STRM044 Business Research Project : Solution Essays

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  • Literature review is critical and thorough
  • Critical understanding of theory and academic literature relevant to the research topic.
  • Quality sources used and are fully referenced. (target 80 texts, minimum 50)

Develops a conceptual framework from which the primary/secondary research instrument emerges

  • Discussion of findings provides a critical analysis of findings synthesised with literature review
  • Systematic analysis, synthesis and evaluation, relevant to the research questions and objectives, used to reach convincing robust conclusions





Research methodology is the systematic method of conducting research. The structured research design is essential to understand the appropriate method of managing the information collected from the different source. The study explores the concept of product marketing strategy that has the clear impact on the customer satisfaction. The research methodology is described in the sequential process that includes different layers. The layers include a set of research techniques that are used in the research and those research techniques exist in the form of layers as onion. The research philosophy remains as the first layer of the research methodology. However, three different forms of research philosophies such as positivism, interpretivism and realism exist in the first layer of the research methodology. Likewise, the research approach exists at the second layer of the research methodology model. Research approaches are usually divided into two different categories such as deductive and inductive. Research design exists at the third layer of the research method.  Similarly, the data collection techniques remain in the fourth layer of research onion model in which the primary and secondary sources would be used for collecting the necessary information.

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Figure 1: Research onion Model

(Source: Flick 2015)


Research Philosophy

Research philosophy is considered as the method of describing, analyzing, and using the phenomenon. Research philosophy is generally based on three different typologies, such as positivism, realism, and interpretivism. The positivism and the realism philosophies deal with the extraction of the hidden truth based on the real life experience or scenario. The positivism philosophy identifies the extent of truth that is necessary for analyzing the scenario in a detailed way. On the other hand, interpretivism deals with the human manipulation and interpretation of the real scenario. Pragmatism acknowledges concept relevant only if it backed by supportive content and action. Therefore, there is no particular way of undertaking a research and various approaches can be used to reach the desired goal in the study. Even though positivism and interpretivism are generally used in business and academic research, occasional need of changing the paradigm will take pragmatism in to account. Thus, pragmatism incorporates more than one research approaches in the study.

This study is based on the conceptual analysis of product marketing strategy that creates the customer satisfaction of Hilti Emirates. Positivism philosophy extracts the hidden truth by analyzing the responses derived from the people who have been experiencing the real life scenario. Analyzing this response would measure the extent of customer satisfaction developed due to the implementation of product marketing strategy by the company. However, as both quantitative and qualitative analysis of data will be conducted, pragmatism is the suitable methodology of research.

Figure 2: Research Philosophy

(Source: Taylor, Bogdan and DeVault 2015)

Research Approach

Research approach is classified into two different sections, such as inductive and deductive. The difference between the two approaches that deductive approach testing theory and it is aimed while inductive is focusing on the new theories emerging from data (Gamage, 2013). The Inductive research studying several cases in order to generate a theory to be applied in general situation. The Deductive research is to apply certain theories oncertain situations to generate applications (Bansal and Taylor 2015). The Inductive research approach is rooted from paradigms like interpretivism. While the deductive research approach rooted from paradigms such as positivism. The researcher believe that deductive approach is the right approach for the research and more suitable to this study than inductive research.

Figure 3: Research Approach

(Source: Sekaran and Bougie 2016)

Research Design 

Research design is divided into three major divisions, such as exploratory, explanatory, and descriptive. Exploratory research design is the most useful part of the business marketing strategy. It explores the insights by analyzing the accurate data. Explanatory research is quantitative in nature and quite structured. It creates the relationships between the variables. On the other hand, the descriptive design presents the information in detail and develops an understandable structure of the research. A mixed method is used to nullify the limitation of using a single design in research. In this mixed method is used for validating the existing theories and address the questions in different layers and levels. Sequential explanatory, sequential exploratory, sequential transformative, concurrent nested and concurrent triangulation are the different research designs in mixed method. In this study, sequential explanatory design is used in which initially the quantitative data analysis is carried out and then qualitative analysis is executed.  The qualitative analysis will interpret, validate and provide a different dimension to the quantitative data that has been collected.

Sample Population

There are two types of sampling used in researches, probability sampling and non-probability sampling (Saul Mcleod, 2014). Due to limitation of time the researcher selected probability sampling “Stratified Random Sampling”.  According to Saul, in the stratified random sampling the researcher identifies the various types of people that make up the population that targeted by the researcher and works out the proportions required for the sample to be representative. In stratified sampling, the overall population sample is divided in to non-overlapping groups and random population is selected using simple random sampling. The advantage of this method that the sample is highly representative of the targeted population hence the researcher can generalize the obtained results. (Saul Mcleod, 2014).

The researcher has selected sample for the study is made up of Hilti’s customers specifically, the population sample consists of 35 customers from contracting companies in the construction market in UAE specifically in Dubai. In the sample population, it was desirable to choose Hilti customers because it is more practical to gather the needed information from them and measure about how they perceive the Hilti products and to what extent they are satisfied with the products and services that Hilti offers in the UAE market.

Hence, the collection of customer point of views in the UAE construction market was more effective with respect to give more understanding about the effectiveness of Hilti product marketing strategy in several business units from engineering and non-engineering products on the customer satisfaction and what makes them pay more money to get Hilti products and services. The sample population is also appropriate and manageable for the study because as it involves questionnaire in the interviews hence ensuring that as much data is collected within the shortest period due to time limitation.

Data Collection Method

The study is based on the mixed method research in which primary data is collected. The primary data collection process is organized by developing two types of data collection, such as quantitative data collection and qualitative data collection. In the quantitative data collection process, the questionnaires are distributed among 50 customers of Hilti Emirates. The questionnaires are distributed through Facebook and these include the open-ended questions. The customers have been experiencing the real life scenario in purchasing the products offered by Hitli Emirates. These customers have presented their concerns regarding the services and the product quality that they have received from the company. The information is necessary for understanding the areas of improvements for ensuring customer satisfaction.

On the other hand, the qualitative data collection process is associated with the telephonic interview session in which 2 managers of Hilti Emirates has participated to discuss the strategic decisions. The managers have discussed the strategic steps undertaken by the company to satisfy the needs of the customers. The information received from the managers is much beneficial for understanding the effectiveness of the appropriate marketing strategy on customer satisfaction.

Data Analysis

The collected data is required to analyze in a systematic way. The information received from the primary data collection process is analyzed by using the software called MS Excel. The presentation of the graphs and charts is used for making the information look more attractive and adequate. On the other hand, the interpreter can be used for memorizing the information received from the managers of Hilti Emirates.


Ethical Consideration

As the researcher is an insider he will seek permission from Hilti Management Team before approaching the selected sample from Hilti customers for the interviews, the researcher pays attention to the required ethical standards as he is engaging human subjects in his study. The researcher even cannot persuade any of the respondents to answer any question. The researcher will get permission from the selected sample informing them that they will be a part of his study voluntarily without any form of pressure. In addition to that, the researcher will consider the confidentiality, meaning that all the details for the participants, their organizations, positions, answers during the interview will remain confidential and will not be disclosed to unless under their permission. The maintenance of the authentic source is also necessary for the research study.


Collecting the quantitative and qualitative data is quite time consuming. Therefore, the researcher finds time constrains is the major limitation for the study. However, the researcher utilized the available time and done proper planning for the selected sample to be in contracting companies which are having a team of procurement engineers and these companies not to be so far from each others to make sure that the visits will not take longer than planned.  Also the study will be limited to Hilti Emirates only and it will be limited to Dubai customers only, also the study will be limited to the main offices of the contracting company due to time constrains the researcher will not visit the job sited and interview customers at site, he will be only visiting the procurement teams in the main offices not site offices.


The researcher has used in the study deductive approach with pragmatism research philosophy for the research. The research design is sequential explanatory and the research nature is mixed method consist of both quantitative and qualitative analysis of data. The researcher chose probability sampling “Stratified Random Sampling. Meanwhile, the researcher has ensured in the study all the ethical considerations and pointed out the possible limitations for the research.

Data Collection and Analysis

The chapter would provide the survey result derived from the quantitative data collection process. The customers who have been dealing with the products offered by Hilti Emirates have participated in this survey. The chapter would also focus on the results obtained from the qualitative data collection process. This qualitative data collection was conducted by undertaking the telephonic interview of 2 managers of Hilti Emirates. The responses derived from these methods would ensure the real scenario of the company. The further discussion is as follows

Quantitative Data Collection 

Demographic questions

Q.1) How long have you been dealing with Hilti Emirates for?

Table 4.1: Tenure

(Source: Created by the Author)


Response Frequency

Number of Responses

Total Respondents

Less than 6 months




6 Months- 1 year




1-3 years




More than 3 years




Graph 4.1: Tenure

(Source: Created by the Author)

Findings and Analysis

The obtained idea from this questionnaire signifies that majority 42% of the customers are quite new. They have been dealing with the products offered by Hilti Emirates for less than 6 months. Almost 22% of the customers have been dealing for 6 months to 1 year whereas 20% of the customers have been for 1-3 years. Remaining 16% of the customers are quite old and they have been using the products for more than 3 years. The findings ensure that Hilit Emirates requires concentrating on the customer retention policies. Majority of the customers are new, which defines that the company is unable to retain the customers with proper marketing strategy. Hence, it can be implied that the company need to concentrate on developing the structured marketing strategy that can help in satisfying the customers and retaining them for the long-term basis.

Q.2) How far do you agree that Hilti Emirates provides the best quality product?

Table 4.2: Product Quality

(Source: Created by the Author)


Response Frequency

Number of Responses

Total Respondents

Strongly Agree
















Strongly Disagree




Graph 4.2: Product Quality

(Source: Created by the Author)

Findings and Analysis

The obtained idea from the above questionnaire initiates the idea that majority 36% of the respondents have been biased against the question regarding the product quality. It has been observed most of the people are not satisfied with the quality parameter of the products offered by Hilti Emirates. However, some of the customers are even satisfied with the quality, but the ratio is lesser in compare to those who are dissatisfied. Hence, it is quite clear that the company requires focusing on upgrading the quality level of the products before it is sold to the potential customers. the proper quality check and monitoring would also be much helpful to gain trust and satisfaction after selling the products. The quality improvement is thus considered as the major concern for the company.

Q.3) Which of the following aspects do you think need improvements?


Table 4.3: Improvement Areas

(Source: Created by the Author)


Response Frequency

Number of Responses

Total Respondents

Product Quality








Customer Service




Timely Delivery




Graph 4.3: Improvement Area

(Source: Created by the Author)

Findings and Analysis

The obtained idea from the above questionnaire identifies that majority 48% of the customers are concerned about the quality parameter, which is followed by 22% of the customers who mentioned about the price. On the other hand, almost 16% of the customers think that the company requires improving the customer service and remaining 14% of the customers mentioned about timely delivery. It is important for Hilti Emirates to improve the quality parameter at the first place. On the other hand, it is necessary for the company to concentrate on the pricing structure to determine the customer satisfaction level.


Quantitative questions on product marketing strategies 

Q.4) How far do you agree that effective pricing strategy has positive impact on product marketing strategies?

Table 4.4: Pricing Strategy

(Source: Created by the Author)


Response Frequency

Number of Responses

Total Respondents

Strongly agree
















Strongly disagree




Graph 4.4: Pricing Strategy

(Source: Created by the Author)

Findings and Analysis

 This question will address the impact of pricing strategy on product marketing strategies. The findings of the study suggest that 485 of the respondents strongly agree to the fact that there is positive influence of pricing strategy on product marketing strategies. The majority of the respondents are supported by 32% of the respondents and 4% of the respondents are indifferent towards the question. On the contrary, 16% of the respondents have disagreed to the research question.  However, marketing theory discussed in the literature review suggest that effective pricing strategy is essential for the success of product marketing strategies. The majority of the respondents have provided similar opinion, which indicates that formulating effective pricing strategy is essential for developing a feasible product marketing strategy.

Q.5) How far do you agree that promotional strategy has positive impact on product marketing strategies?

Table 4.5: Promotional strategy

(Source: Created by the Author)


Response Frequency

Number of Responses

Total Respondents

Strongly agree
















Strongly disagree




Findings and analysis

This question will highlight the impact of promotional strategy on product marketing strategies. The findings of the study suggest that 46% of the respondents strongly agree to the fact that there is positive influence of promotional strategy on product marketing strategies. The majority of the respondents are supported by 34% of the respondents and 2% of the respondents are indifferent towards the question. On the contrary, 18% of the respondents have disagreed to the research question. The marketing theories discussed in the literature review states that promotional strategies are important for improving the product marketing strategy. Promotion is an essential part of marketing and the recent trends suggest that business strategies have become marketing oriented. Promotion is critical is reaching out to the customer so that their need is generated. Need generation is the first key step of buying process and this will be effect the buying behavior of the consumers in the market.

Q.6) How far do you agree that product development strategy has positive impact on product marketing strategies?

Table 4.6: Product development

(Source: Created by the Author)


Response Frequency

Number of Responses

Total Respondents

Strongly agree
















Strongly disagree




Graph 4.6: Product development

(Source: Created by the Author)

Findings and Analysis

This question will depict the impact of product development strategy on product marketing strategies. The findings of the study suggest that 50% of the respondents strongly agree to the fact that there is positive influence of product development on product marketing strategies. The majority of the respondents are supported by 34% of the respondents and 0% of the respondents are indifferent towards the question. On the contrary, 16% of the respondents have disagreed to the research question. The discussed marketing strategies in the literature review suggest that identifying the needs and wants of the consumers is important. Product development is thus significant, as it should mitigate the needs and wants of the consumers in the market. The findings of the study are indicating the same thing that product development is essential for providing the consumers with added value.

Quantitative questions on product customer satisfaction

Q.7) How far do you agree that product quality has positive impact on customer satisfaction?

Table 4.7: Product quality

(Source: Created by the Author)


Response Frequency

Number of Responses

Total Respondents

Strongly agree
















Strongly disagree




 Graph 4.7: Product quality

(Source: Created by the Author)

Findings and analysis

This question will highlight the impact of product quality on customer satisfaction. The findings of the study suggest that 48% of the respondents strongly agree to the fact that there is positive influence of product quality on customer satisfaction. The majority of the respondents are supported by 30% of the respondents and 0% of the respondents are indifferent towards the question. On the contrary, 22% of the respondents have disagreed to the research question. The quality of product is essential especially as it is proving technical equipments to its target consumers. Globalization has increased the competition in the market and maintaining product quality is essential for maintaining competitive advantage in the market. The findings of the study are indicating the same thing but it can only be validated by qualitative analysis later on in this chapter.

Q.8) How far do you agree that service quality has positive impact on customer satisfaction?

Table 4.8: Service quality

(Source: Created by the Author)


Response Frequency

Number of Responses

Total Respondents

Strongly agree
















Strongly disagree




Graph 4.8: Service quality

(Source: Created by the Author)

Findings and Analysis

This question will address the impact of service quality on customer satisfaction. The findings of the study suggest that 52% of the respondents strongly agree to the fact that there is positive influence of service quality on customer satisfaction. The majority of the respondents are supported by 28% of the respondents and 4% of the respondents are indifferent towards the question. On the contrary, 16% of the respondents have disagreed to the research question. As discussed earlier in chapter 2, service quality is crucial in improving the experience of the consumers. Service quality has lot of aspects and fulfilling each of the aspect is essential for providing better customer experience. Enhancement in customer experience will provide better customer satisfaction and the findings of the study is indicating the same thing.

Q.9) How far do you agree that customer experience management has positive impact on customer satisfaction?

Table 4.9: Customer experience management

(Source: Created by the Author)


Response Frequency

Number of Responses

Total Respondents

Strongly agree
















Strongly disagree




Graph 4.9: Customer experience management

(Source: Created by the Author)

Findings and analysis

This question will portray the impact of customer experience management on customer satisfaction. The findings of the study suggest that 60% of the respondents strongly agree to the fact that there is positive influence of customer experience management on customer satisfaction. The majority of the respondents are supported by 22% of the respondents and 6% of the respondents are indifferent towards the question. On the contrary, 12% of the respondents have disagreed to the research question. Customer experience management is a key component of adding value to the service and the findings of the study is indicating the same thing which suggest that by proving the consumers with better customer experience, customer satisfaction level can be increased.

Regression Analysis



















Regression Statistics








Multiple R









R Square









Adjusted R Square









Standard Error
































Significance F

































Standard Error

t Stat


Lower 95%

Upper 95%

Lower 95.0%

Upper 95.0%










X Variable 1




























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































 Regression analysis will define the relationship between the independent variable and the dependent variable. In this current study, the F value is 1.67522E-14, which is less than 0.05 and that means that the null hypothesis in the study is rejected. The alternative hypothesis in the study is accepted which means that product development strategy has positive influence of the customer satisfaction. The value of multiple R is 0.842671088, which is greater than 0.8 and this means that goodness of fit of the regression line is high in the study. This means that majority of the data collected will fall within the regression line. The value of R2 is 0.710094562, which means that the independent variable is able to explain 70% of the dependent variable.  Moreover, the value of R2 is close to one, which means that there is positive correlation between the variables. The regression equation in the current study is y= 0.929639889x+0.207017544, which means that increase in value of x will increase the value of y.

The normality plot shows the normality of the data collected in the study and in this current study, the normality curve is almost a straight line. This means that the data is normally distributed having high degree of reliability and validity. However, the conclusion can only be reached after evaluation of the qualitative data.


Qualitative Data Collection

Interview has been conducted by involving two managers from marketing department of Hilti Emirates.

Q.1) Do you think that Hilti Emirates has been following the suitable marketing strategy to attract more customers?

In this particular question, the first manager of marketing department from Hilti Emirates has pointed out that Hilti’s main objective in promotion is to emphasize its quality and service. Hilti offers the lifetime warranty on the products. Hilti slogan is “Outperform Outlast” states the advantage of buying Hilti products. The company uses complete different channels than other competitors to reach its customers. Hilti never made advertisements in the newspapers or signboards. Hilti promotes itself by reaching its customers and face-to-face visits as mentioned earlier there are around 350 representatives and advisors active for Hilti Emirates to be in direct contact with the customers. They take orders and advise Hilti customers with the right solutions, they offer training and demonstration and job sites, this service is very importance for many consumers, especially contracting companies.

Describing the marketing strategies of Hilti Emirates, another manger revealed that Hilti is providing a service called Fleet Management that makes the customers have the option to lease their tools instead of buying these equipments. During the rental period Hilti offers no upfront investment, instant access the tool inventory, theft insurance and free replacement if reparation is required at no expenses. Hilti is having something called ‘Hilti-days’, that is happening 3 days every year where the customer can go to Hilti Centers in UAE try the tools and test them, and they can make purchase at very special prices and promotions. Hilti is categorizing its customers according to purchase frequency. However, the company is focusing on converting all Hilti customers to “Engaged Customers”, that can happen when the customer can buy more than 3 product lines through more than 2 sales channels. Generally, Hilti is market leader in the construction tools and engineering products, their strategy is offering differentiated products and services and focus is to satisfy the customers. It is identified that the customers generally opt for some of the specific services while purchasing any product or service from a company. It is essential for the company to improve the product quality, which is the major requirement for each of the customer. It is also recommended that Hilti Emirates needs to pay attention towards the pricing structure of the products along with the promotional activities.

Q.2) What are the major Challenges you have been facing in providing the necessary products or services to the target customers.

The second manager from Hilit Emirates has emphasized the significant challenges that they have been experiencing while delivering the products to the potential customers. One of the managers stated that the company is much focused towards using the innovative equipment for the betterment of the project work. Therefore, the company has been using the most advanced technologies that are higher in costs. In order to meet the profitability parameter, the company requires keeping the costs of the products higher. The high pricing structure creates the negative influence on customer minds. The Customer Satisfaction is a main topic for Hilti, Hilti slogan is “We create enthusiastic customers and build better future”. That is reachable by importance of the repair service Hilti offer. Minor reparations can be dealt with by a Hilti-centers in UAE, if that is difficult for customer to reach there, customers can call the Hilti free number then the company send the courier to collect the tool, repair it and deliver it back within maximum 3 days free of charge. There is a ship in every tool showing warranty when scanned by the service center, no need for the customer to carry any certificate. Depending on product type, customers get two years of full warranty, after this period the service costs for repairing are bounded by a maximum of 30% of the purchase price.

The first manager exclaimed that the customers’ demands have been changing drastically by keeping pace with the continuous advancements in the business world. Therefore, it is quite difficult to understand the exact needs and requirements of the customers. This drawback is much challenging for the company to determine any particular marketing strategy. Hilti strive to create a success for their consumers/ customers and meet their needs and demands in order to supply the customers with value-adding and innovative solutions also to achieve a significant and sustainable, profitable growth. Thus, the main statement for Hilti is “We create enthusiastic customers, and build a better future”. In order to ensure the high customer satisfaction level with the services and products, Hilti is aiming to be their customer’s best partner through effective marketing strategies that has been successfully glowing the Hilti brand among the other manufacturers for the same field. These marketing strategies focus on customer’s satisfaction and where Hilti not only to achieve the leadership position but to sustain that position. Hence, it is clear that the company has been paying the attention towards improving the customer relationship to minimize these specific challenges.


The chapter provides the findings and analysis of the results obtained from the qualitative and quantitative data analysis process. The chapter reveals the real life scenario experienced by the customers and the managers of Hilti Emirates. In the further section of the study, the study would link this result to the secondary information.


In this chapter, the objectives would be linked with the conclusion and provide the preferable recommendations for the company. The linking of the primary and the secondary information will be presented in this chapter. The study is focusing on the product marketing strategies developed by Hilti Emirates, which offers the leading-edge technology to the global industries in the construction field. Hilti products are manufactured to offer the construction professionals the innovative solutions by ensuring extra value added services. The information received from the primary data collection process and the literature study would be aligned together to discuss the objectives of the research. The linking of the information would ensure whether it has the met the objectives. The descriptions are provided further.

Linking Objective with the Primary and Secondary Data

Objective 1: To critically analyze the importance of product marketing strategies

Product marketing strategy is an important driving force which distinguishes the success of many companies not only by good-developed product marketing strategies outlining when, where and how the company will be able to compete but also by their ability to execute the chosen options for product marketing strategy decision. As per the literature study, it is noticeable that the successful companies focus on developing the products that are needed to be offered to the target customers. These companies develop the products by applying the unique benefits along with the unique features. The smart marketers are often concerned about retaining the existing customers by improving the product features rather than attracting the new ones. Customers generally opt for the product value that would satisfy their needs whenever they would pay for it.  The extensive market research is thus useful for the business marketers to understand the basic demands of the customers. The factors of product quality, specifications, and convenience are the major concerned areas to achieve the customer satisfaction level

As per the information received from the primary data collection process, it is also noticed that the effective marketing strategy depends on the enhancements of the quality, proper pricing structure, and effective customer services. Hilti strives to provide the best solution to the customers in order to keep them much satisfied. The company deals with the innovative technologies, which help in managing the workforce and produce the best result for the customers. The customer satisfaction is the focus for the company since it is the key to their survival. Considering these aspects would be beneficial for the company to attract more customers towards the products and strengthen the organisational position for a long term.

Objective 2: To understand the utilization of product marketing strategies for increasing customer satisfaction in Hilti Emirates

Organizations are keep on adopting and developing product marketing strategy in continuous way with the view of expanding the markets they perform in and to satisfy their customers in order to maximize profit and gain more market share. The literature study describes that selection of the effective marketing strategy is the major consideration for each of the companies to attract the customers towards the products. It is needed to be considered that the customer demands have been changing drastically in keeping pace with the advancements brought to the business world. The literature study develops the ideas about the effectiveness of the marketing strategy to satisfy the customers. Even though the study provides the different marketing strategy to attract the customers towards products and service, it does not provide the ideas about the customers’ behaviour while making the purchase decisions.

The information derived from the primary data collection process signifies that most of Hilti customers are satisfied with the strategy that the marketing team is following and with Hilti products and they see the brand image and feel the competitive advantages offered to them. It is identified that the customers generally opt for some of the specific services while purchasing any product or service from a company. It is essential for the company to improve the product quality, which is the major requirement for each of the customer. It is also recommended that Hilti Emirates needs to pay attention towards the pricing structure of the products along with the promotional activities. Hence, the company requires being much cautious about structuring their marketing strategy that creates the significant impact on the customers. It is necessary to identify the basic requirements of the customers that would be helpful in making repeat purchases in the future. The company would be able to increase the profitability as well if the customer satisfaction would be higher.

Objective 3: To identify the challenges faced by Hilti Marketing team in UAE applying the product strategies.

The company has been using the most advanced technologies that are higher in costs. In order to meet the profitability parameter, the company requires keeping the costs of the products higher. The high pricing structure creates the negative influence on customer minds. upgrading the quality parameter, appropriate pricing structure, and effective customer services are the major components that lead towards customer satisfaction. It is necessary for the business marketers to gather the adequate knowledge about the demands and needs of the customers. Accordingly, the business marketers formulate the strategy to satisfy those needs of the customers. It is quite difficult to understand the exact needs and requirements of the customers. Hilti strive to create a success for their consumers customers and meet their needs and demands in order to supply the customers with value-adding and innovative solutions also to achieve a significant and sustainable, profitable growth. Understanding the changing customer demands is quite challenging for the company.

Objective 4: To provide recommendations to Hilti Emirates to improve product marketing strategies


The obtained idea from the primary and secondary sources determines that Hilti Emirates require the improvements in the product quality and the marketing activities. It is notable that the company has been looking forward to develop the technological tools to bring more innovations in the construction industry. Therefore, the company needs to use the high quality technological tools, which is much costly. It is thus quite tough for the company to reduce the costs of the products while they are selling these products to the potential customers. Observing this issue, some of the preferable recommendations are presented below:

Development of the effective supply chain process

The production charges are often too high in Hilti Emirates since the company has been using the innovative and advanced technologies. Therefore, the company requires thinking of the proper solution that can lower the charges and improve the production efficiency. In order to achieve such purpose, the company can develop an efficient supply chain process, which helps in managing the distribution channel. With the help of appropriate and organized supply chain process, the production costs are needed to cut down. Reducing the production charges would help in decreasing the prices, which eventually help in gaining the customers’ attention.

Establishing the Communication Transparency

The development of the effective customer relationship is much helpful to convince the customers for the premium service. Once the customers are much satisfied with the product quality and trust the organization, they can even pay the extra charges for the premium quality services. The maintenance of the communication transparency would be appropriate in such cases. The customers require gathering the adequate information as per their convenience. The availability of the customer service executives would be much helpful in such cases. If the customers receive the adequate information from the organisations, the relationship with the organisation and brand would be stronger. Hence, the communication transparency is necessary for increasing the customer satisfaction rate.

Future Scope of the Research

The research provides the idea about the significance of the product marketing strategy that increases the customer satisfaction rate. It creates successful communication on the behalf of the organization. It determines the beneficial aspectto the company and business owners or stakeholders. The importance of the product marketing strategy comes from creating an effective and such dynamic relation between the organization and the customer. The enriched information received from this study can be used as the secondary information for the similar study in future. In fact, the information would enhance the knowledge and analytical power of the researcher to develop the concerns regarding the basic dimensions of product marketing strategy.



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