School Violence in American Schools


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The US education system overtime has been faced with the most serious problem: school violence. Violence includes among other issues bullying, threats using weapons and insults. This is a problem that has resulted to very serious consequences including deaths of students as well as teachers. School violence has been linked with leaner suicides as well as psychological illnesses in addition dropping out of school.  This is an issue which numerous stakeholders have attempted to resolve with no much success. School violence affects the whole community since students and teachers are part of the bigger community. Each individual has a role under active citizenship towards solving the school violence problem. This document discuses school violence forms, causes as well as presenting methods that could be used to curb the problem.


School violence has turned out to be a crucial problem in the globe particularly within the US. Violence occurs in numerous forms and it is a compound issue. It is worth noting that violence in schools is not new issue: violence in schools has existed for years however it was restricted to minor teasing and light moments. On the contrast presently it has changed and become one of the most critical issues since it has changed to become first class violence involving weapons and resulting to deaths (LAZARUS & PFOHL, 2012).   Researchers have stated that school violence mirrors the violence within the wider social context; this means violence in schools is introduced from the outside. Presently, learners are taking weapons to learning institutions; weapon linked threats as well as assaults have progressively more increased and are occurring in schools on a daily basis as compared to any other place.

Center for Disease and Control have indicated that about half the boys in addition to quarter the girls reported having undergone some kind of violence within school (CDC, 2010). American schools have become a setting where violent acts amongst youths are occurring along the second setting where violent acts against adults are taking place. This worrying situation has prompted numerous individuals as well as institutions to make attempts towards determining the factors which contribute to violence in schools. Numerous researchers as well as specialists all through the globe have tried to offer social, psychological along with educational explanations to explain school violence (Seeley et al., 2011).  These have been found to have some variance between communities, nations and even schools. Violence in schools at times has been seen to take some racial lines.

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Literature review

According to CDC (2010) school violence of comprises of varying behaviors: these behaviors include bullying, slapping, usage of weapons as well as punching. CDC observes that violence victims been critically injured at times in addition to experiencing significant social as well as emotional suffering: much more critically violence has been attributed to deaths of some learners. Within 2005-06 about 38 percent of American schools reported greater than one event of violence against school police. This shows just how much school violence has crossed borders that had never been crossed earlier before. CDC (2010) further observes that within 2003-04 approximately 105 teachers in urban areas received threats from students: these were threats against injuries or their lives. A teacher is known to be the regulator of the school conducts and if they are receiving threats from students then this makes violence in school a matter that demands urgent intervention from every relevant organ of the government. The threats have at times materialized and teachers have lost their lives.  CDC (2010) suggests that parents in addition to community based interventions require to be implemented to deal with the threat. The article indicates that from 2003 to 2010 about 116 students lost their lives; this was estimated to be 17 students annually who died as a direct result of school violence. For violence to stop the overall students environments must be improved.

Algozzine & McGee (2011) observes that above 55 million learners are introduced into the kindergarten within American schools along with another 15 million being introduced in universities colleges. To many this shows success in educational level as well as standards since more and more people are becoming educated. Algozzine & McGee (2011) states that, despite the increased enrollments educational standards are being hampered by one major problem, which is violence. The authors affirm that the acts of violence are a part of a broader group of bad conduct that results to negative outcomes. Clearly the government is busy increasing the enrollment of learners in schools, however literacy is not the most sensitive problem presently; school violence is.  Same sex violence comprises of bullying, emotional as well as physical assault. On the other hand opposite sex violence ranges from sexual violence such as rape and so on. Algozzine & McGee (2011) additionally reveals the bitter fact that school violence is also being directed to teachers: violence against teachers include physical assault, theft or vandalism of their property among others. The article classifies violence into broad sets of victimization, fights, weapons usage, classroom disorderly, drugs and alcohol usage. Algozzine & McGee (2011) states that, regrettably reporting have been on the downside for a long time making it hard to resolve school violence.  

HILDENBRAND et al. (2013) attempts to connect school violence to inadequate sleep; numerous researchers have tried to find the root cause of the negative acts. The article observes that insufficient sleep could be linked to unwanted behavioral, physical in addition to psychosocial effects in youths. The article states that violence is caused by preventable health issues that face students as well as school staff. Indeed these acts could be prevented; there is a myriad of studies and recommendations made by research bodies as well as individuals which require to be considered. Though the connection between insufficient sleep is weak, additional research require to be carried out.

Forms of School violence

Within the past 30 years, numerous physically as well as psychologically risky behaviors have been placed under the phrase school violence. Additionally, the school violence concept has been enlarged to include psychological harm, sexual harassment along with physical harm (Rivers et al., 2009). Presently, school violence incorporates behaviors which vary in severity as well as frequency; these are bullying, intimidation and verbal threats: others are vandalism, sexual harassment, violence towards staffs, hate offenses and murder.  It is clear that offenses occurring in school are increasing by day. All the evils that were previously experienced with the neighborhoods have been imported into the school grounds.  The gang violence on the streets has also been carried to school; learners have reported gang presence in schools. Gang violence is also a part of the school violence definition (LAZARUS & PFOHL, 2012).

Causes of Violence in Schools

Owing to the heightened violence within schools many researchers have been conducted in an attempt to understand the elements that motivate the growth of antisocial conducts amongst children. Mainly school violence researches, place emphasis on the psychological health of students, their family structure, teacher’s role as well as the general learner exposure to violence (Seeley et al., 2011). These researches seek to shed light along with giving substantive evidence regarding the causes of violence. Generally school violence is linked with both personal along with school- associated characteristics that have associations with the larger community. In alternative words school violence has its roots of origin in the communities and has been linked with cultural as well as societal changes (LAZARUS & PFOHL, 2012)

. It is worth noting that school violence is deeply rooted and multifaceted. The day to day routines of child growth takes place chiefly within the contexts of school, family, neighborhood along with peer groupings. It is said that complex interaction between poverty, drug, racism, gangs, guns availability, absence of personal responsibility, after school activities and family units violence to a great extent plays the role in maintain the violence culture (Bureau of Justice Assistance, 2005). This means than some kids are at more risk as compared to others. Additionally, a number of organization features may be crucial in describing school disorder. These comprise of; firstly features of the setting within which schools operate meaning the communities positioned nearby; secondly, the school population compositions meaning the teachers and students populace make up; thirdly, the school size as well as accessible resources; fourthly,  ways in which schools operated i.e. rules and practices; and fifthly, the psychosocial school climate  . In the US there exist a high strong connection amongst physical abuse and subsequent children aggression. This means that if a kid experiences abuse at home it is highly likely that they will become perpetrators of violence in future (HILDENBRAND et al., 2013).   Though, the connection between family violence witnessing and school violence may be weak, it is a contributing factor towards school violence. Additional factors which increase the probability of school violence are such as gender (boys at a bigger risk), residences (prevalence in urban), as well as witnessing violence within infanthood stages. It is imperative that the causes of violence must be identified to enable stopping the deeply rooted vice. Literature has shown that school violence is a worldwide issue in many learning institutions. But why is that this problem is prevalent in the US? This is a question requires to be answered fast to save the American schools integrity.  More studies regarding the causes of violence must be carried out in the areas of psychological physical as well as social causative aspects (Johnson & Gielen, 2012).

Active citizenship

Active citizenship though it has no specific definition refers to involvement of people in public life as well as affairs. This may take place within the regional, national as well as international levels. Active citizenship is majorly used to encourage citizens to get involved or engage with issues regarding tackling problems within their communities, resisting unwanted change or introducing change (GGLN, 2013). Active citizenship states that every individual has roles as well as responsibilities within their community in helping to tackle problems. An active citizen points to an individual who develops knowledge, skills as well as understanding so as to make knowledgeable decisions regarding their communities.

Taking into account the above descriptions regarding active citizenship it is clear that every individual has a role towards curbing school violence in the US. Studies have shown that school violence originates at the community and then the hostility is transferred to school (CDC, 2010.  This certainly shows that the communities have a bigger role in the fight against school violence perpetration. Individuals have a lengthy period of time blamed government disregard as well as inaction concerning school and they fail to realize school violence can be actively eradicated if every person within the community took upon their individual responsibility to fight the vice (GGLN, 2013). The responsibility starts with the parent, whereby a parent is supposed to closely monitor their child and assess any hostility signs.  The parent has the biggest responsibility of also counseling the child and directing them towards the right way. Further the community as whole should not entertain perpetration school violence by learners whether within school or outside. The community members should unite and take the responsibility of fighting against youth violence through keeping a close watch as well as organizing forums at the neighborhood level to sensitize youths about school violence (HILDENBRAND et al., 2013).

It has been noted that youth violence a majority of times take place in the presence of community members who do not bother to act since that is their kid. Active citizenship is against this kind of conduct, every individual has a responsibility towards helping fight school violence. Within school the administration, teachers as well as non-teaching staff possess a responsibility under active citizenship to fully face the school violence issue without fear. The lawmakers have a duty to ensure that policies are made which will help curb the school violence vice (Seeley et al., 2011). The social psychologists have a duty of ensuring that they come with comprehensive models of identifying causes as well as ways of resolving school violence. School violence is both a local and a national problem in the US and active citizenship can go a long way towards assisting eradicate or reducing it considerably. The discussed responsibilities are just but a few every individual has a role under active citizenship to contribute towards curtailing school violence (Barberry, 2013).

Impacts of Academic knowledge to social elements and institutions

Academic knowledge brings about an exceptional enlightenment to the society as well as the individuals. The academic enlightenment enables people be able to shape social elements in society (Bureau of Justice Assistance, 2005).  An educated individual is able to distinguish and identify aspects that are harmful to the society. The academically educated nations deal with social issues in a more responsible, informed along with using academic based approaches to deal with social issues in addition to shaping local and worldwide communities’ social elements. It is unfortunate that in this case we are dealing with a problem which is facing academic institutions, which extends the academic knowledge. One would expect that academically knowledgeable individuals such as earners may not engage in unnecessary violence but that is in actuality what is taking place. This leaves researchers within the psychology field to use their academic in providing a solution and an explanation regarding how well to deal with school violence (Algozzine & McGee, 2011). Academic knowledge possesses a big influence on social elements as well as institutions, thus learners require to be sensitized more on the negative impacts of school violence.

Global News Video on school violence

This video portrays just how much school violence has penetrated within the US schools. The initial scene concerns a boy who was reported carrying a gun to school to protect a friend who was being bullied. This is a scene which is very prevalent within school, whereby violence starts as a two learners’ conflict and later graduates to be a conflict between groups of learners (Youtube, 2012).  The fact the 11 year old boy carried a gun in addition to 400 rounds of ammunition shows that American schools have been converted to battle fields. The Global News video also brings out very sad news regarding the killing of two teachers by students.  It is absolutely sad that US school violence has reached a point of being directed to teachers and more so murdering them. For example Colleen a teacher in Massachusetts was killed by student using a crude weapon. Additionally, the video indicates how Michael a teacher within Nevada was shot by a 12 year old and he died instantly. It is unsure who will save the situation if teachers who supervise schools are being executed by the very students they teach (Youtube, 2012).  

A comprehensive School Violence Prevention program

  1. Creating a secure as well as responsive school climate

To promote a safe in addition to responsive climate for all learners, primary prevention attempts for instance conflict resolution, or enhanced classroom management require being adopted school wide. Such programs include:

  1. Conflict resolution as well as violence prevention Curricula- due to the rising culture of school violence schools should consider making violence deterrence and conflict resolution  a component of heir curricula this type program will be aimed at transforming perceptions, students’ skills and attitudes.   The curricula approaches should typically be incorporated within the wider program, usually including peer mediation, school-wide conduct management programs and cooperative learning. Entire school efforts such as conflict resolving programs have been linked with several positive outcomes in the past. Teachers have reported drop in physical violence, reduced learner suspension along rise in student cooperation (Bureau of Justice Assistance, 2005).
  2. Peer mediation-in this approach a cadre of learner mediators are trained on problem solving strategies and communication skills,; this is aimed at assisting peers resolve their disagreements devoid of confrontation. In schools where this initiative have been introduced improvements in peer resolved conflicts.  Peer mediators resolve conflicts amongst learners both within and outside school. The peer mediator’s usage may substantially transform ways in which learners approach as well as settle conflicts: learners involved within the peer mediation programs show great readiness to assist friends to assisting friends resolve conflicts. With sufficient attention to planning details and follow-up, school-wide peer mediation programs adoption is a promising tool which can assist teach learners methods of settling conflicts without violence.
  3. Enhanced classroom behavior management- a majority of the disruptive conducts regarded as school violence begins within the classroom level. The aim of classroom management of behavior is to assists student self control as well as responsibility. It improves social interaction within the classroom.  Classroom management teaches learners how well to behave in class in order for reducing conflicts. Classroom conflict management translates to a better entire school environment (Barberry, 2013).
  4. Bullying prevention: bullying is said to be the mainly prevalent kind of school violence. Individual intervention programs have been seen to promoting more violence, thus whole school intervention would be a better replacement. This may include interventions at the school, individual as well as class levels. This program raises awareness through school and class policies aimed at reducing bullying. Additionally the policies are enforced to pass a clear message stating that bullying is disallowed in school. Heightened adult supervision in places which monitoring is low is effective since the incidents of bullying take place in these areas. For bullying prevention to be successful learners, parents as well as teachers require to realize that victimization is a critical issue.
  5. Effective Responses towards School disruption

Despite the enormous efforts to prevent school violence it is obvious that some cases will still arise.  For schools to ensure complete safety it must initiate plans along with procedures to deal with any arising school violence. Expulsion has been amongst the mainly used approaches of dealing with school violence however it has no much effect. Expulsion for learners only creates short term fear to students; it is thus a short term measure. In order to break the school violence cycles in American schools alternatives to suspension as well as expulsion require to be implemented (Bureau of Justice Assistance, 2005). The following might be useful alternatives:

  1. In-school disciplinary options: in-school suspension that is keeping learners in school during Saturdays whilst being disciplined has been seen to be effective. The efficacy of in-school suspension implementation requires a supervisor who will ensure they continue with their class assignments.  Appearing to a school on Saturdays is a huge punishment to students since this is their leisure time.
  2. Restitution: this is aimed at making things right; it is geared towards the offenses’ nature. For instance, in the case of vandalism the student is required to repair vandalism or maybe engage in programs of improving the physical environment or surrounding.
  3. Anger management: these are classes geared towards assisting aggressive learners transform their perceptions as well as learn substitute behaviors during conflict situations. Aggressive learners usually lack individual control and end up blowing simple encounters out of proportion consequently violence erupts.
  4. Alternative disciplinary methods: schools can adopt other measures of dealing with violence disciplining; these measures are aimed at shifting the burden of disciplining offenders from the administration. To start with teen courts may be introduced in school, whereby a students’ panel listen to the case and determine the punishments. Secondly, restorative justice is an additional technique; learners who may have harmed others are compelled to face the victim with an aim of confronting their actions.  
  5. Community team approaches: youth violence cut across family, community and the school. The interagency techniques have become very effectual in heightening communication as well as collaboration for youth-serving agencies. The interagency programs have will be able to create comprehensive community oriented plans (Dogutas, 2013).


It is clear that there is no quick fix resolution to curbing school violence. The political zero tolerance policy which includes expulsion as well as suspension awards short term results to school violence, however, there exists no evidence that those policies have had an effect on student behavioral change. For schools as well as school districts to attain effectual and comprehensive violence prevention they must shift away from zero tolerance towards early intervention strategies. Early intervention seeks to lessen the probability of violence through the creation of positive school climate through an array of effective preventive measures. Developing secure along with responsive programs there is need for collaboration between parents, schools, agencies as well as students. For long school personnel have been expected to resolve school violence on their own which explains the increase in violence cases country wide. Sturdy and efficient associations should be forged amongst schools, social welfare agencies, mental health, and the community in addressing the intricate issue of school violence. Involving parents within every stage of planning and responding to school violence will largely boost the resources accessible for interventions.


Algozzine, B., & McGee, J. R. (2011). Reported Occurrence and Perceptions of Violence in Middle and High Schools. Clearing House, 84(3), 91-97. doi:10.1080/00098655.2010.524952

Barberry, R. (2013). School violence – Schools of Thought – Blogs. Retrieved from

Bureau of Justice Assistance. (2005). Guide for Preventing and Responding to School Violence Second Edition. Retrieved from

CDC. (2010). Understanding School Violence Fact Sheet. Retrieved from

Dogutas, A. (2013). SCHOOL VIOLENCE IN AMERICAN SCHOOLS: TEACHERS PERCEPTIONS. International Journal of Academic Research, 5(3), 87-92. doi:10.7813/2075-4124.2013/5-3/B.15

GGLN. (2013). active citizenship matters. Retrieved from

HILDENBRAND, A. K., DALY, B. P., NICHOLLS, E., BROOKS-HOLLIDAY, S., & KLOSS, J. D. (2013). Increased Risk for School Violence-Related Behaviors Among Adolescents With Insufficient Sleep. Journal of School Health, 83(6), 408-414.

Johnson, S., Burke, J., & Gielen, A. (2012). Urban Students’ Perceptions of the School Environment’s Influence on School Violence. Children & Schools, 34(2), 92-102.

LAZARUS, P., & PFOHL, W. (2012). Bullying Prevention and Intervention: Information for Educators. Retrieved from

Rivers, I., et al. (2009). Observing Bullying at School: The Mental Health Implications of Witness Status. Retrieved from

Seeley, K., et al. (2011). Bullying in Schools: An Overview: Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention. Retrieved from

Youtube. (2012). Bullying and Violence In Our Schools [Video file]. Retrieved from

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