Sample Formal Business Report


The purpose of this document is to present a 5-year operational plan for the container leasing of company ABC. The document is aimed at highlighting the main objectives and the vision of the company. Another aim is to develop a thorough action plan for operational aspects of the business. The target of this business plan is to align the company’s growth ambitions with the operational and financial limitations it faces.

In order to achieve growth and to make sure that commercial objectives are backed up from the operational perspective, scenario analysis of the estimated container availability was undertaken.

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Our findings:

  1. The company’s annual growth is estimated at 10.1% which would mean an increase of 1.3 million units by the end of 2015 in TEU terms.
  2. Major growth is expected to come from trading with China.
  3. Significant drop in the availability of refrigerated equipment is a major challenge. With the estimated drop of 12%, this issue should be addressed immediately.


We recommend the following action plan based on the major points outlined.

  1. To increase the investment rate to 2.3 million dollars.
  2. To diversify the risks.