In addition to the Kerzner (2013) p582 section 11.35 list of categories Directing PRINCE2 page 85 section 9.3.1 identifies that there are four metrics that may be valuable and included in an End Project Report – progress, quality, change and risk. Each auditable category should have a value to the project and future projects. The table below has been designed to reflect Kerzner and PRINCE2.
Complete the table by identifying the WBS items that should be audited and the category that the WBS item falls into. Additionally, specify what metric(s) are significant for the WBS item. Page 85 section to of Directing PRINCE2 suggests some metrics, such as effort, cost, time variances, value, defects, quality, number of occurrences, adequacy, etc. You may also perceive of other metrics that are important to you. WBS items may occur in more than one auditable category and have more than one metric that you measure them by.
You may wish to write a short answer as a paragraph to explain what is required, rather than list each item. Adjust by adding extra rows or columns or merging cells in the table as required to show the items in each of the categories Delete this guidance box when you have finished with the contents.
Audit Plan.
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Managing PRINCE2 page 94 states that an audit review is typically undertaken at the end of each stage and at the end of the project. Kerzner in section 11.35 p582 states they may also be scheduled or at random; also that they are independent and focus on discovery or for decision-making; and finally that they may be performed by in-house or external examiners.Identify the elements of the audit plan using the table below. You may wish to write a short answer as a paragraph to explain what is required, rather than list each item. Adjust by adding extra rows or columns or merging cells in the table as required to show the items in each of the categories.
Project Termination / Closure.
The PMBOK section 4.6 identifies the inputs, tools and techniques and outputs that apply when closing the project. Provide a short explanation of how your project will close.Delete this guidance box when you have finished with the contents.1Termination / Closure Plan Meeting the Governance Principles.
Both Directing PRINCE2 page 129 and Managing PRINCE2 page 265 include as Appendix 2 a list of principles taken from the UK Association for Project Management’s governance of project management principles. The following sections have been adopted by using this table. The content of the sections have then been further supplemented with the items from section 2.2.2 page 34 of the PMBOK (2013).
Although the scope of PRINCE2 does not address some of the categories nevertheless you should attempt to address them using your best judgement.Define each category as comprehensively as you think appropriate. If you think that a category is not appropriate to your project, then explain why that is the case. You may also decide that the content of some of the categories has been misplaced. You may move them as long as you address all the content of PRINCE2 and the PMBOK.
If you believe you have defined the contents of some of the categories in a previous report, then reference that report with enough detail so that it can be easily located rather than repeating the words in this report.Delete this guidance box when you have finished with the contents.Overall Project Responsibility.PRINCE2 states that the board should have overall responsibility for governance of project management.The PMBOK requests information about project success and deliverable acceptance criteria.Delete this guidance box when you have finished with the contents.Roles, Responsibilities and Performance Criteria.PRINCE2 states that the roles, responsibilities and performance criteria for the governance of project management should be clearly defined.
The PMBOK requests that:
- The relationship among the project team, organisational groups, and external stakeholders;
- There is a project organisation chart identifies project roles;Delete this guidance box when you have finished with the contents.Governance Arrangements.
PRINCE2 states that disciplined governance supported by appropriate methods and controls, should be applied throughout the project lifecycle.The PMBOK request to know about the:Process for review and approval for changes to budget, scope, quality, and schedule which are beyond the authority of the project management;Delete this guidance box when you have finished with the contents.Relationship to Portfolio.
PRINCE2 states that there should be a coherent and supportive relationship demonstrated between the overall business strategy and the project portfolio.The PMBOK requests the guidelines for aligning project governance and organisational strategy.Delete this guidance box when you have finished with the contents.Authorisation Points.
PRINCE2 states that all projects should have an approved plan containing authorization points at which the Business Case is reviewed and approved. Decisions made at authorization points should be recorded and communicated.The PMBOK requests knowledge as to the:
- Process to identify, escalate, and resolve issues that arise during the project;
- Project decision-making processes;Delete this guidance box when you have finished with the contents Delegation.
PRINCE2 states that members of delegated authorization bodies should have sufficient representation, competence, authority and resources to enable them to make appropriate decisions.Delete this guidance box when you have finished with the contents.
Information Validity.PRINCE2 states that the project Business Case should be supported by relevant and realistic information that provides a reliable basis for making authorization decisionsThe PMBOK requests information about the approach to the project life cycle.Delete this guidance box when you have finished with the contents.Scrutiny.
PRINCE2 states that the board, or its delegated agents, decide when independent scrutiny of projects and project management systems is required, and implement such scrutiny accordingly.Delete this guidance box when you have finished with the contents.
Status Reporting.
PRINCE2 states that there should be clearly defined criteria for reporting project status, and for the escalation of risks and issues to the levels required by the organization.The PMBOK requests to know the process for stage gate and phase reviews, as well as the processes and procedures for the communication of information.Delete this guidance box when you have finished with the contents.Improvement.
PRINCE2 states that the organization should fosters a culture of improvement and of frank internal disclosure of project information.Delete this guidance box when you have finished with the contents.
Stakeholder Engagement.
PRINCE2 states that project stakeholders should be engaged at a level that is commensurate with their importance to the organization, and in a manner that fosters trust.
The PMBOK requests what are the processes to align internal stakeholders with project process requirements.Delete this guidance box when you have finished with the contents.
Controllable Category
Item & Explanation
PMBOK Knowledge Area
Tool & Technique
1. Deliverable
Write the explanation of the event driven control in this cell and delete this text afterwards. You may use as many words as you require but brevity and succinctness is preferable.
Write the explanation of the event driven control in this cell and delete this text afterwards. You may use as many words as you require but brevity and succinctness is preferable.
Write the explanation of the event driven control in this cell and delete this text afterwards. You may use as many words as you require but brevity and succinctness is preferable.
2. Configuration
Write the explanation of the event driven control in this cell and delete this text afterwards. You may use as many words as you require but brevity and succinctness is preferable.
Write the explanation of the event driven control in this cell and delete this text afterwards. You may use as many words as you require but brevity and succinctness is preferable.
Write the explanation of the event driven control in this cell and delete this text afterwards. You may use as many words as you require but brevity and succinctness is preferable.
3. Status Accounts
Write the explanation of the event driven control in this cell and delete this text afterwards. You may use as many words as you require but brevity and succinctness is preferable.
Write the explanation of the event driven control in this cell and delete this text afterwards. You may use as many words as you require but brevity and succinctness is preferable.
Write the explanation of the event driven control in this cell and delete this text afterwards. You may use as many words as you require but brevity and succinctness is preferable.
4. Logs
Write the explanation of the event driven control in this cell and delete this text afterwards. You may use as many words as you require but brevity and succinctness is preferable.
Write the explanation of the event driven control in this cell and delete this text afterwards. You may use as many words as you require but brevity and succinctness is preferable.
Write the explanation of the event driven control in this cell and delete this text afterwards. You may use as many words as you require but brevity and succinctness is preferable.
5. Issues
Write the explanation of the event driven control in this cell and delete this text afterwards. You may use as many words as you require but brevity and succinctness is preferable.
Write the explanation of the event driven control in this cell and delete this text afterwards. You may use as many words as you require but brevity and succinctness is preferable.
Write the explanation of the event driven control in this cell and delete this text afterwards. You may use as many words as you require but brevity and succinctness is preferable.
6. Procurements
Write the explanation of the event driven control in this cell and delete this text afterwards. You may use as many words as you require but brevity and succinctness is preferable.
Write the explanation of the event driven control in this cell and delete this text afterwards. You may use as many words as you require but brevity and succinctness is preferable.
Write the explanation of the event driven control in this cell and delete this text afterwards. You may use as many words as you require but brevity and succinctness is preferable.
Audit Plan
The Project Governance Report is a vital communication tool that is used as the basis for ensuring that the project board and other major project stakeholders are provided with timely, relevant and reliable project information. As a consequence of this report a framework is provided where by issue can be reported and decisions made in a transparently accountable manner.Kerzner (2013) states (p. 21) that governance relates to decisions that define expectations, accountability, responsibility, the granting of power, or verification of performance.
Governance relates to consistent management, cohesive policies, and processes and decisions-making rights for a given area of responsibility. Governance enables efficient and effective decision-making to take place.The PMBOK (2013) section 2.2.2 discusses project governance and advises that it is a framework that provides the project manager and team with structure, processes, decision-making models and tools for managing the project, while supporting and controlling the project for successful delivery.
The report is based on the contents of Directing plus Managing Successful Projects with PRINCE2 (2009), A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK Guide) 5th Edition (2013) and Kerzner Project Management: A Systems Approach to Planning, Scheduling and Controlling (2013).Please complete the report for the case study (Nocturnal Dialysis Conversion Project) provided within the Assessments section in the Moodle.
1. Overall Project Responsibility The responsibility for this project lies with the project manager as he is given the responsibility of managing the entire project. However, all the other stakeholders like supervisor, quality analyst, building contractor and others also have the responsibility to ensure all the duties are fulfilled and all deliverables have been achieved so that the project is completed successfully.The roles of the stakeholders are shown in the following table. The executive management board will monitor the entire project on an overall and will approve certain change requests and management decisions.
2. Roles, Responsibilities and Performance Criteria The roles, responsibilities and performance criteria for this project consist of the duties of the stakeholders that they need to fulfil for the requirements of the project. The performances of the stakeholders will be judged on the basis of the quality and quantity of work they produced during the course of the project. The quality of the stakeholders’ work will decided on the basis of the quality of outcome of the project.
- The project manager will plan, manage and govern the project.
- The sponsor will provide funds for the project.
- The suppliers will provide resources for the project.
- The quality analyst will analyse and audit the quality of the project.
3. Governance Arrangements The governance arrangements for this project consist of monitoring of the project activities of the building contractor. The project manager will specifically appoint the quality analyst and the project supervisor who will govern the project and report back to the project manager. Based on the reports, the project manager will deploy changes that will be beneficial for the project.
1. Relationship to the Portfolio The Relationship to the Portfolio for this project is prepared by using the business strategies of the organization as the basic requirement that needs to be fulfilled during the course of the project. The project portfolio will be created based on the requirements that align towards the preferred business strategy of the organization.
4.Termination / Closure Plan
The roles of relevant stakeholders for the project are shown in the following table.
Auditable Category
WBS ID and Item Description
Applicable metrics
Performance / Progress
Partial demolition of the existing building
Area of the building
Restructuring the dialysis unit
Nocturnal unit requirements
Upgrade of building to BCA Class 9A
Class 9A building standards
Compliance with fire safety
Fire safety requirements
Compliance with nocturnal dialysis unit requirements
Nocturnal unit requirements
Compliance with Class 9A building standards
Class 9A building standards
Proper quality of building materials
Building standards
Good quality of technical equipments
Medical standards
Good quality of implementation for the nocturnal unit
Requirements of the unit
Change / Exit
Additional equipments for nocturnal unit
Nocturnal support requirements
Additional room and space for the nocturnal unit
Space requirements
Renovation of the dialysis unit
Upgrade requirements
Additional damage to the hospital building
Area to be demolished
Disruption of services to other units of the building
Specific to dialysis unit
Unavailability of technical equipments for the dialysis unit
Medical standards requirements
Best Practices / Lessons to be Learned
Requirements for Class 9A building
Understanding the requirements of Class 9A building
Following fire and safety guidelines
Standard guidelines for safety
Upgradation of a particular part of a building
Upgradation process
Audit Category
When will it be conducted?
Who will conduct?
Purpose (discovery or decision-making)?
Performance / Progress
Partial demolition of the existing building
10th March 2018
Building Contractor
For renovation and addition of space
Restructuring the dialysis unit
25th March 2018
Medical Unit Contractor
For developing the nocturnal unit
Upgrade of building to BCA Class 9A
5th April 2018
Building Contractor
For upgrading the existing building standard
Compliance with fire safety
5th March 2018
Building Contractor
To protect the building against fire hazards
Compliance with nocturnal dialysis unit requirements
5th March 2018
Medical unit contractor
To develop the building for nocturnal unit
Compliance with Class 9A building standards
20th March 2018
Building contractor
To upgrade the standard of the building
Proper quality of building materials
5th March 2018
Procurement manager
To ensure the building does not get damaged by external agents
Good quality of technical equipments
8th March 2018
Procurement manager
To meet current medical standards
Good quality of implementation for the nocturnal unit
15th March 2018
Quality analyst
To meet requirements of the nocturnal unit
Change / Exit
Additional equipments for nocturnal unit
20th March 2018
Project Manager
To meet requirements of the nocturnal unit
Additional room and space for the nocturnal unit
25th March 2018
Project Manager
To meet requirements of the nocturnal unit
Renovation of the dialysis unit
5th April 2018
Project Manager
For upgrading the current system
Additional damage to the hospital building
20th March 2018
Building Contractor
Avoiding accidental damage
Disruption of services to other units of the building
20th March 2018
Avoiding disturbing other units and wards
Unavailability of technical equipments for the dialysis unit
25th March 2018
Procurement Manager
Meeting current medical standards
Best Practices / Lessons to be Learned
Requirements for Class 9A building
10th April 2018
Project Manager
Learning about various building standards and categories
Following fire and safety guidelines
10th April 2018
Project Manager
Learning about safety standards of a building
Upgradation of a particular part of a building
10th April 2018
Project Manager
Learning about project requirements
Controllable Category
Item & Explanation
PMBOK Knowledge Area
Tool & Technique
1. Deliverable
1.1 Renovation of Building
Newly renovated unit
The dialysis unit will be renovated as per the requirements of the project.
1.2 Installation of new equipments
New Dialysis Equipments
The new equipments will be installed for the nocturnal unit.
1.3 Additional space for new unit
Original Unit
New Unit, Increased area of existing unit
The unit space will be increased to accommodate more research and treatment area.
2. Configuration
2.1 Newly developed nocturnal dialysis unit
Newly renovated unit
The new nocturnal unit will be developed side by side with the old unit.
2.2 New dialysis equipments
Old Equipments
New Equipments
New equipments will match the current medical standards.
3. Status Accounts
3.1 Demolition report
Demolition Status
Status Account 1
A part of the unit will be temporarily demolished.
3.2 Construction report
Construction Status
Status Account 2
The construction process will be documented.
3.3 Installation report
Installation Status
Status Account 3
The installation process will be documented.
4. Logs
4.1 Project log
Project Progress
Progress Report
Project progress should be logged to keep track.
4.2 Resource log
Resources Used
Resources Report
There should be log for keeping tabs on the resources used in the project.
4.3 Expense log
Monetary Expenses
Expenditure Report
There should be log for keeping tabs on the budget used in the project.
5. Issues
5.1 Construction issues
Issues Log
Solutions to Issues
Monitor issues to address using suitable solutions.
5.2 Internal issues
Issues Log
Solutions to Issues
Monitor issues to address using suitable solutions.
5.3 Technical issues
Issues Log
Solutions to Issues
Monitor issues to address using suitable solutions.
6. Procurements
6.1 Building materials
Building materials are to be procured for increasing the unit area.
6.2 Building machineries
Machineries on Rent
Building machineries will be required for demolition and reconstruction.
6.3 Dialysis equipments
New dialysis equipments will be used in the nocturnal unit.
Key Quality Responsibility
Project Manager
Plans and manages entire project
Analyzes cost benefit from the project
Provides resources for the project
Project Contractor
Executes the project
Quality Analyst
Monitors the quality of the project
Acceptance Criteria
Additional Space for Existing Dialysis Unit
Room size doubled
New Equipments for Dialysis
Equipments of Current Medical Standards
New Room for Nocturnal Unit
Similar room as the previous one with nocturnal support
Renovation of the Dialysis Unit
Room damages repaired
1. Overall Project Responsibility
The responsibility for this project lies with the project manager as he is given the responsibility of managing the entire project. However, all the other stakeholders like supervisor, quality analyst, building contractor and others also have the responsibility to ensure all the duties are fulfilled and all deliverables have been achieved so that the project is completed successfully.
The roles of the stakeholders are shown in the following table. The executive management board will monitor the entire project on an overall and will approve certain change requests and management decisions.
2. Roles, Responsibilities and Performance Criteria The roles, responsibilities and performance criteria for this project consist of the duties of the stakeholders that they need to fulfil for the requirements of the project. The performances of the stakeholders will be judged on the basis of the quality and quantity of work they produced during the course of the project. The quality of the stakeholders’ work will decided on the basis of the quality of outcome of the project.
- The project manager will plan, manage and govern the project.
- The sponsor will provide funds for the project.
- The suppliers will provide resources for the project.
- The quality analyst will analyse and audit the quality of the project.
3. Governance Arrangements The governance arrangements for this project consist of monitoring of the project activities of the building contractor. The project manager will specifically appoint the quality analyst and the project supervisor who will govern the project and report back to the project manager. Based on the reports, the project manager will deploy changes that will be beneficial for the project. 5. Relationship to the Portfolio The Relationship to the Portfolio for this project is prepared by using the business strategies of the organization as the basic requirement that needs to be fulfilled during the course of the project. The project portfolio will be created based on the requirements that align towards the preferred business strategy of the organization.
1. Authorisation Points The authorisation points for this project are based on the decisions taken by the project manager but will be specifically applied to certain project attributes like:
- Budget
- Schedule
- Contract Tender
- Additional fund requests
- Project Site
- Building Standards
- Resources Required
- Completion of Repair
- Additional Space for Dialysis Unit
- New Nocturnal Unit
- Repair of Existing Unit
All these must be first authorized by the project manager before they are processed further.Decision making process: –
- Project Progress
- Compliance with Standards
- Audit of Project Quality
- Change Management
- Risk Assessment
- Reflection on Project
2. Delegation The delegation arrangements for this project are the responsibilities of the human resources manager and the delegation process will the done on the basis of skills and experience. The duties will first be divided and then the human resources manager will appoint stakeholders to their duties after assessing their skills and experience in the chosen role.The delegation for this project is as follows. 3. Information Validity
The information regarding the project will be documented in business case and the validity of information will be verified by:
- Project budget and expenses
- Project time period
- Cost and other benefits
- Business strategy options
- Major risks
- Future scope
- Advantages of the project
The scrutiny arrangements for this project are done on the basis of the requirements of the project. Generally, the scrutiny process is done at the end of the project by the project manager but in many projects including this one, there will be a continuous scrutiny process to be undertaken by the supervisor and report to the project manager. The initial scrutiny will be done by the project manager whereas the final scrutiny will be performed by the management board who will then business decisions accordingly.
Status Reporting
- The status reporting arrangements for this project are based on written reports and will be carried out by the project stakeholders.
- Each of the stakeholders will create a project log and at the end of each week, the weekly project log will be collected together and the status of the project will be reported to the project manager by sending the updated project log.
- There will also be an audit report that will be made in order to review the quality of the project on a regular basis.
- Further, there are evm and control reports that are used to monitor project progress, meeting of deliverables and others.
- The improvement arrangements for this project are based on certain standards set by the project manager before the initiation of the project.
- The entire project can be further improved if the project manager governs the project regularly and inject new ideas for enhancement of the project.
- The stakeholders should ensure updating the project manager using daily project progress reports so that he is able to govern the project as well as execute change management.
Stakeholder Engagement
The stakeholder engagement arrangements for this project are to be done by the human resources manager but the stakeholder requirement perquisites will be set by the project manager. The stakeholders of the project will be separately added after they are tested for their skills and experiences in their roles.
The stakeholder engagement is shown as follows.
Key Quality Responsibility
Project Manager
Reviews and validates project outcome
Reviews financial expenses in the project
Reviews resources provided for the project
Project Contractor
Hands over the project to the project manager
Quality Analyst
Reviews quality of project outcome
Key Quality Responsibility
Project Manager
Plans and manages entire project
Analyzes cost benefit from the project
Provides resources for the project
Project Contractor
Executes the project
Quality Analyst
Monitors the quality of the project
Acceptance Criteria
Additional Space for Existing Dialysis Unit
Room size doubled
New Equipments for Dialysis
Equipments of Current Medical Standards
New Room for Nocturnal Unit
Similar room as the previous one with nocturnal support
Renovation of the Dialysis Unit
Room damages repaired
Project Manager
Planning of project, allocation of duties
Procurement Manager
Procurement of necessary resources
Design plan for nocturnal unit
Civil Engineer
Design framework for the demolition and construction
Execute the demolition and construction process
Key Quality Responsibility
Project Manager
Plans and manages entire project
Analyzes cost benefit from the project
Provides resources for the project
Project Contractor
Executes the project
Quality Analyst
Monitors the quality of the project
Schwalbe, K. (2015). Information technology project management. Cengage Learning.Walker, A. (2015).
Project management in construction. John Wiley & Sons.