Migration is process by which people move from one place to another place. The reason for the movement may vary from one situation to another. For instance, it may be because of war, flooding, drought or such for job opportunity among many issues. On the other hand, information technology is a field that focuses on computing services which include things such as the internet, networking, hardware, software and most importantly is the users that come up with the above technological items. Consequently, a social issue is a challenge that has the impact on a large number of people within the community or rather the society. Migration as a social factor has various impacts to the field of information technology. The impacts comprise of both positive and negative challenges according to Anderson, Wipfel & Westerfield (2015). However, as an information technology expert, one is expected to either be able to provide the solution to the problems or provide ways to adapt to the upcoming scores of challenges in reference to Marilyn Clarke (2017). In this essay, it is going to elaborate on ways that the movement of people from one place to another affect information technology and how an IT postgraduate can be able to solve the challenges.
How migration as a social issue has an impact on the IT industry.
- Migration challenges the post graduates to do a thorough research in the field of information technology.
Brettell & Hollifield, (2014) say that, when people migrate from one place to another in search for an IT job opportunity there are several challenges that face them in the field. Most of these challenges are technical in nature. For example, they get challenged on the task. One may be working on the networking department but when he migrates to another country, he or she is posted on the development of application. This means that this person has to go back to learning environment to get the required skills on the field. Solving the issue is the task of the information technology field and therefore migration makes the IT guys go an extra mile to learn the hardware and acquire the new sills as first as possible according to Cardoso, Moreira & Escudero, (2018).
- Migration as a social issue exposes IT expert to different working policies.
Each and every country have some guidelines that controls the field of information technology. The policies range from the working environment and how to come up with your own software. Cardoso et al. (2018) argues that, when one is seeking job in another country as an IT expert, he or she gets to know the policies that the country. From there he or starts developing or correcting the systems as per the requirements of that country. On the other hand, one gets to learn the repercussions that come as a result of ignoring the required policies. They mainly vary from one country to another and when a job seeker migrate he gets to learn all those. Apart from the policies, there can be ethical tests that one may be required to go through before assuming the responsibilities in the new job location. Therefore, one should be ready to pass through all the requirement. They may be challenging but necessary in the field according to Goldin & Katz, (2018).
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iii. Migration as a social factor slows down possible innovations that one may be planning for his or her country in the field of IT.
Migration involves change in the physical environment. However, IT is a field that expands day in day out. When you consider a situation whereby on IT expert have innovated a system or technology to solve a certain issue but at the end of the day, he migrates to another country to seek for job. The migration now will slow down the technological development in his or her country. The fact is that the innovation the guy is coming up with may not be required in the other country and he may end up wasting all the knowledge. Another thing that may happen is that, one may steal the idea and publish it as his own while the migrated expert just sits and watch. This is a negative effect as an IT expert when you migrate from your country to seek job in another country.
- Migration as a social issue assist an upcoming IT expert to gain more knowledge in solving IT problems.
Migration gives a room for an exposure to an IT expert. For instance, when the student is coming from a lowly advanced country in terms of IT and seeking a job opportunity in well advanced country in terms of information technology. The student may end up securing the opportunity and that is chance for learning new issues in the field. After gaining enough skills, the student can travel back to their country and share what he or she have gained with other members. This is a positive impact to that country that had low advancement information technology but gave an opportunity for the student to migrate and be employed in another country. It is very rare to get such opportunity but it comes, it provides room for innovation and inventions in the sector of information technology. The invention and innovation happen because of sharing ideas between the more advanced expert in another country and the person who is seeking the job or had already been employed in that particular place. Therefore, migration may also have positive impact in information technology industry.
- Another impact of migration on information technology is that it challenges the IT expert on the way communication breakdown happens in the new environment. As a social issue, when the student migrates, he or she is expected to meet new people new methods of dressing whether oral or verbal. At some levels, there are protocols that is required to be used in an organization while communicating. It may a system that may had been developed to control the communication in that area. The new expert will take some time to adapt to the new environment, learning the rules and procedures among other things. At some point it may call for a training before one gets full understanding about the ways in which the new system works and how to respond to some situations. This calls for an additional cost to the firm
- apart from the above issues, migration also affect IT industry in that it assist the firms from one country to identify what they should incorporate in their trainings to ensure that their students have knowledge about the current issues which are advanced like the other countries. If you consider a situation that almost for graduates failed in test to secure a job position as an IT expert, then there must something that the other firm is doing which was not always done in the other country. Migration as a social issue will assit in exposing such things and give a wakeup call to the other country to train their students appropriately to enable them secure job position like the other students.
How postgraduate students should either prepare or adapt to the above challenges
The challenges brought by immigration in the field of information technology are so bitter, however, there are ways in which an IT student can adapt or try to solve the challenges. The following are ways to adapt to the changes or solve them:
- Stay tuned on any advanced technology that another country may come up with.
One main issue when one migrates from one place to another is the challenge of the skills. You get that the skills you have are basic while the employment opportunity you have is more demanding. As a postgraduate, you should always on research matters to establish any upcoming or invented IT skill of solving some issues. For example, there may be new ways of storing data like for example the cloud computing. The advanced issues sometimes may not need a tutor to impact the skills but the student can use other primary sources such as the YouTube, online courses among many sites. Deeper research exposes the student to advanced ways of solving the challenges and therefore it will make him or her reap big when migration comes due to job opportunity.
- Be ready to learn new ideas.
In most circumstance, the graduate may not have been given all the skills that are required to solve an IT issue. However, flexibility matters when one wins a job opportunity. When one migrate from one country to another, he should be ready to learn the new skills. In a situation whereby he lacks some skills on an issue, he or she should admit it and be ready to acquire the knowledge from a third party. When this happens, the other persons will be open and much ready to share the required skills that will assist the student adapt to the new environment.
iii.Another important skill that migration can assist a postgraduate to adapt to the new challenges is that, he or she should learn to communicate. Hamilton, Manos, Dunagan, Wolman, Agarwal & Zhang, (2016) says that, communication is a key aspect to getting solution to matters surrounding the information technology field as a whole. The student should not only communicate whenever there is a problem but also ensure that he can provide solution to problems he might be knowing and the other person does not know. When communicating, have the skills necessary. One should not be rude or inaudible but ensure there is rapport between you and the person you are requesting help from at any particular moment. Always admit mistakes through proper way of communication and be ready to learn at all cost. This will ensure that one takes a little time to learn the new environment according to Hamilton et al., (2016).
- Kishore & Sharma, (2016) says that, there is a challenge of theft of idea. In order to solve such an issue, the post graduate should ensure that he or she have gained the patent rights on his or her IT ideas and should not at one point leak the ideas anyhow. There are procedures that should be taken when theft of ideas happens at any circumstance. The student should be aware of the procedures before traveling to that particular country to work in that field.
- Apart from the above ways, the postgraduate student should have the resources to encounter the challenges that might come as a result of immigration. The most important resource is skilled on how to encounter the challenges that come with the immigration. For instance, one should have the skills on how to save the data on the cloud to allow him or her access the data even if there is damage to the physical devices used in the storage in reference to Odili & Mohmad Kahar, (2016).
- consequently,Magrabi, Liaw, Arachi, Runciman, Coiera & Kidd (2015) argues that, another way to adapt to the challenges that comes with migration is that the postgraduate should always focus on the solution to the problems but not complain at each and every time. Many people undergo some period of stress when they go to a new country and subjected to a work load that sometimes they have little knowledge about. However, the solution to such like situation staying focused on the how to solve the matter. For example, the graduate can consult from his other past colleagues on matters he or she is not familiar with or just inform his or her past tutor about the situation according to Magrabi et al., (2015).
In conclusion, information technology experts face several challenges when they get opportunity to work in another country. These challenges ranges from the communication channels, the type of systems used in the new environment and most importantly the policies that controls the firm. All these challenges need solution; some may be technical or just ethics. The above illustrations give the examples of the challenges and how the IT expert can solve them. It is good to always be aware of the emerging ways in adapting to the new challenges.
Anderson, E. W., Wipfel, R., & Westerfield, K. (2015). U.S. Patent No. 9,191,380. Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
Brettell, C. B., & Hollifield, J. F. (2014). INTRODUCTION Migration Theory Talking Across Disciplines. In Migration theory (pp. 13-48). Routledge.
Cardoso, A., Moreira, F., & Escudero, D. F. (2018). Information Technology Infrastructure Library and the migration to cloud computing. Universal Access in the Information Society, 17(3), 503-515.
Essay writing-lecture notes
Goldin, C., & Katz, L. F. (2018). The race between education and technology. In Inequality in the 21st Century (pp. 49-54). Routledge.
Hamilton, J. R., Manos, M. J., Dunagan, J. D., Wolman, A., Agarwal, S., & Zhang, M. (2016). U.S. Patent No. 9,367,257. Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
Kishore, N., & Sharma, S. (2016). Secured Data Migration from Enterprise to Cloud Storage-Analytical Survey. BVICAM’s International Journal of Information Technology, 8(1).
Magrabi, F., Liaw, S. T., Arachi, D., Runciman, W., Coiera, E., & Kidd, M. R. (2015). Identifying patient safety problems associated with information technology in general practice: an analysis of incident reports. BMJ Qual Saf, bmjqs-2015.
Marilyn Clarke (2017): Rethinking graduate employability: the role of capital, individual attributes and context, Studies in Higher Education, DOI: 10.1080/03075079.2017.1294152
Odili, J. B., & Mohmad Kahar, M. N. (2016). Solving the traveling Salesman’s problem using the African Buffalo optimization. Computational intelligence and neuroscience, 2016, 3.
Structuring and sustaining arguments, lecture notes
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