Physical Fitness in America

Physical fitness is essential for every individual regardless of their culture, race or sex to live a long healthy life. Physical fitness is the ability to perform tasks without fatigue. For someone to be physically fit they must perform daily tasks vigorously to avoid health risks which are caused by lack of exercise. Regular exercise can maintain person’s good figure, muscular strength and also enhances positive attitude, high self-esteem, and production of endorphins hormones which acts as natural painkillers. Proper diet is also advised for improved physical fitness. This paper covers benefits of physical fitness, adverse effects of eligibility, an evolution of fitness, categories of physical fitness, physical activity guidelines, statistics of physical fitness and diet in fitness in America. 

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Evolution of Physical Fitness in America

The multi-dollar industry of physical fitness, health, and nutrition and weight loss has made remarkable revenue gains over the past thirty to forty years. However, it appears ironic that as the fitness industry grows the average American waistline is also increasing. Annual Arnold classic in Columbus, Ohio an event which evolved in the last twenty years as a bodybuilding show has now hosted over thirty-five competitions from table tennis to mixed martial arts and strongman contests (Bouchard, Steven & William 11). The world fitness is now split among those who use fitness as a means to get better at sports and other athletic events, as well as those seeking long healthy life, bodybuilding and losing weight. For those individuals who just want to move from unhealthy to healthy fitness can merely start by stretching and move to drinking more water and having a balanced diet and avoid eating junk foods.  According to (Winnick & David) individuals need to spend most of their time in doing some critical exercise which is essential to their health instead of paying most of their time clubbing and buy more dietary supplements and expensive equipment’s.

 Some memorable physical fitness personal experiences in America are enforced by Joe Weider who received many achievements awards in his lifetime. He was responsible for the first workout book. Joe efforts with others like Jack LaLanne changed fitness the mainstream in America decades ago. For those seeking athletics performance without the use of drugs nowadays they can get access to wide variety of recovery drinks, proteins powder, and proteins which can enhance their performance naturally. This is due to increased number of companies which can offer this product which has been tested before been dispersed to people.

Benefits of Physical Fitness

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Various benefits are associated with the physical fitness in America and which have been praised throughout the history. Most of this information has been combined since the 1970s about the physical fitness (Buffart et al. 327). The American college of sports together with the American heart association has managed to fight the fitness by providing relevant information to the public. Sustained periods of-of vigorous activity and cardiorespiratory exercises have been the primary recommendation. Other institution s that has provided similar information in the past five years is the PCPFS, ACSM, AHA, CDC and NIH among others from were recommendations on regular, moderate and physical activity.

There are many benefits that associated with the physical fitness, and they include both immediate and long-term benefits. This benefits of physical activity are said to reduce the mortality and morbidity from many chronic diseases. They cover the main five components such as cardiovascular endurance, muscular strength, good figure, and flexibility. Some mental benefits include a positive attitude, high esteem, and the production of endorphins which act as a natural painkiller reduces aging (Buffart et al. 327). Physical fitness is generally achieved through the use of correct nutrition, stress management, enough rests that involves the good quality sleep and physical activity and exercise among more. 

The risks of many different diseases in America has been reduced since many people have started participating in regular exercises. These diseases include diabetes, heart disease, colon cancer, breast cancer and metabolic syndrome which seems to be a threat to many people both the aged and the youth (Crump et al. 210). Physical activity has helped many people to control their cholesterol levels from the good cholesterol, too lousy cholesterol. Many individuals have built stronger bones, joints, and ligaments. This enabled the risk of some diseases such as arthritis and other related bone diseases in America. Bone density and prevention of bone loss as American people get older have been fought due to weight-bearing exercise.

Although physical activity seems to waste time among people in America, in the real sense it helps people to utilize their time correctly. Many American people have participated in the physical fitness programs, and this has enabled them to plan their time well and locate every activity accurately. Through this, a sense of accomplishment is achieved which is a boost to confidence. This has been accomplished through the increased energy level which is brought by the correct posture, body image, figure and good appearance. The world today is very competitive, and the lifestyle has changed as the environment changes. This regular physical activity, the fitness in workouts has been to an help due to the hormone released which has led to people ‘feel good factor’, and therefore, stress levels have been reduced, and people have been able to fight life’s challenges.

Negative Impacts of Physical Fitness

Physical fitness, however, has some negative effects which may include muscle and skeletal injuries which may occur during vigorous exercises and the body is not conditioned.  These accidents occur because flexibility and proper education about these exercises are out looked by many people in the society. It is essential to understand that exercise can damage our bodies but with time our brains develop biological processes that rebuild the damaged tissues and make them be stronger than before (Drenowatz et al. 624). However, this only happens when our brains are given enough time to response to these changes. Failure to this stress becomes too much when you exercise too hard or often. Disappointments is also another negative impact which can occur to an individual who exercises vigorously; this occurs in many situations in America for example when a lady is exercising to excessive loose fat and maintain her shape, and it fails to happen. They end up being disappointed, and they lose their self-esteem.

An individual may also develop overtraining syndrome which is similar to overuse injuries, but it occurs when a person simultaneously exercise beyond their capabilities in America or when they are trying to push their exercise progress too quickly. Unlike overuse injuries which only affects a particular joint or muscle, the overtraining syndrome can generally affect health and someone’s wellbeing. Symptoms of overtraining include sleeping disturbances, moods swings, deteriorating physical performance, lack of mental focus, depression, and fatigue. Exercise can also have great impacts on the appetite of an individual. Its affects taste and the general way in which the body uses the energy from the food (Olivier et al. 75). In some situation exercise seems to decrease an individual appetite, this happens after intense workouts. Physical fitness also has some negative social impacts. This is because an individual’s lifestyle has to completely change to allow him/her create room for exercise. By so doing a person ends up having some conflict with his/her friends for not having their time as before.  In America, the new style requires that a person have a new schedule. Physical fitness also dramatically causes schedule crunches. This is because in America people are already too busy and having like thirty minutes exercise can greatly affect their tight schedules. Though it’s possible to fix the time and get some minutes to go for exercise, it requires someone to make some changes on their daily schedules.

Physical Fitness Statistics in America

Statistics show that the rate of activity varies in many different regions in America (Vera-Garcia et al 828). For example, Americans living in the south are said to be less involved in the physical activities as compared to the Americans living in the northeast, west and Midwest regions of the country. 23% of the non-Hispanic white adults in the year 2008 have been able to meet the physical activity standards for aerobic and muscle-strengthening exercise than non-Hispanic adults who are black (18%) and 16% of Hispanic adults. 54% of the men in America are more likely to meet the 2008 physical activity strategies for aer5obic exercise as compared to 46% of the women. For the case of young adults, they can meet this 2008 physical activity since they are always active and are involved in various activities. 

  Most of this Americans are getting enough, but too many are not. Most of the adults need at least 2.5 hours or 150 minutes a week of physical activity. About 21% meet the physical activity guidelines, that is, 60 minutes of physical activity every day. This includes both the adults and the children’s. According to Hoeger et al. (67), academic performance has been improved among the students not forgetting their weight control which has reduced the risk of many diseases such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, depression and some cancers. 

  However, when it comes to the education sector and income in the families is a different case. Most of the adults with more education in America are more likely to achieve the physical activity as compared to the adults with less education. The same case applies to adults who their income is high above the poverty level; they can obey the 2008 physical activity as compared to the adults whose income is near the poverty level (Bendíková 343). Most of this physical activity act has been enabled through the creation of 58 corporate owned gyms under planet fitness (PFIP LLC) leave alone the ones that are independently owned and operated by various individuals. The charges of this gyms have been made affordable as low as $10 per month, and this includes access of the equipment’s such as strength and cardio equipment’s, reduced intake of foodstuff such as pizza and access to extra amenities.

Nutrition and Physical Fitness

For that individual who wants to be physically fit, apart from exercising vigorously, they need may a lot of attention to the type of diet they have. For individuals who want to lose excessive fats from their bodies, they have to avoid junk foodstuffs mostly processed foods and a lot of proteins (Vera-Garcia et al. 828). This is advised as they may also suffer from some health complications. Individuals who are involved in extreme exercises its advisable for them to eat foods which will boost their energy like foodstuff in rich of carbohydrates as their bodies consume a lot of energy. Individuals who may lose their appetite due to exercise activities are supposed to take a lot of citric fruits like oranges, lemons and passion fruits which boosts appetite. In general, individuals who are seeking to be physically fit should make sure that they have a balanced diet on a daily basis. They may also seek advice from dietician and nutritionist who will give a proper advice on the right diet that they are supposed to have.

Physical Activity Guidelines

 The physical activity guidelines for American has provided physical activity recommendations under the United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to the persons under the people aged six years and above for all physical conditions. Although many people in America have made their own guidelines concerning the physical activity, the science-based guidelines have recommended weekly guidelines based on the physical activity which have enabled them to achieve a range of health benefits. These guidelines have been tailored to meet individual interests, goals, and lifestyles. Recommendations in the instructions given have enabled daily activities to be integrated into day-to-day practices such as biking, walking or even dancing. The policymakers and health professionals are the main audiences in America when it comes to physical activity. However, the facts they provide are always useful for anyone who wants to advance their health.

Health benefits of consistent physical activity occur for both the young and the old. It also occurs for people who have disabilities among others. Both muscle strengthening and aerobic physical activities are helpful to all individuals in America. It has helped them to be able to control their weight, reduce the risks of cancers, cardiovascular disease, and two types of diabetes and improve the mental health and mood among others (Bendíková 343). Aerobic (endurance) exercise recommends one to do at least 1 hour and 15 minutes a week since dynamic activities take more exertion than moderate activities. In the case of muscle-strengthening (resistance) exercise, it recommends one to do it at least two days a week. However, since the adults grow older, fitness is always the key to be able to sustain their health, performance, and individuality as opposed to aerobic fitness, their exercise aids in compressing morbidity (Myers et al. 306). For the case of bone strengthening exercise, it only recommends to be done at least three days a week as part of the 60 minutes of regular exercise suggested for children and adolescents.


In conclusion, every person is supposed to be physically fit as it has a lot of benefits to individuals both physically and mentally. People are capable of escaping some health risks by being physically fit like obesity. Parents are supposed to ensure that their kids are physically fit by doing some daily exercises and having a balanced diet as they are at high risk of suffering from obesity. For some individuals who may become antisocial as due to lack of time with friends and relatives are advised to manage their time well and rearrange their schedules to accommodate for this. Schools and institutions should have some facilities which will enable students to keep physical fitness by engaging them in sports and athletics. For physically challenged individuals this should also be catered for.

Works Cited

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