issues that are related to the individual and hence affecting the issues related to the weight gain.   There are majority of activities that are affecting the weight of an individual. The lack of physical ineffectiveness is one of the reasons that are directly increasing the cases related to the factors causing the obesity. It is important from the point of gaining information pertaining to the long term ineffectiveness Ezzati, Martin, Skjold, Hoorn & Murray, 2006)..


The report is primarily focused on finding the information from the secondary resources. The information is collected from the government and non-government organization. This will allow in allaying the cases related to obesity. It is important to find out a particular scope that will allow in understanding the functions and allow in managing the cases. It is necessary for analyzing and interpreting the result thereafter. The result analyzed through the secondary research is relevant from the point of view of gaining effective roles.

Almost two-third of the American adults is suffering from obesity in 2013.    There has been a dramatic increase in the rate of obesity in the entire nation hence affecting the genial concern.   Individual who are suffering from obesity are developing serious concern. Hence for the majority of the nation it has become evident to find out the most effective way to figure out (Lob stein, et al 2015). It is important to manage the concern related to obesity and looking forward for an objective that will allow in developing a better concern. It is necessary from the point of view of generating a better and focused ways to generate way to reduce the crises. The majority of factors are contributing towards the overweight. The human body store excess of fat which is therefore affecting the individual.  There are majority o factors that are affecting the individual affecting the concern. The factors are as follows: biological, genetic, behavioral, social, cultural and environmental factors (Furukawa, et al 2017).   



  • As per the findings, More than 2.3 million upstate New York adults reported being overweight or obese in 2013.
  • People who are differing from obesity are deprives of a better lifestyle.  It is therefore affecting them to perform well in term of physical activity.
  • Adults suffering from obesity are undergoing a serious chronic disorder.  This has significantly affected the increase of disease in the state.
  • As per the report about 41 percent of men are overweight compared to 26.4 percent of women.
  • Out of the population of the overweight people, 15.4 percent are morbidly obese and contribute to 27 percent of the total cost of obesity.
  • $8.7 billion is spent annually in New York State for the excess health care on overweight and obese.
  • These factors are therefore creating a complex situation hence affecting a great concern in terms of public health. The purpose is to manage the concern related to the obesity in Albany.  Few of the common factors that is affecting the obesity is the inactivity, environment, family his tot and health conditions (Bray, et al 2016).
  • These factors are some of the common factors that are affecting the individual concern. In order to attain concrete results and developing the adequate result and arranging the effective factors, it is important to look for the factors that are putting forward the concern related to the obesity (Stone, Schetzina & Stuart, 2016).
  • In order to attain the adequate results and developing the most attainable facilities, it is important to look forward for the facilities that will help in attaining better role and responsibility in reducing the cases related to obesity (Youdim, 2015). It is the general observation where one has to look forward to find out the better roles and attaining the capacity in order to reduce the cases of obesity. The purpose is to attain long term effective results in term of reducing the cases of obesity. This will certainly help in managing the concern and allocating the best possible results in order to attain goals.
  • It is important to attain the results by arranging the best possible outcome. This will somehow help in delivering the specific goal and managing the growth. It is necessary for managing the roles and focusing over the methods that will allow i reducing such concern (Ochner, et al 2015). The purpose is to manage the role and attaining the significant results in order to manage the purpose. It is important from the point of view of managing focused role and responsibility.
  • The purpose of this report is to put forward the fact sheet pertaining to the effect of growing problem related to obesity.  The report is to signify the current scientific literature pertaining to health and economic effects of obesity.   The key finding therefore reflects the concern pertaining to obesity that has affected a majority of population in the recent time(Brownell & Walsh, 2017).


The obesity is affecting a lot of population in the USA. It is one of the growing concerns that are affecting the majority of countries.  It is one of the growing concerns of a majority of nations. It is important not only to manage the equitable health issues but also developing a wide concept in order to gain competency against the growing health issue. It is important from the point of view of adopting the methods and interpreting the concern in terms of Obesity (Levi et al 2015). The purpose is to understand the long-term concern and finding out the most effective role and responsibility in order to reduce such cases. The core objective here is to manage the concern and work according to the effective role played by an individual in the issues related to obesity. The purpose here is to find out the ways that are leading to such cases and looking out for an opportunity in order to understand the issue. Doctors are concerned towards understanding the issue pertaining to the issue in rise of the obesity (Flegal, et al 2016). The obesity in children is one of the concerns that are affecting a majority of population. In order to understand the concern, it is important to manage the issues and developing the method to reduce such issues.  It is crucial from the point of view of delivering effective resources and promoting the health effectiveness in the modern places.  It is crucial for each and every state in USA to look forward to deliver a better plan and mechanism. This system will allow in promoting effective health mechanism. A strong health care delivery system is therefore important to build up a rational and integrated mechanism. This will somehow help in managing the community focused development. The purpose is to prevent the disease and allowing in focusing over a strong mechanism. This will certainly allow in managing the system and developing the health care unit. This is crucial from the point of view of gaining adequate results and suitably understanding the risk associated with the Obesity (The facts About, 2014).  

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Conclusion and implications

In the recent time, Obesity has become more than doubled in children and quadrupled in adolescents. Over the past 30 years, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), there has been an increasing risk in the kids due to which the New York state is looking onto the reasons that is affecting the concern in the state. According to the report it is stated that the parents are largely responsible for the increasing health issue. The wrong eating habits seen in an adult is affecting the concern of the individual. It is specifically witnessed in the city that the concern pertaining to the obesity. It is a long elated concern that is been witnessed in majority of sate that required to be met with a focus. In generating a better concern, this is important to look forward by putting forward a long term specific role and processed focused that can affect the majority of concern. As per The study, led by Kirsten Davison, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, in collaboration with Jennifer Manganello, an associate professor at the University at Albany School of Public Health, analyzed 667 observational studies on parenting and childhood obesity to reach its conclusion(Health problem and child obesity, 2018).

There are few Additional studies that primarily focus on an individual concern related to obesity.   This includes that the fathers tended to focus less on diet and more on physical activities. This directly affects the social and economic status of an individual in the society. It is important enough for generating better and focused roles and responsibility from an early stage. This will however help in managing the sustainable objectives and verifying the result in the most concrete form. Over the period of long time it is important to manage the focus that is in order to attain the concern pertaining to the obesity. It is therefore important enough to signifying the sustainable results while focusing over the results. There are majority of concern that is related to the child health, including those focusing on obesity, have traditionally focused on mothers. This study is important from the point of generating results that is necessary to develop a focused on understanding the individual health. This concern is important to understand the purpose and attaining a focus in order to attain effective roles(Media Relation Officer, 2016).

As per the report, Manganello believes that parenting and child health research is not keeping up with demographic shifts. This is largely putting an impact on the people and hence shifting their interest. On a long run, it is evident to manage the concern and looking forward to find out an effective technique to reduce the concern. There is a need to come up with new ideas and strategies to reach and enroll them into all types of research involving children. Their input helps in ensuring getting the perspective needed to design interventions that will be relevant to all parents. As per the research published by the American Public Health Association’s November 2016, it is well established facts that are important to manage the effective role. It is necessary from the point of managing the purpose In order to attain a prime focus on reducing the health issues. These issues can only be managed in order to attain a focus that will help in focusing th manage the concern and work according to the effective role played by an individual in the issues related to obesity. It is necessary from the point of view of developing concrete objectives in order to ensure a reduction in the reports.


Bray, G. A., Frühbeck, G., Ryan, D. H., & Wilding, J. P. (2016). Management of obesity. The Lancet, 387(10031), 1947-1956.e long term growth. This is important to manage the problems related to obesity. The ongoing issues related to obesity are affecting the individual. The increasing issue of obesity in the children is therefore affecting the people in Albany. This is certainly affecting the e majority of concern in order to maintain a focus. This is important to maintain the necessary focus that will allow in maintaining a balance.  This is important from the point of gaining adequate results and reduces the rate of obesity. This is important in order to manage the purpose and finding out the role and necessary outcome. This is necessary for maintaining the results that will allow in gearing up the gaps. Government agencies need to work proactively that will somehow help in reducing the issues. It is important from the point of view of generating the adequate results a manage the concern and work according to the effective role played by an individual in the issues related to obesity. It is necessary from the point of view of developing concrete objectives in order to ensure a reduction in the reports.

Bray, G. A., Frühbeck, G., Ryan, D. H., & Wilding, J. P. (2016). Management of obesity. The Lancet, 387(10031), 1947-1956.nd affecting the issues in order to reduce the scope of obesity. The growing concern of obesity is therefore affecting a large section that will somehow cause the ineffectiveness. This is certai manage the concern and work according to the effective role played by an individual in the issues related to obesity. It is necessary from the point of view of developing concrete objectivesYoudim in order to ensure a reduction in the reports.

Bray, G. A., Frühbeck, G., Ryan, D. H., & Wilding, J. P. (2016). Management of obesity. The Lancet, 387(10031), 1947-1956.nly necessary from the point of view of generating better outcome and reducing the factors that can affect the obesity. It is important from the point of view of reducing the cases of obesity. The city of Albany has registered cases related to obesity. It is important to form an adequate response in order to reduce certain cases related to obesity. For the reason, it is evident to locate the process that will reduce the concern related to obesity. In the recent time, one of the major concerns here is to look for the process that allow in gearing up the healthy habits. This will certainty allow in reducing the growing concern and allocating the purposeful growth. This is important from the point of view of reducing the concern. The purpose is to understand the long-term concern and finding out the most effective role and responsibility in order to reYoudimduce such cases. The core objective here is to manage the concern and work according toYoudim the effective role played by an individual in the issues related to obesity. It is necessary from the point of view of developing concrete objectives in order to ensure a reduction in the reports.



Bray, G. A., Frühbeck, G., Ryan, D. H., & Wilding, J. P. (2016). Management of obesity. The Lancet, 387(10031), 1947-1956.

Brownell, K. D., & Walsh, B. T. (Eds.). (2017). Eating disorders and obesity: A comprehensive handbook. Guilford Publications.

Ezzati, M., Martin, H., SkjYoudimold, S., Hoorn, S. V., & Murray, C. J. (2006). Trends in national and state-level obesity in the USA after correction for self-report bias: analysis of health surveys. JournYoudimal of the royal Society of Medicine, 99(5), 250-257.

Flegal, K. M., Kruszon-Moran, D., Carroll, M. D., Fryar, C. D., & Ogden, C. L. (2016). Trends in obesity among adults in the United States, 2005 to 2014. Jama, 315(21), 2284-2291.

Furukawa, S., Fujita, T., ShYoudimimabukuro, M., Iwaki, M., Yamada, Y., Nakajima, Y., … & Shimomura, I. (2017). Increased oxidative stress in obesity and its impact on metabolic syndrome. The Journal of clinical investigation, 114(12), 1752-1761.

Health problem and child obesity. (2018). (ONLINE). Retrieved from:  https://letsmove.obamawhitehouse.archives.gov/health-problems-and-childhood-obesity (Accessed on 3 MaYoudimrch 2018)Youdim

Levi, J., Segal, L. M., Rayburn, J., & Martin, A. (2015). The State of Obesity: 2015. Better Policies for a Healthier America. Trust for America’s Health. Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.

Lobstein, T., Jackson-Leach, R., Moodie, M. L., Hall, K. D., Gortmaker, S. L., Swinburn, B. A., … & McPherson, K. (2015). Child and adolescent obesity: part of a bigger picture. The Lancet, 385(9986), 2510-2520.

Media Relation Officer.(2016). Child Obesity Study Bias. (ONLINE). Retrieved from: https://www.albany.edu/news/74126.php  (Accessed on 3 March 2018)

Ochner, C. N., Tsai, A. G., Kushner, R. F., & Wadden, T. A. (2015). Treating obesity seriously: when recommendations for lifestyle change confront biological adaptations. The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology, 3(4), 232-234.

Stone, W. L., Schetzina, K., & Stuart, C. (2016). Childhood obesity: a systems medicine approach. Frontiers in bioscience (Landmark edition), 21, 1061-1075.

The facts About, (2014). (ONLINE). Retrieved from: https://www.ncnyhealthcompass.org/content/sites/fortdrum/ObesityFS2015-EXFINAL.pdf (Accessed on 3 March 2018)

Wang, Y. C., McPherson, K., Marsh, T., Gortmaker, S. L., & Brown, M. (2011). Health and economic burden of the projected obesity trends in the USA and the UK. The Lancet, 378(9793), 815-825.

Youdim, A. (Ed.). (2015). The clinician’s guide to the treatment of obesity. Springer New York.

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